The Song Of The Phoenix...

Chapter XI

Worried, Angela got on her knees, held the boy’s head in her hands and asked her father “Is he going to be alright?”.
“Yes, he’ll be alright. The training wearied him, but he did very good. His mind and soul are quite strong for someone so young, especially a human. I was surprised, though he hasn’t seen the worst of Hell.”, the old man replied.
The woman looked at Alex, who was lying on the floor, passed out.
Two men took Alex to his room, where he remained until the following morning.
Angela followed close by, got into the boy’s room and whispered to him “Rest, for tomorrow we shall begin the journey of saving your friend.
Rest. You will need it!”.
Time passed and the night became day.
Alex woke up and saw Angela sitting in a chair, reading a book with leather cover. He asked her what she was reading, to which she replied “I’m reading the journal of a man who went to Hell and survived. He went there to make a pact with the Devil.”.
The boy, curious, asked the woman how the man described Hell in his book.
“It was hot and cold, dark and light. It was tempting. If I could get to Him I could make all my wishes come true, all my dreams would come true.”, read Angela, as Alex was looking at the wall with the paintings.
The woman sat next to Alex and told him “We’re going to start in a couple of hours. Would you like to do something until we begin?”, to which the boy replied “I don’t know. Do you have gardens, waterfalls near by?”.
“Yes, we do. We have a big garden with several waterfalls actually. The whole forest is our garden.”.
Alex smiled upon hearing those words, as he loved nature very much.
He and Angela left the temple and headed towards the forest.
They passed by the well, Alex stopped and said “My bracelet is there. How can I get it now? How can I talk to Claudia until I regain her soul?”, to which the woman, as she got near the well, said “Come. Just reach out for it.”.
Alex stood still for a few moments as he couldn’t see his bracelet in the well, but he got his hand in the water and when he took it out of the well the bracelet was in its place.
He smiled and asked Angela if they could try and talk to Claudia.
The woman nodded, took Alex's hand and closed her eyes.
In a matter of seconds, they could hear the girl’s voice.
“Claudia. How are you?”, asked Alex nervously.
“I’m cold, Alex. I don’t know how much longer I can hold on. He’s trying to convince me to get on his side. He wants to… ‘convert’ me.”, said Claudia, to which the boy, in a calm tone, replied “We’ll be there very soon. Hold on and whatever he says, don’t believe him! Even if he looks like me, don’t believe him. I’m coming for you. Hold on!”.
Their conversation ended abruptly, after which Angela said “Things are getting worse. Let’s take a quick look in the garden, after which we’ll begin.”.
The two reached a waterfall that was surrounded by many birds, one more beautiful than the other.
A white bird came and sat on Alex’s shoulder.
The boy smiled and petted the bird, as she started to sing a beautiful tune that got the attention of the other birds.
As soon as the bird finished singing, it flew away.
Another bird came to him, much bigger than the previous one, which landed in front of Alex.
The beautiful animal was almost half as tall as Alex and had a necklace attached to it’s neck.
It looked like a white, semi-transparent, wing shaped moonstone.
Angela took the necklace of the bird’s neck and said “When a bird that carries a necklace lands in front of someone it means that the bird wants you to have the necklace.”, to which Alex replied “It’s quite beautiful. Why, though?”.
“It’s said it brings good luck and it protects the holder.”, said the woman while putting the necklace on Alex’s neck.
The bird let out a scream-like sound, after which it flew up in the sky quickly.
“It’s time for us to go.”, said Angela, looking at Alex.
Gazing at the necklace, he smiled and replied “Sure. Let’s go.”…