Love Fury Passion Energy

A great moment

::Valkien's POV::

The traditional ceremony was taken very serious in my clan. Like traditon I wasn't allowed to see Arya for five days and on the last night we would finally be reunited and that's when I would turn her. Right now for Arya she had to be cleansed and dressed and so many other things that I knew Arya must have hated for I could sense it in her mind. She just wanted to be with me not go through this but in the end everything would be okay.


I turned around and saw my brother Stefan standing by the window.

"What do you want Sefan?"

"Well hello to you to Valkien!"

I rolled my eyes I did't really like seeing anyone, they all made me mad and I couldn't turn to Arya in my time of need

"Stefan...what do you want?"

"Arya told me to tell you that she misses you."

"Your a messanger now!" I said smirking.

Stefan hissed a litle at me but I brushed it off.

"I was just being nice for her she hates not seeing you and being around people she doesn't know."

"Ya...I know what she means god damn it why can't we just do this my way!"

"Cause your a prince, we have to do somethings the traditional way!"

I looked down at my hands and then back at Stefan.

"This is gonna be a great moment for all Valkien."

"Ya I know it will..."
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Sorry I haven't written in awhile I was busy and didn't know what to write! So ya. Please comment! This is just a filler story anyway so...