The Song Of The Phoenix...

Chapter III

As they were both going towards their homes, Claudia looked back at Alex, smiled, then headed towards her home.
The rain was pouring, the sky was black and the cold wind was blowing.
As soon as Alex got home, he went upstairs, took a hot shower, went to his room and lay down on his bed.
Just when he wanted to go to sleep, his phone vibrated, alerting him that a text had arrived.
It was a text from a girl that he liked very much, and that shared the same feeling, for a month or so.
As he was reading the text, his smile got wider and wider, and, eventually, he started laughing.
He replied to the text quickly, and at the end of the text he wrote “I need you like the Moon needs the Stars. I love you!”.
After that, he went to sleep.
As soon as he rested his head on the blue pillow, he fell asleep.
He had an unusual dream about a woman who kept whispering to him “Stop…St…Stop…Her!”.
The woman had black, long, hair, was dressed in a white, glowing, dress and was hiding in the shadows, with her hands covering her face.
Alex quickly woke up, got up, turned on the lights and looked around in the room.
The window was opened, just like every night, but nobody was in the room.
Alex’s dream was so vivid that he stood for a few seconds to question it, and whether it was real or just a dream.
After some time, Alex’s mother got into the room, shocked but with a big smile on her face.
She grabbed her son’s hand and said “Come. Let’s go.”
Alex, confused and sleepy, asked her what was wrong, to which she replied “Your father just woke up. The Doctor just called me.”.
After a quick grin, Alex said “Ok. Let’s go!”.
He changed his clothes, sent a text to Claudia, saying that she was right about his dad and that they wouldn’t meet that day, then went downstairs.
When Alex and his mother stepped into his father’s room, Alex’s father smiled widely, while his eyes were full of tears.
After kissing his wife, Alex’s father turned to his youngest son and said, through tears, “Alex…I…I heard what you said and you are right. I haven’t been there for you and I want to try and fix that. What do you say? Another chance?”.
Alex never saw his father like that. He was crying and apologizing. They decided to spend the whole day together and try to “catch up”.
In the evening, Alex was still with his father, discussing views over different topics, as they were trying to get to know each other much more.
Just like every time they’d talk, Alex’s father would bring up the relationships topic. His father asked him “So, Alex…Who’s your girlfriend?”, to which Alex giggled and said “I am single, Dad.”.
His father looked at him, raised one of his eyebrows and replied “But I thought you and Claudia were together…”.
Alex gave his father a serious look and replied “I’ve told you countless times. Claudia’s my best friend, not my girlfriend! Plus, I kind of like somebody! And, if you keep bugging me with this I’ll get a boyfriend!”.
After saying the last line, both Alex, and his father, started laughing, after which Alex said “Dad. Look. I am…not like you. I know you had tons of girls when you were my age, but I am not like you. I don’t want a girl per night. I want one…for a lifetime! You might think I’m stupid or something but that’s what I believe in. I want to give my all to a single person, to devote my whole life to her and to try and have a family with that person. I want at the age of 80 to look at my grandchildren, while holding my wife’s hand, and to be proud of the decision I made in life, and that I loved a single person in my entire life. This is my view over things. You might not agree, but in the end…I decide, not you!”.
After hearing these, Alex’s father gasped, smiled and said “Who are you?”, to which Alex replied “You see? We “know” each other for almost two decades but you never knew what I really feel inside. Relationships and family are a very important thing to me, as a human being, and I want to focus on them, I want to direct my full attention and energy towards them!”.
Alex’s father looked at him, smiling, and said “You think like your mother. I think she got all of these ideas in your head, didn’t she”, to which Alex replied “Not even close. This is my personal view over things and, no offense, but the things you did over the years, not only to me, but to mom, as well, influenced me. I kind of promised myself not to become like you.”.
Hearing this, Alex’s father bit his lip and with a shaky voice he said “Was I that bad? For so many years?”, to which Alex replied “Yes, you were. But, that doesn’t really matter now as I can see that you are trying to change. And that says something.”
They both looked at each other, smiled and continued their conversation.
After a couple of minutes, Alex’s mother rang him.
Alex quickly reached for his phone and answered. With a sad voice, Alex’s mother told him “Alex…it’s Claudia…”.
Upon hearing these few words, Alex’s eyes got bigger and said nervously “What about Claudia?”, to which his mother replied “The Doctor said she fainted this morning and she didn’t woke up yet. They say she’s in a kind of coma, but they are reserved about her recovery.”
After hearing that, Alex begged his father to take him to the Hospital, saying to him that Claudia’s there.
Alex and his father got into the car and headed towards the Hospital…