Love Fury Passion Energy

What has gotten into you!

{{Valkien's POV}}

I wouldn't even fly close to my brother.

How could he like the girl that I was supposedly to be destinied with.

Seth looked at me strange.

What's wrong with you?

I growled and ignored his thought to me.

Stefan and Aydan looked at me and just ignored us.

Were getting close, a soldier has info about were they might be father said in thought.

I got excited and sped up alittle.

~10 minutes later~

When we landed we were in a field.

"Where is she?" I whispered to Grant.

He shook his head and kept his attention forward.

I looked ahead also and could see someone emerging from the darkness.

When he came into full sight I knew he was the one that went by Dyron.

"Ahh the royal family how good it is to see you all together....for maybe even the last time also." He said.

I hissed at him and he turned his attention to me.

"You must be young Valkien. I've heard alot about you." He said.

I hissed again and started to take a step forward but was stopped by Seth's hand.

I looked down at it in disgust and shook him off.

What the hell has gotten into you?

What has gotten into you for liking Arya?

Seth was quiet and didn't respond.

Just what I thought!

"So young Valkien would you like to see you dear darling Arya?" Dyron asked in a cruel voice.

I turned my attention to him.

As in a matter of second Arya appeared.
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Comment please! This came at the top of the dome so please don't hate to much!