

Just then, the bell rang to dismiss us to fifth period. Looking at my schedule, I began walking to Biology class. Since I'm so clumsy and helpless, I ended up late to class after falling down four times in the hallway. Everyone had already chosen their lab partners, and I was stuck with the boy sitting in the desk fartherest away from the window. When I sat down, I realized it was Twitward and I became extremely excited. I couldn't show this anticipation, though, so I kept my stoned-looking expression on. I could tell he thought this was a turn on because his fists were clenched and his face was contorted with horrible pain.

Twitward was doodling away on a sheet of notebook paper. His chair was scooted as far away from me has he could possibly get it, but I still managed to look over his shoulder and see what he was drawing. It seemed to be a portrait of a scrawny girl with a doobie in her hand being eaten by a man with large, carnivorous fangs and black eyes. He had ripped off one of her arms, which was bleeding off to the side and now he was happily biting down on her throat. The male figure had a large black arrow pointing to it, showing that this was Twitward and the girl was wearing a sticker that said "Hello my name is: Bella". I laughed at the coincidence that she had the same name as me.

The bell rand to dismiss us and Twitward was the first one out of the classroom. I lifted up my arm and took a whiff, but I concluded that wasn't the problem because I still had the aroma of a jasmine flower in my pits. When I reached the parking lot, I heard a charming voice sweetly calling my name. I turned around and it was a beautiful Indian boy with his shirt off. Jacob Black, this gorgeous hunk of meat, that I could describe for days, had a crush on me, but I being the woman of justice, knew that this wasn't right because I am whiney, useless, incompetent and on drugs and he is the personification of perfection, so I lead him on then subject him to emotional distraught (because that is the just the noblest of actions).

I turned and smiled at the boy that possessed the abs of Hercules. "Hi, Jacob. What do you need?" I asked. He looked worried momentarily while looking around the parking lot.

"Bella, listen. I'm just going to skip the Indian folklore tale because you are too thick-headed and just don't get that pale face means vampire. So, just stay away from that Dullens family they are vampires and they will suck your blood!" Jacob said to me, grabbing my arm firmly.

"Wow, Jake, you are REALLY hot!"

"Yeah, we have been over this, I'm a werewolf."

"Do you have a fever or something?"

"No, Bella, werewolves have a high temperature. It's normal, I'm healthy."

"You should probably go to the doctor."

"Bella, are you oblivious to everything I'm saying?!"

"I have some Nyquil back at my place."

Jacob walked away seemingly very frustrated. I hope he didn't notice that I wasn't paying attention to what he was talking about because I was just so into his spotless complexion. I hoped in my beat-up Chevy that omits enough smoke to create it's on little hole in the ozone layer and began my way home.