

You wish some way that you'll die at the hospital

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I was in the hospital. I couldn't open my eyes. I heard worried voices. I wanted to tell them that I was okay. I couldn't.

Am I asleep? Am I dead? No. I can still hear my heart beating in my chest. Why won't it stop?

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I heard a sharp intake of breath.

"Is he going to be okay?"

This voice was new. It was soft. Delicate. It was Emerson.

Why was she here? To torture me? To hurt me more?

I wanted her here. But, at the same time, I couldn't stand it.

"We don't know, Emerson," said a second voice. It sounded like Ray.

I desperately tried to open my eyes, until, I managed it.

The bright lights were blinding.

I heard my name being called, but everything tuned out when my eyes met Emerson's.

I hope she can see the anger in my eyes. I hope she can see that now, I hate her too.

Waiting for your head to explode
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Oh yeah....I painted a picture inspired by this story! Go look at it, it's on my profile!