Love Fury Passion Energy

God no!

{{Arya's POV}}

I didn't believe the oracle when he said Seth was the real choosen one, to me Valkien was my choosen one and that was it end of story. Valkien was my true love.

The oracle man guy walked away from me to join the fight.

What can I do?

I looked over to where Valkien was fightning. He know was getting the upper hand over Dyron but I think it was thanks to Seth who injured him.

Please don't leave me!

{{Valkien's POV}}

I could hear Arya's thoughts and deep down I smiled.

I'm not gonna leave you I promise!

Dyron was way to fast and if I let my guard slip at any second he might get the upper hand and kill me!

I saw a opening and within seconds my hand was at Dyron's neck.

Everyone fighting stopped, and looked at us.

"Go ahead kill me boy! He spat.

Do it Valkien!

"I shall enjoy killing you! I'll make you regret you ever touched and laid eyes on Arya!"

"Then do it and don't talk about it!"

I hissed but didn't kill him right away.

"Ahh is the prince having second thoughts?"

Please Valkien end this so I can be with you! Arya's thoughts rang in my head.

"Thinking about that whore is what cost you!" He yelled.

I don't remeber what happened so much but I remember looking down seeing blood my blood and hearing Arya scream.

God no!
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Sorry it's so short I didn't know what to type! Thanks for all the comments about who I should choose only 2 ppl wanted Arya with Seth so ya! I'll update as soon as I can! Comment more please!