Love Fury Passion Energy

So Intoxicating

::Valkien's POV::

Very slowly I made my way to Arya's neck and before I bite her whispered in her ear. "This might hurt a bit" And I bite her.

Her blood was so intoxicating I never ever in my years of being a vampire (which was all my life) tasted anything this sweet.

I could feel a change coming over me. I know I was usually a sensible feeder and I would never hurt my victim or anything but when I was sucking Arya's blood I felt like an animal and never had I wanted to hurt someone so badly in my life.

I could end her life with one twist of my hand, just one twist and she would be gone.

Shit! what the hell is goin on with me!

I didn't want to kill Arya she was my everything and I love her! But her blood....I just had to have it, and I didn't want to stop. I don't think I could even stop.

But I had to stop if I drank all her blood then I would kill her, and that wasn't the plan. I was only sippose to drink a certain amount and the saliva in my mouth would turn her.

With so much force I pulled away from Arya's neck and gasped. I can't belive I almost killed her. I laid her down gently on the bed and walked away from it and sat in a chair and just watched her. She was limp, almost was really dead. Her breathing was shallow and her heartbeat was getting slower by the second.

I'm a monster

That was all I could think about....I might have killed the one thing in my life that I actually loved! Why the hell did I ever agree to doing this!!! Fuck! I'm so stupid!

I was so inraged that I had to get out of the room, I walked down to the garden and sat on the ledge near the waterfall and looked in the water. And just thought about what I did.

Valkien......valkien you fucked up big time man!
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Comment please people....I'm trying to pick this story up from not writing for so long so I know it probably sucks but I would appreciate feedback!