My Chemical Fro-mance

The fro ball

One day Gerard wasplaying Guitar Hero™ and Ray walked in. "Hey Gerard, let me show you how to really rock!" he said.
Ray grabbed theguitar off Gerard and started rocking. He was so awsome, he started head banging and his hair was everywhere. Ray's hair started to rub agaisnt Gerard's face, making him instantly come out in a horrific rash. Ray's hair started going into his mouth and Gerard started to choke. He couldn't breathe!
But Ray was too busy rocking to his favourite Fall Out Bou song!
Gerard started to cough up a massive hairball. Suddenly Frank walked ina nd saw Gerard choking.
"Gee!" he screamed running to help him. "Oh my fucking god! Gee, gee can you hear me? Please you can't die! Not now! Nooooo!"
Gerard opened his eyes but then fell backwards. Frank ran to the phone and called the hospital. The ambulance came and took Gerard to the hospital. The doctors couldn't get Gerard to breathe properly. There was millions of machines surrounding Gerard, trying to keep him alive.
"Hang in there Gerard, we can get throught this...together." said Frank.
"I'll have to ask you to leave Sir." a doctor came up behind Frank.
"No please....I can't leave him, I'll never leave him!"
"I'm sorry son, but he might not male it. Would you like a minute alone?" the doctor said leaving the room. Frank and Gerard were alone. Frank couldn't bare the thought of Gerard never knowing his true feelings, so he told him everything.
Frank went up to Gerard's hospital bed. Gerard looked so peacefull.
"Hello Gerard, i didn't want things to be like this."
As Frank began to talk tears ran down his cheek.
"But you have to hang in there Gerard, we have to get throught this beacuse without you I'm nothing. It's time for me to tell you what I've wanted to tell you for so long...I love you."
Suddenly Gerard's eyes flickered open. He looked up at Frank.