Love Fury Passion Energy

Uhh Arya

{{Split POV}}


Okay no matter how how old I was I was still a kid and I still hated waking up in the morning.

"Come on Valk get up or were gonna be late do you want to make Stefan mad!" Seth said shaking me.

I groaned and opened my eyes, Seth was before me smirking down at me.

"Come on or your not gonna get to see that girl!" He said slyly.

I shut up and glared at him.

"Shut up do you want Steffan and the others find out I only told you cause I trust you!" I yelled whispered.

Seth rolled his eyes and walked out my room.

Why again was he my favorite brother?

I got up got dressed and headed down stairs.

"Okay act normal if anyone gets in trouble you have to deal with me!" Stefan stated.

Grant, Aydan and myself laughed at this. Causing Stefan to glare at us.

"I am serious this goes to you Valkien if you get in trouble I swear!" He said.

"And what are you gonna do! I swear Stefan if you lay a hand on him." Seth blurted.

That's why he was my favorite brother.


I hate mornings, I hate school, ow I hate the sun too!

Damn it bright!

Note to self lock door so dad can't open shades.

I got ready for school went down stairs grabbed my keys a muffin and started walking to the bus stop.

Walking there I met up with Tia and Jasmine.

They still didn't forget about the whole boyfriend thing with the exchange kids.

While walking we ran into Tonya Davids and Michelle Bardwell.

"Ohh look the emo's!" Tonya yelled.

I gritted my teeth but kept my words to myself.

"Good girl Arya!" Jasmine whispered.

"Aww look Tonya there ignoring us!" Michelled blurted.

I looked over at them and glared.

"Aww cat got your tongue!" Tonya said.

That was it I blew.

I stormed over to the side of the street where they were with Tia and Jasmine at my side.

"Listen here you little sluts you are not gonna make this year hell for me like last year cause this year is different I will punch you in your ugly face! Okay!" I yelled.

They looked at me shocked.

"Aww cat got your tongue!" Tia said.

Tia, Jasmine and I laughed and continued to walk to the bus stop.

Waiting for about five minutes the bus finally came.

Tia and Jasmine got on first then me.

The bus was full and hardly no space at all.

Tia and Jasmine sat next to each and gave me the 'sorry' look.

I looked around but no one wanted me to sit next to them.

Finally I laid eyes on that boy from the park.

I walked over to his seat.

"Can I sit here?" I asked quietly.

He looked at me like he was surprised but moved his backpack and nodded.

I sat down but I could feel my heart beating so loud that I swear he could hear it.

He seemed really tense so we sat in silence.

Until a kid in front of us turned around and said.

"Hi I'm Seth, what's your name?" He asked.

"Uhh Arya."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if it sucks and that it's really long but ya I had to type. I swear this is like my favorite story maybe besides disenchanted. But ya. This chapter is for two people who commented and really gave me inspiration! Thanks alot you two!