Love Fury Passion Energy

No one will die for me

{{Arya's POV}}


Was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw him.

"Arya are you okay?" Valkien yelled.

I nodded and saw that Valkien sighed.

"Remember queen, he will not win!" Dyron whispered.

I glared at him.

"I hope you die!" I said slowly and merceless.

Dyron just smirked and kept his attention forward.

"Come on little prince if you want her so bad come and get her!" He yelled.

I saw Valkien take a step but was stopped in his tracks by another man.


"I will fight you one on one for her! Winner takes all" He yelled.

I looked at Dyron to see him smiling.

"Seth you and no one else will die for me!" I shouted.

Dyron turned his attention to me and hissed.

"Bitch keep out of it!" I hissed.

I spat at his feet.

"Go to hell!" I said.

Dyron growled and slapped me.

I fell to the ground and everything happened so quickly.

I was caught and brought back to the good side by Aydan.

And the others were fighting Dyron and his men that appeared out of no where.

When I watched I could see it was Valkien that was getting beat.

He's gonna die!

But then out of no where came Seth!

Seth kicked Dyron sending him into a tree.

Seth then looked at me and smirked.

Please don't die Seth!
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