

Would anyone notice? Would anyone care?

I lay there, on the bathroom floor, waiting for someone to find me. My eyelid's were heavy; I couldn't open them.

Why is no one here? Doesn't anyone care? I know Emerson doesn't.

"Frank?" It was Mikey.

I tried to open my eyes. I tried to call out. Anything to be noticed.

I could hear him getting closer the bathroom door. Closer to me.

"Wha- Frank!"

I could hear the shock in his voice. It quickly turned to desperation.

"Gerard! Help! It's Frank. He's-"

Pounding footsteps. Warm hands touched my throat, feeling for a pulse.

I heard whispered murmurs of my name. Worried whispers. Arms reached over me and picked me up. I felt like a rag doll. Lifeless.

I heard heavy breathing. I felt a heart beating against my body.

Is my heart beating too? Am I dead? Do I care?

I do care. But not because I want to live. Because I want to die. I wish I was dead. But I can't be. If I was dead would Emerson's last words crash through my head?

I. Don't. Love. You.

Should I be shocked now by the last thing you said?
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