This Blood Is Gonna Wake the Night

Flowers in the starlight

It was still and quiet, that night. No lying awake, listening for the guards to come and try to beat you until you can't get up. It was just quiet, calm. I was lying awake under the thickest duvet I'd ever come across, hands behind my head, staring at the ceiling.

The silvery moon managed to slip in through a small gap in the curtains and, every so often, the shadow of a bird or bat would dance across the ceiling a while after I'd heard them.

It was peaceful.

I pushed the duvet aside and got up, standing by the window and looking out across Frank and Russ's beautiful garden. Frank had told me all about how he'd layed the patio himself and prepared and planted all the flowerbeds. Russ had watered everything and helped mow the grass.

A grey haze of smoke drifted through the room as I exhaled the first drag of my newly lit cigarette. I flicked the ash out the window as I opened it, letting a small ghost of a breeze float through the room. My hair was blown out of my face as I stood there, letting the light from the silvery orb in the sky illuminate my face and chest.

I smiled and took another drag of my cigarette. It looked beautiful. So mysterious. I liked it that way. I breathed in deep so I could faintly smell the flowers and the soil down there. It was nice. Finally, standing there in wonder got boring. I pulled the borrowed t-shirt Russ had reluctantly loaned me back on and trailed off down the hall. Behind me there was a trail of grey smoke from my cigarette.

The back door was locked. But the key had been left on the side. So I simply unlocked the door and trailed off outside.

I could smell the flowers and the soil a lot better. And I could smell the fresh cut grass. Such a nice smell. I smiled at it, feeling invigorated. No one would mind if I stayed out there all night, right?

I inhaled some more smoke from my cigarette. The grass was dry when I sat down and exhaled slowly. Even if I did get mud on the pyjama bottoms, they were Russ's anyway. And, to be frank, I couldn't care less what the hell I did to his stuff. His pyjama bottoms could get as muddy as they wanted, I wouldn't give a flying monkey.

The stars were shining against the inky darkness of the sky. I smiled and lay back on the grass, one hand behind my head. They looked pretty. I liked it, just lying there and looking at them. Another drag on my cigarette. A grey haze wafting through the air as I looked up at the sky.

Then Frank's flowerbeds caught my eye. I let my eyes narrow slightly until they showed up in full colour. They looked pretty. I love being able to see in the dark. They were nice, arranged prettily. I crawled over to them and reached out, touching the delicate petals. They felt silky and soft, like they'd break if I was too rough with them.

I stayed stroking it carefully.

"Gerard?" Someone called "Gerard, is that you?"

I snapped my head towards the sound, I could see Frank perfectly but he couldn't see it was me. He walked outside cautiously, calling my name again. I stayed frozen, hand still on the flower head.

He got closer until he was stood over me.

"Gerard?" He questioned "What are you doing out here at this time?"

"I uh. . . couldn't sleep so I thought I'd come out here. . ."

"What are you doing to the flowers?" He asked, not sounding particuarly mad with me.

"I just wanted to touch them," I shrugged.

"How come?"

"Uhh. . . long story," I said, getting up and brushing myself down.

"Oh," He nodded "Fair enough."

Then he saw the cigarette dangling from my finger. His eyes lit up. And he reached out, taking it from me with a cheeky smile. He took a drag from it and inhaled, handing it back. I smiled in amusement, watching him close his eyes as if he were in heaven.

"God," He sighed, exhaling the smoke "Russ hates me smoking. Never lets me smoke."

"Why do you listen to him?" I questioned "Why do every little thing he tells you?"

"Because," He shrugged.


"It keeps him happy," Frank continued "It keeps the peace!"

I didn't reply, looking up at the sky instead. I couldn't get over how pretty it looked. Frank was watching me with a smile on his face. I looked back at him and smiled in return. He shyly put an arm around my shoulders.

"C'mon, let's go get some hot cocoa and watch some early morning tv! Sound good?"

"Yeah," I nodded with a smile.