This Blood Is Gonna Wake the Night

I was a lab experiment

"Take another blood sample," The female voice ordered. . .

I jerked and screamed as my convulsion continued. . .

"Hold him steady.". . .

More spasms and shrieks as I searched the air for what I needed. . .

"C'mon, hold him!". . .

"DAMNIT, I'm trying," The gruff male voice exclaimed "Do you have any idea how strong this guy is?". . .

I pushed against his restraining hands, arching my back and shrieking. . .

"I said hold him!". . .

"I'm trying!" He snapped "He almost bit me!". . .

"He has the shields in, stop being such a baby!". . .

More hands held me down, forcing my head back and pushing on the rubber shields wrapped around my teeth, to check they were still firmly in place. . .

And then it was ending, thank God. I was lying on my back with my eyes closed, coming down from the peak of mount pain. . .

"Sometimes, I wonder why I went in for this job," The male grunted, struggling to keep me held down as I tried to roll onto my side, twtiching like a lab experiment"This guy can't be a day over nineteen; it's disgusting!"

"He's seventeen actually," The woman replied in a matter-of-factly way.

"Are you serious? He's just a kid!"

"I know but he has good vitals and a strong immune system," She replied coldly "Even before he was bitten his medical notes showed a strong immune system. He was only ever in there for injuries."

I listened quietly as they discussed me, trying to regulate my breathing. They were looking at me, unaware that I was listening. They thought I was still in too much pain to care about anything else.

"I say we give him another minute and then we'll inject him again," She ordered "Two more times after that too, I want to see how much of it he can take." . . .

Maybe I lied about never leaving our cells unless we were showering.

Bite me.

There's an example of my dry sense of humour.

They took me out twice.

Once when I was ten and then when I was seventeen. This was because they wanted to test my immune system and crap. They'd give me some kind of specialised drug they developed that would deliberately make me convulse and then take blood samples while my homeostasis went haywire from trying to keep everything under control at once. Not only was I a prisoner, I was an experiment. Like out of a horror movie or something.

Bert was sleeping quietly beside me, curled up into a little ball. Every so often, he'd grunt or snuffle like a cute little piglet would. I'd been watching him sleep for the last hour or so for lack of better thing to do. I didn't wanna' turn the tv on and wake him up and there was nothing else to do since he wasn't an big reader and his games console thing confused the hell out of me.

I sighed and curled up to try and gain some more sleep for the next day.
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This was kinda' forced! Sorry =[