I Love to Hate You


I couldn't feel anything. And it was dark. So not only was I froze in one place, but I couldn't see what that place was. It was starting to piss me off. I've been in this "state" for a long long time now.

I had no idea what was going on in the real world. I was stuck in my own little demented world. Argh! I just wanted to be able to open my eyes for crying out loud. Or not out loud, since I can't DO anything!

Finally, for what feels like hours later I hear a voice. One that belongs to Rick. It was faint, but if I strained my ears I was able to hear it.

"When will she wake up? It's been three days!" Whoa, three days? I thought it was a couple hours!

"Well, she should be waking up soon. Don't worry, she's doing very well. The smoke must have filled her lungs. It happens a lot during a fire." It must have been a nurse who was talking, because I didn't know her voice.

As if the nurse could tell the future, I began to feel the pressure of the darkness begin to lift. Finally! I squint my eyes open a tiny crack and the sliver instantly filled with a blinding light. I groan and shut my eyes.

"Norah? Norah are you okay?" Rick's voice was so loud and it was right by my ear.

"You always have been the loud one." I groan and look at him, my eyes tearing up from the light.

"Don't cry Norah. You're fine." He says soothingly.

"The light is so bright Rick. It's hurting my eyes." I say. "But thank you for caring." I smile.

"I'll leave you three be. And here, I'll dim the light." She smiles and shuts the door behind her. Did she just say all THREE of us? What?

"Who else is here?" I turn and look around the room. Will was sitting on a chair in the corner of the room, snoring. Classy. "Why is Will here?"

"When I went to call 911, you collapsed. You're lucky Will was there to call an ambulance, you were suffocating..."

"Why was he walking around our house? The kid lives in the rich part of town. Have you not seen his clothes?"

"Just be thankful Norah. I am. I it would kill me if I lost you too."

I smile and pat his cheek. "You won't lose me Rick. I'll always be there for you."

"Good. Well, I'm going to a friend's for a poker game and to figure out if I can rent a house for us. Get better."He smiles and stands up. As much as I want to be mad that he's leaving, poker is his release. He does have a lot to deal with.

"Be safe."

"Sure thing."

"Wait, Rick. How was the fire started?" I really wanted to know.

"I accidentally put an Arby's burger in the microwave. And I forgot to take the foil off. And the fire just spread. EVERYWHERE!" He says sheepishly.

"You idiot." I smile at him as he leaves.

Will begins to stir in his seat. It's time to get some answers from this boy!
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I know this one is a little short. But I have a softball game soon and I wanted to update before I left. Isn't Rick an idiot! haha, my sister did the same thing a year ago. The house didn't burn down, but we had to get a new microwave. I hope you all like it!