Love Fury Passion Energy

She's gonna save us

So I'll start to pretend im ok
But you should know by now that
My life is smoke and mirrors,
The one thing is crystal clear
That i'm the one wishing i was someone else,
Anyone but me tonight

{{Split POV}}

{{Valkien's POV}}

We followed my father to the oracle.

This man knew everthing about every one, he could tell you anything you wanted, but you had to be careful what you asked.

When we came to the oracle's house we were lead inside and brought to the back room of his house.

"Ahh what services do I owe the great king and queen ohhh and their sons?" He asked.

I walked to the front and looked him dead in the eye.

"I want to know what and who Arya Anderson is!" I said with condfidence.

{{Arya's POV}}

When I finally opened my eyes we were on ground and I was laying on something.

I looked to see furs, tons and tons of furs.


I bolted up and as soon as I did that I was face to face with someone I didn't know.

"Ahh your awake....good!" He said.

I took a step back getting ready to run.

"Don't run or try to run it's no use! I'll just send someone to get like I sent Tiryen." He said to me.

Where the hell am I?

{{Valkien's POV}}

"Ahh Arya such a powerful name. You do know it means honorable, queen, leader, fighter." He rambled on.

"Can I just find out who she truely is!" I yelled.

The old man looked at me and sighed.

"I guess my prince." He whispered.

The oracle looked in to a giant cauldron and did something weird to it.

He was chanting things and throwing stuff in, when finally a picture of Arya came up.

"Ahh her name is Arya alright but her last name isn't Anderson."

I looked into the cauldron but couldn't see anything.

"What's her last name, tell us everything." My father ordered.

"This girl, this girl is a gift to our people.....she's gonna save us!" He whispered.


Here i stand (Here i stand)
All alone, (Here i stand)
Tonight (Here i stand)
And i wish i was strong enough to breathe (Here i stand)
Without you, (Here i stand)
In my life, (Here i stand)
I wish i was anyone but me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ya okay I kinda had a dream about how this is gonna go so ya! Uhh please comment kk!