Love Fury Passion Energy


{{Arya's POV}}

I couldn't believe what Seth was saying.

Be with him!

"Seth...I..." I stuttered.

Seth just looked at me, his eyes like burning holes into my soul.

"Why not Arya?"

Why not, have you ever thought that maybe Valkien is the reason why not


"Answer the question Arya why not?" He demanded.

I looked away and my eyes landed on Valkien who just laid there, now the rest of the family was surrounding him.

"What do you want me to say Seth? Ohh sure I'll be with you when I love VALKIEN! I love you too Seth but I can't!"

Seth took a step forward to me.

"Arya I could protect a lot better than he could, I'am a man he is still a little boy at this, and does not know how to handle someone as special and beautiful as you! I love you Arya more than anything and I know that you love me too! But my love there is more passion that burns for me than for Valkien I can tell!"

I shook my head he can't be right he must not be right!

"Seth I love you but I can't be with you." I whispered.

Seth reached out to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Yes you could we could run away together and no one would ever know, we could start a family and I'll be everything you want and more! Just say the word Arya."

I couldn't do it yes Seth was right I had feeling for him but what about Valkien I couldn't hurt him!

I can't win this if I choose Seth I hurt Valkien, if I choose Valkien I hurt and loose Seth.

I looked in Seth's eyes and wanted to melt.


But before I could even say anything his lips were on mine.

It was like electricity. It felt perfect!

NO I can't!

I tried pushing away from Seth but my attempts were febile.

"Get your hands off her!" Someone hissed!