Love Fury Passion Energy

Wishing on a Star that Isn't There

::Valkien's POV::

I couldn't believe that I left Arya, just left her lying there because I was afraid. I moved from my spot on the ledge outside the garden I was now roaming the streets of my home. My mind was working over time, as much as I wanted to go back to Arya and comfort her and be with her, I couldn't....not yet at least. I wanted to be sure I could control myself before going back. I was making a vow to myself that I would never hurt or think about hurting Arya again.

You have to go back That was all I could think about. I had to go back and make things right. I couldn't let Arya think I didn't love her and let her be a new born vampire alone. Well she wasn't alone....but without me With a heavy sigh and a lot of motivation I turned around and started walking back to my my Arya.

::Arya's POV::

I was so curious about what was written in that letter Aydan told me to give to the father. I was sitting in the entrance room of the castle looking at a father... suggested I might like. Personally I thought he was just trying to get my mind off of Valkien. It worked. The book was highly interesting, especially since I love mystery books. But as soon as I would end a chapter and look up my mind went straight back to thinking about Valkien. Where could he be? Was all I could think about, that and if he was safe or not. After an hour of reading I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get off my butt and just walk around. As soon as I stood up guards surrounded me. What the hell? "I was just going to walk around you guys, you know stretch." The guards nodded and went back to there post but kept a hawk's eye on me. So I can't even walk without guards surrounding me...jeez!

I walked over to the bookcase and was looking at the books when the entrance door opened up. It was like a huge gust of wind open them, papers went flying and even my hair was whipping about my head. I looked over to see who opened the door and my mouth dropped. Valkien! I ran over to him but before I could get into his open arms, he was being dragged away from me. "Where are you taking him! Stop it!" I ran to keep up with the guards who were dragging him away. "Where sorry princess these were the rules from the King, to bring Prince Valkien to him as soon as he steps foot in the door."

I was beyond pissed now. All I wanted was to hug Valkien and make sure he was okay, and they still wouldn't let me do that. "Arya don't worry about it, I'll be out soon" Those were the only words I heard from Valkien's mouth before he was pushed into the Kings chamber and the doors were slammed shut, with me on the outside. I couldn't believe this. Valkien got back and I didn't even get to talk to him, or hold him or anything. This wasn't fair, and while I stood there with my back against the wall next to the Kings Chamber, I saw Grant, Aydan, and Stefan get escorted into the room. Before Grant walked into the room. He kissed me on the forehead and whispered everything was going to be okay. When he walked into the room I was in sort of a better mood. But not that good of a one, now all I could do was wait, I slid down to the floor, one of th guards went back and grabbed my book and gave it too me. I took the book and began reading. I could tell this was going to be a long night
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Sorry about the long wait!!! I had major writer's block!! This chapter is kind of a filler chapter I guess!!! Someone asked me if there was going to be a sequel! Yes there will be!! Expect that to be coming very very soon!!! Comment people!! Oh and I want you guys to help me!! I need some big idea's!!! If you give me an idea and I use it you will get credit!! don't worry!! so yea comment and send in those big idea's!!!