The Song Of The Phoenix...

Chapter VI

Alex looked in her sad eyes and said “What do you mean?”, to which the woman, blinking fast, replied “I’ve lived for thousands of years, I’ve read stories about love, I’ve helped humans fall in love…”.
Alex, with a tender smile, looked at her, and said “But you’ve never felt it. Love. Is that right?” and reached for her chin, trying to lift her head.
As soon as Alex touched her, his smile perished as her skin was cold as the ice, and he asked Angela “Why are you so cold? Are you ill?”, to which, smiling, she replied “Not really. It’s because of what you said. You are right, I’ve never known love and that’s why I’m cold.”.
Surprised, Alex looked at her with big eyes and said “But if you lived so many years how come you haven’t found somebody?”, to which Angela sighed and replied “I don’t know. Some humans live so little and they find their true love in that very short period of time, yet I, who have been living for centuries…”.
As she was saying the last line, her light blue eyes became filled with tears, after which she looked straight into Alex’s eyes and said “Look at you. You have just begun to live and, recently, you’ve fallen in love. What you feel is something divine. Something even the Gods would wish for.”, to which Alex replied with a soft voice “Humans are not Gods. What I feel I know is Heaven sent, I feel it that way. About you…have you been thinking that, somewhere, somebody is in the same situation as you? A person that never felt love and is as cold as you are?”.
Alex smiled as he was saying the last line and made Angela smile as well. Then she replied “Maybe… But I’ve been waiting for so long. It seems…unreachable.”.
As he heard the last word, Alex pointed to the stars and said “Are the stars unreachable?”, to which the woman replied “For humans, yes.”.
Alex shook his head and, with a smile on his face, said “Even though the stars appear as unreachable, some of them fall down on Earth and can be collected!”, to which Angela, smiling, replied “I see where you’re pointing at.”, after which both of them went walking through the forest.
They slowly walked, without saying a word, until they reached a well.
Angela approached the well and told Alex to look in it.
She asked him “What do you see?”, to which Alex replied “I see the Moon.”.
Angela smiled and said “Try to look a little harder!”, to which Alex, with a big smile on his face, replied “The stars!”.
Angela nodded and said “You two are in love. Tell me, how does it feel? I haven’t listened to a person describing the feeling for a very long time.”, to which Alex, after he sighed, replied “I don’t, actually, know what to say… It’s like this big fire inside of you that burns uncontrollably and each and every time you talk with that person the fire gets bigger and bigger. It’s like a part of you, like you two belong to each other. Time stops when you look in that person’s eyes and you just want to cry because you are afraid that it might not be real, that it could all fade away. Even though you are afraid that it might not last, you are thanking God for blessing you with your loved one and you are willing to leave behind everything just to spend a couple of minutes looking in that person’s eyes and tell that you love that person.”.
As he was saying those lines, Angela noticed the wide smile on his moon lit face, his almost closed eyes, his hand gestures, his soft voice and the unbelievable passion that he was talking with.
After a few minutes of silence, Alex said “You said something about my bracelet and communication. What about it?”, to which Angela replied “The bracelet is a channel through which you can talk with Claudia and me. They are spiritual links. Look. Here’s mine.” and she showed her black bracelet with a red cross.
Alex, curiously, asked Angela how could they communicate using the bracelets, to which Angela replied “You touch the cross, close your eyes and think of the person you want to communicate with. Try it with me.”.
Alex closed his eyes, reached for the blue cross on his bracelet and started thinking of Angela.
After a few seconds he could hear Angela talking, but her lips weren’t moving.
Angela said “It’s called telepathy. Who knows, maybe after all of this is over you might use it in real life as well.”, to which Alex replied “That’d be cool!”.
Breaking the telepathic link, Alex said “Can I try to talk to Claudia now?”, to which Angela replied “Yes. But do it shortly.”.
Alex nodded and closed his eyes, trying to talk to Claudia.
He waited a few seconds, after which he could hear Claudia’s voice.
Alex, worried, said “Claudia?”…