

I made this mess

Angela's pale eyes stared into mine. She was trying to read me, trying to find out why I left Frank. She thought my eyes would tell her, but I knew they were empty.


It was one simple word. Yet, I knew the rest. Why did I leave him? Why did I hurt him? Why did I hurt myself?

"I don't love him anymore," I said simply.

It was a lie. She knew that.

"Emerson," she said sternly. "Are you trying to tell me that you don't love Frank? Frank Iero? The one who would die for you? The one who would love you to death, if you would just let him? I know you love him. Don't lie to me Emerson."

I bit my lip. I knew I had to tell her.

"Fine. It's true. I love him. That's why I had to leave."

Angela looked at me confused.

"You don't know how much i hurt him," I continued slowly. "Whenever I cried, he wanted to cry too. I saw it in his eyes. Whenever I suffered, he suffered too. I couldn't do that to him anymore. I had to leave."

Angela wrapped my hand in hers, comforting me. She spoke softly.

"Emerson. If being apart hurts you this much, imagine how much it must hurt him?"

I shook my head and pulled my hand from hers.

"He's better off without me. We are both better off not loving each other."

"He loves you Emerson!"

I shook my head again, trying to convince myself that it wasn't true.

"No. He doesn't love me anymore. I don't love him either."

I murdered our love
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