This Blood Is Gonna Wake the Night

A way home

The next morning, I was up and showered and dressed again by the time Bert had woken up. I was sitting on the couch watching the little tv with fascination. No tv for nineteen years! I have a right to be amazed, ok? Things were a lot different from when I was a kid. It looked better.

Bert grunted sleepily and made me jump when he asked if I was ok. I nodded, not tearing my eyes from the screen.

"What, you never watched tv before?" He laughed, scratching his head.

"You wouldn't know the half of it." I mumbled so that he couldn't hear.

I could feel his eyes on me again as I continued to watch whatever the show on tv was.

"Dude, you wanna' borrow some of my clothes?" He questioned "Just so you're wearing something clean."

"Don't you need them?"

"Well, yeah but I don't mind wearing the same thing twice."

"Um. . . ok."

So he struggled outta' bed and rifled through his bag while I continued to gaze at the tv with wonder. I'd fallen in love. I jumped when the tv screen flickered and changed to a bunch of guys, flailing their guitars around while screaming into microphones. Bert was holding the remote when I turned to investigate the tv's sudden change of program taste.

"Much better." He stated, tossing a pair of jeans, a dark blue shirt and some underwear at me.

I thanked him and shuffled off into the bathroom to change. It felt good to be out of the cotton white and into something 'normal'. I felt more comfortable already. Bert laughed when I re-entered the room and said 'Hey, good-looking'. A polite laugh forced itself outta' my mouth.

The tv channel had been changed again. There was a familiar animal on it. I stared at its scaly body.

"What is that?" I questioned, gesturing.

"Huh? Oh, it's a snake. Haven't you ever seen a snake before?"

"I got bit by one."

"Ooh, ouch!"

"It hurt a little bit."

"More than a little, I'd think."

"No, only a little."

He shrugged and said something about pain thresholds. But I didn't say anything. Bert stretched and grunted, getting up and running a hand through his long hair. I found the length of his hair strangely fascinating. I mean, my hair couldn't have been that much shorter than his. But if he cut his hair, his head would probably feel a hell of a lot lighter.

"I'd better get my act together and get ready to go."

I shrugged, keen to get as far away as possible, if he was gonna' take me with him, that is. I hoped he would otherwise I wouldn't have any idea where to go. The thought of being lost and out there alone again frightened me. So, I always make out that I'm this big macho guy who isn't easily spooked but the thought of being alone frightens me. I hate being shut in a room by myself. The silence worries me. . .

"Hey, Gerard?"


"I've been thinking, do you have any cash on you?"

"No. Why?"

"Well, I'm headed to New York anyway-"

How convenient

"- and I was thinking, if I take you there with me and then I'll quite happily pay for a train to Jersey for you."



"Oh my God, thank you!" I exclaimed and then doing the only thing I could think of.

I pulled him into a hug, wrapping my arms tightly around him. The first time I've hugged someone since I was eight. He laughed and hugged me back, squeezing me tightly. I smiled gratefully and let him go again.

"God," He laughed "A little road trip to N.Y and I end up turning into the good samaritan! This nicey nice stuff better wash off fast."

"It's hardly a little road trip." I pointed out.

"True." He agreed, turning to gather his stuff up.

I offered to help and he declined, only asking me to help him carry something to the car. Which I did very happily. I had to do something to help, right? Bert had a nice car. I didn't know what kind it was but it was pretty. He unlocked it and told me to get in while he went and gave the room key back. So I sat in the passengers seat patiently.

The door on the other side made me jump when it was pulled open. Bert laughed as he slid in beside me and pulled the keys out to slide into the ignition.

"Ready to go?"

"As I'll ever be."

"Let's get going then."

There was a mechanical roar as the car started up when Bert turned the key. It didn't cough or splutter like the old car my parents had when I was little, it went 'sweet as a nut' as my Dad always said. There was another roar and the car was off, driving down the road.
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Hey, Guys! I'm no expert on American geography!

So, does anyone know roughly how long it would take to drive from Utah to New York?