The Song Of The Phoenix...

Chapter X

After a few hours of sleep, Alex woke up in a cold, poorly lit room.
The room was decorated with old paintings, illustrating people with different creatures that he had encountered only in his dreams.
Dragons, birds that the Earth had never seen, sea creatures with angel-like wings and other beings that he had seen throughout his years of dreaming.
As he was looking at the enormous wall in front of him, a picture of the fire bird, knows as the Phoenix, captured his attention.
The picture depicted the birth, or the re-rebirth, of a Phoenix. While the nest was on fire, the bird was crying with fire tears.
Focused on the picture, Alex didn’t even see that Angela was in his room.
“Beautiful picture.”, said the woman, to which Alex replied “Indeed! It is said that the tears of a Phoenix can cure any disease, any wound, and if it is drank at exactly 9 hours after someone’s death, it can bring that person back to life. Quite stunning, I might say.”.
As the woman got closer to Alex, she said “You seem to know quite a few things of the bird we’re looking after. Where have you learn all of this?”.
Smiling, he said “Mythology. I am a fan of this “science”. I read books about Gods, surreal beings, creatures that do not die, slaves and other things.”.
Angela smiled and said that they should go and meet up with her father. He’d teach him how to take care of himself in Hell and how to counter attack any form of assault he might encounter.
The boy nodded and followed Angela.
From his room, Alex was guided to an almost dark chamber with blue inscriptions on the wall that seemed to glow as somebody approached them.
In the middle of the room, Angela’s father was lying on the floor, praying.
Angela asked Alex to sit down, near her father, and to wait for him a few seconds.
The boy did as he was told, as the woman left the room quickly.
Alex was “studying” Angela’s father. He was wearing a long black tunic that went all the way down to his feet and his hair was white.
“Are you ready?”, said the man, to which Alex quickly replied “Yes! Let’s do it. We don’t have much time.”.
At hearing this, Angela’s father said “Do not worry, Alex. The time you’re spending here with me stands still. It doesn’t flow.”.
Alex said “Impossible!”, to which the man opened his eyes and said “After all you’ve seen, you should’ve known that nothing is impossible, nor achievable.
I must let you know that what you’re going to experience won’t be physical pain, at least here, with me, but a mental one.
You must also take into consideration that if anything happens here might have consequences in your life.
If you die here, you die there as well!”.
Upon hearing these words Alex looked at the blue inscriptions glowing and said “I know the risks, but I’m doing this for a friend. She would’ve done the same for me, and even more. She already proved that to me.”.
“Alright. If you want us to stop, just tell me. Even for a strong soul like you, this is something you haven’t encountered before and it might affect you deeply”.
The boy nodded and they began the “training”.
In the time that they were in the chamber, for about 7 hours, Angela was inside Alex’s room.
She was lying on the bed, with her eyes closed, thinking about what he said to her when they were in the forest, the way he described love. She tried to envision it, or what she thought that it was.
The room where Alex was training was fully glowing in a strong shade of blue.
Overlapping voices, screams, fights and people crying could be heard.
When Alex came out of the blue room, he collapsed…