Status: Hiatus

Don't Listen to the World


Later that day, John, Jared, Tim, and Eric were all standing in the Kirch foyer chatting and waiting for Pat to hurry up in the bathroom so they could leave for the mall already.

Pamela bounded down the staircase humming Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard, unaware of the boys down there. No doubt that everyone’s eyes shot up to her moving figure once they heard her coming down; that is, all except for John and Tim who continued on with their conversation, neither wanting to pay Pamela any extra attention.

“Oh, hey.” She greeted the boys once she realized that they were watching her, embarrassment nowhere to be seen in any of her features. “Where are you guys off to?” she asked since no one responded to her greeting the first time.

“The mall.” Jared told her, failing to keep the smile she brought upon him off of his face.

She nodded her head once, in understanding. “Mind if I join?” she asked sweetly, the way that she knew, from experience, that no boy could resist. “I have to pick some things up.” She added in.

“No, no. that’s fine. You can come, I’m sure we can make room for you in the car.” Eric stuttered out.

“Thanks.” Pamela smirked at his rambling, and the fact that he fell right into her plan. “I’m Pam by the way.” She closed the short distance so that he was standing right in front of her and extended her hand for him to shake.

“Halvo.” He stated, grasping her small hand gingerly. “I mean, my names not Halvo, it’s Eric. But since my last name’s Halvorsen, everyone just calls me Halvo for short.”

“Got it.” She smirked again. “So permission to call you Halvo?”

He smiled greatly, “Permission granted.”

Pam noticed that Tim and John had finished discussing whatever it was that they were before. Now Tim was staring at Eric in disbelief at the fact that he was unknowingly giving her permission to walk all over him, like she’s done with many other guys before. She also noticed that, strangely, John didn’t pay any attention to her standing there the whole time; he was constantly looking from his friends, to the floor, to the ceiling, etcetera; always looking at something that wasn’t Pamela. She took notice to his unhappy expression and eye rolls when Eric spoke up to talk to her.

“Alright, I’m ready.” Pat said as he skipped from the end of the hallway to his friends at the front door. “Oh, hey, Pam.” He addressed her presence, upon taking notice to her standing there with a small smirk played on her lips.

Tim finally spoke up, “Pam’s coming with us.” He informed Pat.

“Okay, cool.” Pat smiled his happy childish smile. “This could be like, family bonding.” He said as he tried to come up with a special name for their day out.

“We’re not your family.” John whispered out a little harshly, but everyone heard his comment though.

In the mind of every boy standing in the foyer, one common phrase could be read throughout their minds, Thank God. Each thinking that for different reasons of course.

When John’s soft voice reached Pamela’s ears she swore that she’s heard that sweet whisper somewhere before, she just couldn’t put her finger on it. There was something about his voice that made him seem all too familiar to her, even though she swore that she has never met him before.
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