The Song Of The Phoenix...

Chapter IX

Clearly angry, Angela positioned herself in front of Alex and shouted “Why did you accept it? You’re not dealing with an honorable spirit here! We are talking about the Devil here, not a friend of yours!”, to which he, calmly, replied “I know we can’t trust Him, but we don’t have any other choice. Plus, we won’t give him the Phoenix until we have Claudia’s soul.”.
After looking in his eyes for a few moments, the woman dressed in white walked out of the chamber, with Alex following close by.
In a couple of minutes they reached the well in the forest.
Here, Angela sat near the well and said “You know, going through the 7 levels of Hell won’t be easy at all. You’ll need some preparation.”, to which Alex, sitting near her, down on the cold ground, replied “Preparation? What for?”.
Angela touched Alex’s head and re-played his memory of seeing one of Hell’s levels.
He stood still for a couple of seconds after which he said “You think I’ll go crazy.”, to which Angela, smiling, replied “Yes…and no!
You do have a strong mind but what you will see there will exceed anything you’ve ever experienced.
The things that happen there… they don’t just test your mind, but your soul and even your human condition.
You will be tempted with many things there.
Even us, immortal beings, must prepare ourselves to be able to face what’s expecting us down there.
The Devil’s a powerful, and evil, spirit. He’ll try to lay traps so that he can acquire both our souls.
If he can control our soul, he can control our body!
He hasn’t taken over Claudia’s yet because she’s still alive, because her mother found her early that morning and she took her to the Hospital, where she was stabilized.
Slowly, but surely, she’s dying and once she’ll be dead she’ll be reborn not as your friend, but as one of Devil’s minions”.
Upon hearing these things, Alex realized the danger that could await them. He accepted Angela’s “learning course" and said in a soft tone “Okay. When do we begin?”.
“In a few moments.”, said the woman, as she got up and went near the well.
As she was standing in front of the well, Angela placed her bracelet in the water and asked Alex to do the same.
Alex, without a question, did what he was asked.
“Now, we must join our hands and form a circle. After that we must say ‘In hoc signo vinces’ 7 times, in the same time, while looking into the well! Understood?”, said Angela, while Alex nodded without saying a word.
As they were holding their hands and saying the latin incantation, the water became clearer and clearer.
In a few seconds the water became so clear that they could see the bracelets sinking.
After the incantation was said, Angela said to Alex not to take away his eyes from his bracelet and to reach for it with his right hand and take it.
Both of them reached for their bracelets, got them and dropped hands.
As soon as Alex got his bracelet, he looked around.
From the lush environment of the forest they had been transported to a temple-like surrounding.
Angela, after sighing, said to Alex “What do you think?”, to which he, with a smile on his face, replied “It looks stunning. I think I saw this place in one of my dreams, a long time ago, just that it was night back then and some people were outside, near those rocks, over there.”.
After smiling to Alex, the woman said “You are right. You have dreamed about this place, but we’ll talk about this tomorrow.”…