Status: Hey there, I got inspired to start writing this. Tell me whatcha think?

Everything Was Simply Beautiful.


On a rainy and cold evening in the fresh new month of February, a girl by the name of Raeannan Marie Rivers took her life by a rope, a stool, and she left her family with a note. That note contained the ten words of: Everything was simply beautiful. Thank you for everything, everyone. It was signed in her intricate scroll. The day she died, she was only the age of fifteen. No one knew why or when she decided to take her life, but she did. Souls like Raeannan’s were thought to go to a good place like Heaven, if it existed, not a bad place. All humans alike didn’t truly know where they went when they died, though. But I’m here to tell you my story. I’m Raeannan, and I surely did not go to a place called Heaven.

When I awoke in the afterlife, it was the same. Nothing had changed, and everything looked the same. It was like waking up from a dream, in my living room. I didn’t feel entirely there. It was like I was dizzy. Everything was spinning. I wasn’t sure at first if I was dead or not., then examined my surroundings, and what my eye caught was something extraordinary. It was me, only... Not filled with life. I looked pale and cold, and my lips were a deep and crude looking icy blue. My eyes were open, staring off into nothing. As I moved faster, it seemed as though the only thing effected were the flower petals on my mom’s plant.

I must’ve been dead for a while, judging by my stiffened-looking bones. There, of course, was no blood, only bruising around my collar bone and neck. My eyes were pale, really pale. Instead of the navy colored they were when I was alive. Aside from all the effects of being dead, I sure looked peaceful. Now, you may ask why I killed myself but I do believe I will tell you that a little bit later. Well, I’ll tell you something though, I sure wasn’t sad or depressed or any crazy nonsense like that. In fact I was fairly happy with my life. Everything really was simply beautiful, and I was thankful.
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