This Blood Is Gonna Wake the Night

The first feed in years

Confusion flooded through me. We never leave our cells unless they’re herding us down to wash our hair and allow us to use a decent shower. Of course, we’d love to try and make a break for it but they’re armed with tasers and have strange metal plates around their necks. This makes life a little more difficult.

“What’s going on?” I questioned.

“Shut up and walk.”

So I did, hoping to be given the answers soon. Something wasn’t right here. Well, that much was obvious to everyone in my cell. My bare feet pattered against the cold floor as I followed him. His heavier footsteps almost drowned the sound out.

He finally shoved me into a room after going up a flight of stairs and down the corridor. There was a lanky guy with dirty blond hair and a lab coat on stood in front of me. He had a face that made me think of Rat-Boy.

“Hello, Gerard.” He smirked.

“Who are you?” I demanded “What’s going on?”

He just smirked even wider. I scowled at him. I’d known this guy about thirty seconds and he was already getting up my ass. I could sense the other guy stood right behind me, arms folded and sneering into my back.

“Let me explain, Gerard,” He requested, his high voice really starting to get on my nerves “You’ve been here how long?”

“Nineteen years.”

“Exactly, you’re hardly of any importance to anyone. And more and more of your kind are coming in here every week. This parties getting kind of full, you see. So we’re going to have to get rid of you and a few others-”

“Oh, I see,” I began in a ‘cheerful’ tone “You want someone to ‘take care’ of us, right?”

“Basically. Do you have a problem with that scenario, Mr Way?”

“I might have a thing or two against the idea.”

“Well, I’m afraid your opinion doesn’t count in this.”

“What a shame.” I replied sarcastically.

The guy just smirked and nodded to the guy behind me. Hands gripped my arms, forcing my wrists together. There was a distinguishable clink of metal and something cold closed around my wrists. I glanced over my shoulder calmly to see the cuffs. Amateurs.

“We’ll be back later.” The blond one smirked.

I was shoved to sit on the only chair in the room by the bigger one and then they both swept from the room. Someone else entered before they left and there was a quick exchanging of words. My keen hearing detected ‘Feel free to amuse yourself. I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to put him in his place’. The guy who was gonna’ be ‘amusing himself’ with me looked over at me and sneered. I recognised him as the guard who’d been making comments about my past. This would be fun.

He clanged the door shut and swiped a key card over the panel, locking us in. I stared directly ahead, ignoring his presence. He tutted me and tapped the key card on the back of his hand as he paced back and forth idly.

“So,” He mocked “Just us two, eh?”

“Looks like it.”

“Playtime.” He smirked, standing himself directly in front of me with his arms folded.

“D’you know how gay that made you-“


“. . .sound.”

I closed my eyes and exhaled hard through my nose. My jaw now ached from the impact of the punch. I kept my head slightly tilted to the side from where he’d punched me, gathering my breath and adjusting to the pain. There was another blow to the face as I opened my eyes and looked up at him again.

“Is that for being ‘rude’ or something?”

“No. That’s for being arrogant.”

“Ah.” I replied, raising my eyebrows slightly.

This is for being rude.” He exclaimed.

He lifted his foot and rammed it as hard as he could into my stomach. I yelled out and then again when my head cracked against the floor as the chair tipped over backwards. He stood over me, smirking. I could predict his next move. It was pretty obvious, I mean, I was on my back on the ground with my legs splayed apart; you do the math. And, sure enough, he lifted his foot and rammed it down into my crotch. That was the worst of it so far.

He seized the front of my shirt and yanked me roughly to my feet. I just smirked at him in what he would probably call an arrogant manner. There was another blow to the face and I felt the taste of my own blood in my mouth. It splattered against the white tiled floor as I spat. The contrast of colour was startling.


“Sure does taste good.” I replied cockily, earning a knee to the stomach.

“You’re sick.” He spat, spitting in my face.

I closed my eyes as the glob went splat against my face. My hands tugged lightly on the cuffs to check I couldn’t break them. Of course, they didn’t give. These cuffs weren’t made to be broken. They’d be pretty useless if they were. Getting out of them would require craft. And, inevitably, some slight discomfort.

My right hand closed around my left thumb as discreetly as possible. . .

“You’re all freaks,” He continued “Blood-sucking vermin.”

I tugged and twisted my thumb. . .

“And you,” He spat “Are an arrogant ass. I’m ecstatic that they picked you.”

I applied a little more pressure, taking a deep breath. . .

“Your lucky day, right?”


I smirked with satisfaction as I felt my thumb crack. It was now dislocated. Perfect. Then came the difficult and painful part. Fortunately the cuffs weren’t too tight around my wrists. I used my right hand to push down hard on the cuff around my left. It slipped down, catching on my skin.

It was a struggle not to grunt in discomfort as I pushed harder.

“I’m gonna’ watch them. They’re gonna’ slaughter you all,” He jested “I hear they’re gonna’ slit your throats, one by one. But not to kill you straight away, they’re gonna’ watch you all stagger around with your throats hanging out, gasping for breath.”

“Should be interesting.”

My skin was peeling back. And blood was trickling non-stop down my hand. I pushed down as hard as I could on the cuff, feeling my skin coming away from my hand.

“You’ll be begging for death. And we’ll just laugh at you all. Then, when you’ve finally suffocated to death, we’re gonna’ take the bodies to the incinerator and burn them all.”

“Is this supposed to frighten me?”

“It should be. And if it isn’t, there’s something wrong.”

“Yes, there is something wrong.” I agreed.

I took that as my moment to lash out at him. My fist caught the side of his face and my long nails scraped at his skin. He yelled out as he fell and opened his mouth to shout but I was far too quick for him.

It felt good to see his eyes widening with fear as I clamped my hand over his mouth and proceeded to straddle him. I was certain I could smell his fear as I tipped my head back momentarily and took a deep breath, my eyes closed. Finally. Blood. Human blood. Sweet, warm and fresh.

“Famous last words?” I jested like he had done to me moments before.

He mumbled something inaudible from under my hand. I smirked and cupped my ear, acting as if I were straining to hear what he was saying.

“No? Ok then, let’s get on with this.”

Just like I predicted, he wriggled and writhed beneath me. So I slid my free hand around his throat, lifted his head and whacked I hard against the floor. He lay stunned for a moment or two. And that’s when I moved in for the kill. Quite literally. I had no intention of sparing this man by turning him. I’d suck him dry if I had the time.

I forced his head back, exposing his fat neck to me. It looked so inviting, crying to feel my teeth sinking into it. I wasn’t going to deny myself anymore. Enough teasing myself. Enough toying. I’d start snarling like some kind of animal if I denied myself my feed any longer.

I lowered myself down to the right side of his neck. And bit down immediately. No kindness, not for him. I bit into him as harshly and brutally as I could. He gasped beneath me. And I gasped too. But for a different reason. The sweet taste was like nothing else I’d ever tasted. It was five times as good as the raw meat I’ve been living off for the past nineteen years.

It filled my mouth and made my tongue explode as I sucked mercilessly on instinct. It tasted so amazing.

He was weakening beneath me as I continued to steal his life-force, now flowing from the wound I’d made in his neck. And I didn’t regret what I’d done. I was feeding properly for the first time in nineteen years. And it felt so good. I felt strong again.
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Anyone out there seen 'Hitcher'? That's where I got Gerard's escape idea from.

Please comment? C'mon, you silent readers are scary!