

The hardest part is letting go of your dreams.

Here I am again, sitting here staring at the photos on the walls, feeling empty inside.

I'm losing it, losing my touch with reality. I'm fading away. My eyes ache and long for sleep.

If I could sleep, I would. But I can't. She haunts my dreams. Every time I close my eyes she's there. She blames me for this. For pulling us apart. She says it's my fault for not letting her go sooner. For trying to hold on to her for as long as I could. It's all my fault.


Was it her? Had she come back, or was I just delusional?

I turned. Disappointment coursed through my veins.

"What do you want Ray?" I shouted facing him and the rest of the guys.

" ju-just wanted..." began Ray looking hurt.

"We just wanted to tell you that we think you need help," Gerard finished for him.

"I don't need help! I just need her back!" I shouted. I could feel the anger consuming me.


"Don't call me Frankie!"

It made me think of her. She called me Frankie.

"We're taking you to see a therapist tomorrow," said Bob quietly.

With that they turned and left. I could tell they didn't want to be around me. Who would?

I crawled into bed and looked at the empty spot beside me. Pulling her pillow close to me, I let my tears fall again. I waited for sleep to come. For her to haunt me. For her to blame me.

So shut your eyes, kiss me goodbye, and sleep. Just sleep.
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Look I finally figured out how to put the lyrics in italics! Aren't you proud of me? Comment?Pretty pretty please with skittles on top?