Teenage Dream

Bitter Lemon.

They say when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Unfortunately for me, there was absolutely no way for me to make lemonade with this lemon. No matter how much I sugar I put in it to try and make it sweet, it just became more and more bitter.

That's what Cyree Cashman was - a bitter lemon.

She was also a drug-addicted whore, who snuck out every night and got into clubs with fake I.D's, something she seemed to be proud of. Her attitude was far worse than the fact that she smoked weed. She was a bitch for no reason and liked to think she was better than everyone else because her uncle was a famous music producer. It was the only reason she was actually a part of a label. No music producer in his right mind would sign that auto tuned witch.

I had just gotten done recording a song when they dropped the bomb on me.

"You and Cyree Cashman will be touring together."

My jaw dropped slightly. "O-okay," I managed to spit out after a while. The feeling of wanting to throw a fit over this was overwhelming but I held back anyways. This would be the worst year of my life. God only knows what hell that girl would put me through.

I felt two holes being burned in the back of my head and when I turned around, I saw none other than Cyree Chasman glaring at me. She seemed even more pissed off about the tour than I did. I put on a fake grin that seemed to piss her off even more before going out to greet her.

"Hi, Cyree," I greeted her, my grin still fixed in place even though all I wanted to do was give her the same look she was giving me. I stuck out my hand, "I'm Justin. It looks like we'll be touring together."

Her eyes shifted from my face to my hand, then back to my face again. "I'm not shaking your hand. I don't want fag to rub all over me," She spat. She was lucky there were no adults in the room to hear her.

"Yes, because fag is like germ or disease you can catch," I retorted, pulling my hand back and shoving them in my pockets.

She continued to glare at me. "I don't want to go on tour with you."

"Like wise."

Scotty came back into the room after talking with my parents. "Alright, you have a month before the tour starts, so I suggest you use this time to get to know each other better."

"Sure thing, Uncle Scotty," She told him, putting on a fake grin and kissing him on the cheek. I mentally gagged - what a suck up!

I nodded and Scotty walked out of the room. Cyree turned to me, the same glare from before back in place. "Don't mess with me or I will make your life a living hell," She threatened before turning on her heal and speeding back to her uncle.

Like I said, Cyree Cashman was a bitter lemon.
♠ ♠ ♠
I finally updated this story. Took about a year, maybe longer. I don't even know if Katelyn and I are continuing this story since we haven't talked in about a year. Anyways, this was supposed to be longer but when I finally got my computer back, everything was erased and I had little to no motivation to even rewrite it. So, I finally wrote this instead.

I honestly don't when the next update will be since I don't know when Katelyn gets on, or if she ever gets on anymore.