

I pulled the earphones out of my ear and gave the mirror a long, melancholy look. Concluding that I looked like a cracked-out high scholar, I congratulated myself on achieving perfection. I hadn't combed my hair in days and it showed, the jacket I wore was sized to fit an overweight middle-aged man and my skinny jeans and Converse gave me emo kid points. I left the bathroom and returned back to my lunch table where I sat with the friends I have made on my first day, Jessica (who wears a headband every at all times), Mike (who is a squeamish man-woman) and the Asian couple. They don't have names; they are just the token Asian couple.

I, Bella Goose, want to moan about my life and how I came to this new school now. My father and I live in Spoons, where it rains as much as I whine; A LOT. My mother ditched me for her Mexican boyfriend, Enrique Julio Caesar-Rodriguez, who got deported last month back to his homeland. I forgive my mother for following her man, and her deserting me is the only thing I do not make a big deal out of. Charlie, my dad, is exactly like me in all ways (boring, bland, always seeming confused), except I lack a mustache. Sometimes I wish I had a mustache...

Suddenly, every head in the cafeteria turned to the doorway to watch a group of pale and over dressed "teens" who looked nearly 30 enter the room. For some reason, I felt that I should think they are attractive. I mean, they aren't, but I want to fit in really bad on my first day and all. “Who’s that attractive bunch of people over there?” I asked, slowly lifting my hand and pointing directly at them. The biggest boy then ran a finger across his throat, while the girl with short hair, gave me a dirty look and the "finger".

“SHH! Bella don’t point! They will kill you!” Jessica warned. She sensed my curiosity and explained further, "They are the Dullens. They are married, but they are family."
"Oh, so they are incest?" I inquired.

"Yeah, but it is totally acceptable."

"Kay, just making sure."

"The guy that looks like he is having trouble on the toilet is Jasper, and his girlfriend/wife/sister/cousin-thing is Alice. The other couple is Rosalie and Emmett. The only one that isn't dating a family member is Twitward, well I mean there was some speculation about him and Emmett but, you know, for the MOST part he is single. Even though he doesn't date... Yeah, I'm pretty sure he is homosexual, don't try."