Love Fury Passion Energy

Back off I'll take you on!

Conclusions manifest, your first impressions got to be your very best
I see you’re full of shit, and that’s alright
That’s how you play, I guess you’ll get through every night
Well now that’s over
I see your fantasy, you want to make it a reality paved in gold
See inside, inside of our heads (yeah)
Well now that’s over

{{Arya's POV}}

Still didn't have a plan! Which sucked!

The man that tackled me, I found out his name was Tiryen.

"You know you didn't have to tackle me!" I blurted.

Tiryen smiled and walked over to where I sat he sat down, and looked at me.

"I am sorry I guess, but I'm bored and it's only me and you in here!" He said.

He was right I was bored too, we both needed excitement.

Tiryen and I talked for awhile longer.

He wasn't that bad, I might actually thought he was cool if he didn't kidnap or tackle me!

Yes I hold a grudge!

We were still talking when Dyron and another man walked in.

"Ahh queen I see your awake!" He said.

I stood up, Tiryen standing up right after me.

"What do you want?" I asked with as much hate in my voice I could muster.

"I want you to hear some news." He said.

He then looked over at the man standing next to him.

"Hello my name is Morin I work for the soon to be ex king and queen. I have seen your beloved Valkien with my own eyes." Morin stated.

My mouth dropped.

Valkien is alive!

"They all went to see a oracle about you to find out who you truely are, I didn't not follow for fear the oracle would know. When they got back to the castle, the king and his eldest son Stefan prepared a army. My future queen this is a war and your the diamond that everyone wants!" He said.

I looked at this man in disgust.

"Are you sure Valkien is alive?" I asked.

Morin nodded.

I looked at Dyron smuggly.

"Valkien is alive! When he comes for me I hope you are the first one that dies!" I spat.

Dyron then did something I din't expect.

He smiled!

"Ahh Arya little Valkien isn't strong enough, not yet atleast!" He said.

I glared at him, and did something unexpected I slapped him.

His head turned but was soon back to normal position. He was glaring at me now.

I knew any second he would hit me.

But something came over me, like I knew I would fight back.

"Hit me and it'll be the last thing you EVER do!" I hissed.

Everyone in the cave was shocked at my sudden boost of confidence.

Dyron growled and walked away with Morin and Tiryen at his heels, leaving me alone.

I hope Valkien kills you!

Back off I’ll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone
I know that you are wrong
I can’t give everything away
I won’t give everything away
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay ppl! I really didn't know what to write I made it up while I went so it might suck! Don't yell at me though! So, I hope you like! Comment pleaz!