My Chemical Fro-mance

the confession

"F--F-Frank? Is that true?"
Frank looked at Gerard.
"Yes Gee, and I've wanted to tell you for so long." said Frank.
"Frank. I have something to say. I lo-"
Suddenly Mikey burst into the room.
"Oh my god Gerard are you okay?! I was so worried!"
"I'm fine."
"Fucking hell Gee I wasn so scared!" Mikey began to sob.
"Mikey, I'm fine, don't cry!"
"I was so worried." Mikey was shaking.
Gerard looked up at Frank.
"I'm just going outside, I need some fresh air," said Frank quietly.
Frank turned around and walked out the door.
Gerard felt alone and confused.

Frank's P.O.V.

I'm so confused. I'm still in shock after Gee's accident. I really thought he was going to die. I really don't know what I'd do without him.
But I'm still aslo happy. Was Gee really going to say what I thought he was? Or maybe I just imagined it. Oh I don't know!
Yes, it must have been my imagination playing tricks on me. Gerard could never love me, look at me I'm a fucking freak.
I gotto go back in there and talk to him. But not with the others there...I need to see him alone.
Damm that Mikey, why does he always have to get in the way of things?!

Gerard's P.O.V.

Everyones here now. Mikey, Ray and Bob, they're al talking to me, but I'm not listening. My mind is thinking one thing.
Did he really mean what he said, he loves me?
Maybe he meant it in a friend kind of way.
Or maybe...just maybe...he didn't.
I don't know wjat to think.
"Wh-what...oh Mikey."
"Dude, you okay?"
"Yeah, just got a lot on my mind."
"Like what, dude?"
How do you tell your brother your in love with your best friend?