The Song Of The Phoenix...

Chapter VIII

Angela, with her eyes closed and with her arms stretched around her body, started talking in a language that was unknown to Alex.
As she was talking, the room began shaking vigorously.
While she was talking faster and faster, the paintings were coming to life and it appeared to Alex that as the room was shaking harder and harder, the images were screaming louder and louder.
In a chaos of screams, Alex was becoming more and more terrified and was asking himself if he could bring Claudia back to life, if he could regain her soul, if he would get out of there safe.
As soon as Angela stopped talking, the paintings fell off the walls, while their loud voices could not be heard anymore.
In the silence, Alex could hear his heartbeat, as he was waiting for something to happen. For something, or somebody, to show up.
As Angela stepped away from the center of the room, she took Alex’s hand and walked towards the exit, but only to stop a few feet behind the door, after which she said “If something goes wrong, run in the forest until you reach the well. There, you’ll put your bracelet in your mouth and jump into the well. Understood?”.
Confused, and scared, Alex said “Why would something go wrong? We are …”.
But he couldn’t finish his sentence as a cold, semi-transparent, mist started to rise from the middle of the room.
As the room began filling with the cold mist, the chaotic shouts of tormented souls started again, louder and more desperate than before.
Suddenly, a deep voice was audible, saying “Keep it down, or you’ll all go a step lower!”.
Alex couldn’t see who was speaking, so he asked Angela “Is He the one? And what does he mean with one step lower?”, to which the woman replied “Yes, He is.
Hell is categorized on levels, just like Heaven. What you’ve done during your lifetime, is weighed here and then you’re thrown into a “level”. There are 7 levels, one more terrifying, harsh, violent and darken than the other.”.
Curious, Alex asked Angela if she could describe a level, but as soon as she wanted to start talking, a black shadow approached them.
From the dark spot on the floor, a black, dense, shadow rose until it almost reached the ceiling.
The shadow took the form of a male human being, but his eyeballs were missing.
He was extremely tall and His clothes were formed from a black smoky robe.
He approached Alex, bended over him and said “Just like your friend here said, Hell is categorized on levels. Let me give you an example.”.
He raised his hand, made a fire circle with his finger and said “Take a look.”.
Alex got closer to the fire circle and saw people on their knees, crying and screaming as loud as they could.
Those people were cursed to relive the most excruciating moments of their lives, over and over again, without having the power to interfere or to stop them.
Angela, seeing that Alex was gazing at the agonizing people, lifted her head to the Devil and said “We are here to ask you something.”, to which he replied “You dare to ask something from a God?”.
Seeing that the Devil was offended, Alex followed his way and said “Yes. We dare! We are here to propose you a trade.”, to which He replied “A trade? I can acquire anything that I desire!”.
At hearing these last words, Angela, wittingly, said “What about a Phoenix? The most rare thing.”, to which the Devil quickly replied “But Phoenixes have vanished. No one saw one for millions of years.”.
The woman dressed in white closed her eyes and said “There is one more. Hidden on the 7th level of Hell. However, you know you can’t approach a Phoenix. Only a human can.”.
Upon hearing the last few words, Alex turned his gaze towards the Devil’s figure and said “In exchange of the Phoenix, we demand a soul in return.”, to which He replied “A soul for a Phoenix? I agree. However, if you don’t bring the Phoenix in 12 days, I’ll have your soul as well. Okay?”.
As she heard the last line, Angela said “No. We will bring you the Phoenix and you will give us our soul!”.
Alex quickly interrupted her and said to the Devil “Deal!”.
As He giggled, the Devil faded away into a dark shadow in the middle of the room…