This Blood Is Gonna Wake the Night



Just a movie thing, right? Just a figment of someone's imagination, designed to scare children, yeah?

In truth, they're very real. But they don't carry all the stereotypical trates that they should. They're not blood thirsty killers, they just do what they have to do to survive.

The government still see them as a threat, though. Consequently, men, women and children alike are shipped off as soon as they are discovered to be carrying the virus. They're taken to a prison of kinds. To be locked up for the rest of their time.

Gerard Way is one of these people. He's been locked up for nineteen years, since he was eight years old. But he has vowed to himself that one day, he will get out. He will return home to his parents and brother.

That chance comes for him and he breaks free from the cold prison in which he has spent his whole life. But the world outside is very different to the one he remembers as a boy. The technology is scarily new to him and everything is so different.

And when he returns home, he will find an old friend who will introduce him to a world where there is freedom of choice and no cold white cramped cells. He doesn't have to suffer any more. And, more importantly, he will learn emotions he never knew he was capable of manipulating.

But can vampires really feel love?

Sample of the fic:

"It's ok, Gerard, it's ok," She said "It'll be over soon."

But her words drifted over my head. All I could focus on was that pain erupting to forcefully from inside me. I guess you could say it was a 'little' uncomfortable. A scream erupted from my throat. My arms curled around my stomach. And I went into uncontrollable spasm, the sweat lashing off of me. My body screamed and wailed at me, pleading me to give it what it so desperately craved.

"C'mon, man," Someone else said "You're gonna' be fine, you're doing good."

I cried out again, my body shaking uncontrollably and the intense heat growing into a roaring fire.