The Song Of The Phoenix...

Chapter I

In a warm September night, the sky filled with a myriad of stars looked down upon Alex, a teenager who was sitting on the grass, daydreaming.
As he looked at the sky, he gasped, then turned his gaze towards the Moon.
His eyes were sparkling, and as he looked at its beauty, he started smiling, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.
After a couple of minutes, a girl was sitting next to him whispering “Wake Up. Wake up, Alex. It’s past midnight!”.
Alex woke up, confused, but he quickly saw that the girl was one of his oldest friends, Claudia, a blonde girl with blue eyes and a tender smile.
She bended over him and helped him to get up.
Claudia was the only one that knew where Alex could be in the middle of the night, other than his house, of course.
They were friends for more than a decade, been through ups and downs, but never had a very serious fight.
Still a little confused, Alex asked Claudia what was wrong, to which she replied that his father had been taken to the Hospital a few minutes ago, due to a heart attack.
Alex never had a good relationship with his father, but even so, he couldn’t stop worrying about his condition, especially knowing that some time ago he had had another heart attack.
Alex and his mother tried to tell him, many times, that the main thing that he should do was to stop smoking, but he would always reply with the same line: “I have one life! Let me do what I want!”.
Alex and his mother did agree with that, but not to a point where he would deliberately destroy himself.
Claudia called her father and asked him if he could take them to the Hospital. He accepted immediately, especially because it was for Alex, the person that had been there for his daughter for so many years; and they were still going strong.
They met near Alex’s house, got in the car and headed to the Hospital.
While they were in the car, Alex’s phone started ringing.
He was thinking who could it be, because his mother sent Claudia to him.
It was Alex’s bigger brother, Charles.
Charles was Alex’s step brother, but even though they had the same father, they were never too close.
Alex’s relationship with Charles was almost the same as the one he had with his father.
Charles rang to let Alex know about their dad, but Alex told him that he found out and that he was on his way to the Hospital.
As soon as the call ended, Claudia said: “Family reunion, ehh?”.
Alex giggled, nodded in agreement and looked out the window...