Green Ice Cream

Green Ice Cream

I wasn't stalking her. Really. I swear to God, Buddha, and Satan.

Just because I'm always at the park at two fifteen when she takes her break does not mean I'm stalking her. Two fifteen is prime sun time, and I do need a tan. It's also when the park is less busy, so I can read in peace.

I glanced down at my book and pushed my glasses farther up.

Because that's what I was doing. Reading.

Just because I glance up every couple seconds to make sure she's still there doesn't make me creepy. I'm worried. She could injure herself.

OK, she was swinging.

But, if she fell off and hurt herself, I'd be there. I'd carry her to the nearest hospital and flash my brilliant smirk her way, leaving her breathless and completely in love with me.

That is, if my muscles ever came in, and my braces ever came off.

Puberty. Leaves every guy I know looking like they came out of a movie.

I just got taller, skinnier, and braces. Not to mention my eye sight is slowly failing me. But I'd like to think my glasses give me the sexy, mysterious look.

I glanced up again.

She was eating ice cream, like she did everyday whenever she took her break. The weird thing was, it was always a bright colored ice cream. Blue, orange, yellow, you name it. I had no idea where she got it from, but she always had one. A bright colored ice cream flavor in a cone. Which meant she was swinging with one hand. Which is why swinging (at least, with her) could be considered dangerous.

I sighed and blew my brown hair out of my face. It was time for a haircut.

Once again, every guy I knew looked good with long hair. I looked like a boy trying to be a girl.

Whoever controlled the way things work obviously had something against me.

(I think I was Hitler or someone in a past life. Explains why I can never catch a break.)

I felt something rattling in my pocket, and took it out. My cellphone was vibrating. My mother was calling me. I opened the phone and held it to my ear.

"Where are you?" After telling her where I was, she said that she needed me home to watch my sister. Sighing, I closed the phone and got up. Stretching, I put my hands in my pockets and began to walk. Glancing back at the swings, I noticed she left. Shaking my head, I barely heard the 'hey!' from a voice behind me.

I turned and I swear, I almost had a heart attack.

She was standing merely a couple feet away and holding out something to me. I glanced down and bit my lip.

My book.

"You left this." She smiled and her bright eyes twinkled. I swallowed and nodded, grabbing my book from her outstretched hand.

"Thanks." I offered her my best smile, then I remembered my braces. Before I could hide them she crinkled her nose.

"Nice color pick for your braces by the way. Bye!"

She turned away, and some unforeseen force decided to make me act against my will. Before I knew it, I was waving my hand and shouting for her to wait. She turned halfway and gave me a quizzical look. I ran my hand through my hair, thinking of something to say. Then I noticed the spot of ice cream on her cheek.

"You've got something...there." I pointed to her face. She frowned and wiped at her cheek. Checking what was on her hand, she giggled.

"Just green ice cream. Thanks though. Wouldn't want people to see that!" She then walked off. I smiled and watched her before turning and walking out of the park.

Green ice cream.
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Drabble. I like it. :)
& No, I don't really know if green ice cream exists.