
Three .

Pulling into the driveway, I saw a dark, awkward figure standing in my yard. I waved delighted at the visitor, but the visitor flipped my off. I frowned a little until I realized it was Twitward then I instantly forgave him because I have to say, I am growing quite fond of this pale hair-gelled man. I got out of the car, slammed the creaky door and walked up to my visitor. Twitward growled a little then started walking into the woods.

I decided he wanted me to follow him, and I took off into the dense, misty forest behind him. Once we were fully surrounded by mossy oaks and shrubbery, Twitward came to a stop. Standing on a dilapidated stump, Twitward stared down at me. “Bella, I am going to eat you. You smell really good, like my own brand of crack cocaine. I know this because I am on this drug, I mean, look at me! I look as strung out as you do. Why does no one see that I am a druggie? Anyway, I’m going to kill you and suck your blood,” Twitward said.

I could feel that my eyes got big, but I tried to act like his words didn’t frighten me. I was fighting not to shake, and my heart was beating faster and faster. Making my words steady, I said, “I know what you are, and I am NOT scared.” Though I am sure I looked scared out of my mind, I said this in my very confident voice.

“Well, you would have to be stupid not to realize by now. I’m pale, never in the sunlight, and I WANT TO SUCK YOUR BLOOD. It’s not like you are Nancy Drew or something,” Twitward said, not impressed by my sleuth skills.

“I’m going to say it,” I said loudly.

“Okay, say it,” Twitward replied.

“I’m going to! I’m not scared!” I said again.

“Okay, well, I am beginning to think you actually don’t know what I am because you are stalling,’ Twitward said, annoyed.

“You are Frankenstein, but I don’t care because I love you!” I screamed, pointing at the alarmed man on the stump.

“I hope you are kidding. I’m a vampire, Bella, and I love you too,” Twitward said shaking his head.

“Really? In which case, I really am not scared and I definitely don’t love you. A vampire? That’s such a wussy monster. I was wigging out when I thought your where Frankenstien, now THAT’S scary… And extremely attractive,” I said letting out a sigh of relief and a light chuckle.