This Blood Is Gonna Wake the Night

First kiss

*Two days later*

I was beginning to get bored of being on the road. Most of the time, I’d sit and rest my head against the window of the car, staring out for something to watch. Bert would try his best to engage me in conversation but my boredom was apparently affecting my social skills as well as my attention span.

The car journey was beginning to get hot, frustrating and boring. It sounds incredibly rude towards Bert but I couldn't help but get bored and hope we'd be arriving in New York soon.

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"

Bert laughed when he realised what I was doing. He shook his head and called me insane.

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"

"Not quite," He laughed "I'm getting bored too!"

"How long?"

"Erm. . .if we stop off tonight at the next motel it'll be two hours give or take or we can drive the whole way and get a hotel room there until the morning," He said "If you don't mind, I'd sooner stop off tonight. I'm getting kinda' tired."

"Yeah, sure."

He smiled gratefully and we pulled over at the next motel which was another hours drive away. I'd basically passed out and was leaning against the cool glass window. The only reason I knew we'd reached the motel was because of the big flashy sign with the word 'MOTEL' in bigass letters.

Bert got out as quietly as possible, as if he thought I were asleep and crept off to go get the room. I closed my eyes in attempt to sleep even though I'd be dragging myself into a warm bed soon. . .

. . . "C'mon, Gerard," Bert encouraged, practically carrying my tired body along to our room "Almost there now."

"Hmmrppphm," I groaned in attempt to say something intelligent and struggling not to drop down right there at the same time.

He laughed and hauled me forwards until we reached our room. There was a jingle and click as Bert fumbled with our key and unlocked the door to our room. He'd chosen a better place than last time. I didn't take in any particular details, just that the room was a nice one.

Bert struggled along with me until he managed to get me up onto the bed. I squirmed around idiotically as I attempted to undress. He laughed at me and offered to help. I'd normally decline but I was so tired that I had to say yes.

"There you go," He laughed, slipping my jeans off and helping me under the covers.

"Mmm. . . 'ank you. . ." I mumbled.

"You're welcome," He laughed.

I snuggled down while Bert undressed and slipped into the bed beside me. I groaned and cuddled into the warm thick duvet.

"Why. . . why did you get a. . ." I paused to yawn "Sorry, why did you get a double again?"

"Cheaper," He replied, shifting closer to me.

I turned over to look at him.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"So beautiful," He replied, reaching out and touching the side of my face.

I didn't say anything. I wasn't sure what to say in response. But his words made me feel good. I'd never had someone call me beautiful before. I liked it.

Bert's hand moved and found the back of my head, fingers entwining with my hair. I closed my eyes and breathed out slowly. The warmth of Bert's breath was hot against my face. It began to grow even hotter and, when I opened my eyes, he was moving closer.

"What-what are you doing?" I asked.

"Shh," He cooed, moving our faces closer.

I jumped in surprise as our lips touched. His lips were a little rough from where they'd chapped a little. It didn't stop them feeling amazing against my own lips. My first kiss.

Bert's lips closed around my top lip so that they had it trapped. I didn't know what I should be doing. I'd never kissed anyone before. I was so inexperienced. I felt like a little child. It was embarrassing.

The lips wrapped around my own began to move, squeezing against them, and adding pressure then releasing it. It was incredible.

I moaned softly and tried mimicking Bert's movements. A rhythm soon set up and we were kissing 'properly'. The feelings inside me were amazing. My arm auto-piloted itself and wrapped shyly around Bert's waist. His lips curled at the corners until he was smiling.

"God," He smiled, his wet lips still curled into that smile "This so isn't me!"


"My kinda' kissing is a little. . . different?"

"How so?"

His smiled changed into a smirk and he started kissing me again. But he pushed his lips harder into mine and started kissing faster. It took me a moment to recover and another moment to get the hang of what he was doing to me. When I did, it was mind-blowing. No one had ever made me feel these things before. Everything in my body tingled. There was a slight dampness across my back due to the shock to my inexperienced body.

The next thing that happened was even more amazing than everything so far. His silky tongue was rubbing against mine. And it was amazing. I groaned softly and pushed myself into him. My tongue began to move as well, touching its new company shyly and curiously. Things began to get even faster than they already were.

I had to pull back in order to gain some much needed oxygen. While I gasped for air, Bert's hand in my hair tugged so that I threw my head back for him. Then he started to kiss my neck. The new feeling of lips, teeth and slick tongues on my skin was indescribable. I groaned again, arching my back in delight at these new feelings.

"Liking that?" Bert questioned, pulling back to study me.

"Mmm. . . mmhm. . ."

"Sorry, I didn't catch that!" He smirked.

"Uh huh."

"You're gonna' have to speak up!"

"Mm. . . yeah."

He smirked and moved back towards my neck. I groaned softly, loving and craving these feelings he gave me.

Things soon changed and I was lying on Bert in a matter of minutes later. We'd gone back to kissing with lips and tongues again but he kept tipping his head back, suggesting what he wanted me to do. But we had a problem; so I ignored him.

He was determined, though. And I dared risk scraping my teeth over the pale skin of his neck. Impulse drove through my veins, encouraging me to sink my teeth into that pretty jugular of his. End his life by piercing the vein and letting the blood flow from the wound into my waiting lips along with his life force.

So tempting.

Just do it. . .

I can't. . .

Why not? It's what you do. . .

He's been too good to me. . .

"Something wrong?" Bert questioned, sensing that I'd stopped.

"I-I. . . I can't, I mean, I don't trust myself. . ." I stammered idiotically "I'm. . . I'm sorry. . ."

He touched my shoulder, causing me to jump and twitch stupidly.

"No, I'm sorry," He insisted "I shouldn't have. . . I totally understand if you feel awkward. I'll sleep on the couch if you want-"

"No, that's fine," I insisted "Just don't let me near your neck."
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Reader's P.O.V:

*Reads chapter title*

Hmmm, I wonder what this update's about!