Love Fury Passion Energy


{{Valkien's POV}}

All day I spent as much time as I could with Arya.

There was something about her that I just couldn't place a finger on.

After school when we got on the bus we were really quiet since we talked about everything at school.

I could honestly say she was my best friend but did I want more?

Right now she was talking to Aydan.

he had taken a liking to her immediately and was very protective over her kinda like a big brother.

What surprised me was she was able to get through to him and make him talk since usually he's quiet.

'Do you think Stefan would let Arya come over?' I said asking Seth telepathically.

he looked at me and gave me the are-you-serious- look.

'I don't know couldn't hurt to ask, or it could and you'll be in a pain for awhile!'

I rolled my eyes and looked back at Arya who was now laughing at a joke Aydan must have said.

There's that smile and laugh again that intoxicated me every time.

'I hear you want something, what is it.' Stefan asked.

I looked back at him.

'Can Arya come over?'

It was quiet for a really long time and I could sense Stefan thinking really hard.

'I guess.' He said finally.

I cheered in my head causing all my brothers to hiss at me.


"Hey Arya do you want to come over?" I asked.

She looked at me and nodded.

"Sure but can I call my dad when we get to your place?" She asked.

I nodded, causing her to smile making me intoxicated.

'You like this human don't you' Stefan asked puzzled.


'Ahh I can see why she is beautiful, powerful, and there's something about her'

'You sense it too?'

'We all do but we just can't tell it's nothing evil but in the wrong hands it might be'
'Keep a close eye on her Valkien, well do the same in return.'

I smiled and nodded.

This day couldn't get better