Love Fury Passion Energy

I give my heart to you

{{Valkien's POV}}

I give my heart to you.
I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you.

I hissed I could sense another person in here besides Arya.

SHES'S GONE!!!!!!!!! I screamed in my mind.

Everyone growled, I could tell they were all coming back.

"What do you mean she's gone!" Seth yelled.

I pointed to the bed.

He looked and hissed.

"He was here." Stefan voiced.

I rolled my eyes.

"We know that but how didn't we sense him! Damn it!" I yelled.

Aydan put his hand on my shoulder but I shook it off.

"Don't touch me!" I spat.

"Valkien listen to yourself your not gonna find her if you fight me!" Aydan yelled.

I was furious inside, how dare that thing touch the one person I love.

"Guys look there's a note." Grant said.

I ran over and snatched it from his hands.

Dear Vampires,
Or should I saw Valkien yes I have your precious Arya. She is quiet beautiful! What power I will have with her by my side and then I can take your throne. Yes I know who you are little prince. Be prepared to fight! ~ Dyron~

My hands punched up in fist.

"Valkien stop it!" Stefan yelled.

I unclenched my hands to see blood.

"I'll kill him! I swear he'll wish he never laid eyes on Arya or me! He's dead!" I hissed.

I could tell my eyes went from hazel/ gold to black from the way everyone was staring at me.

Seth was the next to change.

Then Grant, and Aydan.

Stefan was last.

"Will get her back but we have to be smart about it!" He said.

I didn't want to hear it, somewhere Arya was in the arms of my enemy I wanted to tear him limb from limb.

"We should go back to Italy get help were gonna need it I can tell this is gonna be a huge fight." Seth said.

I shot a glare at him.

"And risk Arya becomin one of us! Never!" I hissed.

Stefan growled at me.

"We go to Italy and that's finally. He won't bite her he's using her as bait!" He said.

I glared at Stefan but kept my words to myself.

I walked over to the window and jumped out.

I'm coming Arya just hold on!

I give my heart to you.
I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you