The Song Of The Phoenix...

Chapter IV

In a couple of minutes, Alex and his dad arrived at the Hospital.
Claudia and Alex both had almost identical bracelets that symbolized their bond, their friendship. Alex’s was black with a blue cross, while Claudia’s was black with a white cross.
Before going into Claudia’s room, Alex sighed, looked at the bracelet on his left hand, then stepped into the room.
Claudia was alone, lying on the bed, with her blonde hair spread across a white pillow, her eyes closed.
Alex approached her steadily, as he still couldn’t believe that he could lose his best friend. And the worst was that he didn’t know the cause that brought her into that place.
Alex’s brown eyes were struggling not to cry, his knees were barely sustaining him while his mind was trying to find answers.
He took a place beside her, looked at her for a couple of seconds, after which he reached for her left hand.
While reaching for her hand, their bracelets touched and the crosses got lighter and lighter.
Alex noticed that, stood still for a couple of moments, after which he stood up, looking, surprised, at their bracelets.
He took a place beside her, again, and tried to figure out why the bracelets were shining.
Claudia’s mother got into the room, telling Alex that Claudia had a diary and that, last night, she said that if something ever happened to her, the diary should go into Alex’s hands.
Alex was surprised to hear that because she never mentioned that she had a diary.
He turned his gaze towards Claudia, looked at her bracelet, then at his, then turned his eyes to Claudia’s mother and said “Can we go get the diary?”, to which the woman replied “Yes. We can go now.”, through overflowing tears.
When Alex got home, it was almost midnight, but he couldn’t sleep, so he decided to read Claudia’s journal.
When he tried to open it, he saw there was no lock on it, but instead something like a riddle, that was later added.
Alex read “Love was once one. Made of two people, man and woman. They loved each other more then anything, and their love caused them to become one entity. One God was so furious, and jealous, over their love, that he sent a lightning bolt over their love, tearing them apart, to become two, separate parts, cursed to wander for the whole eternity, waiting to be whole again. The God’s name was…”.
After those few lines, there was a place where you could select 4 letters, in order to unlock the journal.
Alex knew that story very well, as he told it to Claudia.
He selected four words that spelled out the name “Zeus”, after which a sound was heard that let him know that the diary was now unlocked.
Alex went straight to the last entry, which was the night Alex last saw her.
Hoping that he could find out what caused Claudia to end up in the Hospital, he started reading the last entry of her diary…