Destiny Discovered

The Start

M. K. opens her eyes and rubs her temples. She looks around wondering where she was. The room had a very masculine feel to it. It had at least ten different styles of swords hanging on the walls. She looks to the ground to see a pair of black boxers.
‘That’s definitely not a female’s. Did I move and change rooms? I don’t think I did.’ M. K. thinks while slowly getting out of the bed. She turns her back to the wall and sees Faji walk out of the bathroom without his costume on. His hair was now shaggy black with silver peppered throughout it. His eyes were a piercing cerulean blue. M. K. blinks and tries to get out of the room. Faji grabs M. K.’s arm and stops her.
“Don’t try it. This is how I normally look. You saw me in my costume. I’m still me. Oh, you have to take your test today and I’m going with you. Because you can’t talk, you and I can communicate through our minds.” He points to the bathroom door with his free hand.
‘You’ll want to get a shower before we leave. There’s no telling when you’ll get another one.’ Faji lets go of M. K. and she runs into the bathroom. She locks the door and slides down it with her back against the door.
‘How am I going to think things through with another person in my head?’ She mentally sighs and starts the water for a shower. Faji knocks on the door.
‘I thought you might like to have some fruity smelling shampoo and conditioner.’ M. K. unlocks the door and takes the things from Faji. She tries to talk but her mouth doesn’t move.
‘Where are the towels?’ Faji points to the cupboard next to the sink. M. K. tries to smile and Faji closes the door. She gets ready and takes her shower.
Dawn opens her eyes and stretches while yawning. She sits up quickly and runs out of her room and into Joseph’s without knocking. Joseph looks at her while buckling his belt. Dawn blushes a bright red while looking away from Joseph.
“Calm down Dawn. She’s in the shower now. Faji had quite some explaining to do. They haven’t gone yet. Go get dressed. I’ll make sure you don’t miss your chance to tell her good luck.” Dawn smiles and walks over kissing Joseph on the cheek. He smiles and watches Dawn walk out. He sighs and finishes getting ready.
Dawn walks into her room getting into her closet and picks out a pair of stretchy black caprice with a maroon form fitting long sleeved shirt. She slips on a pair of flat soled maroon shoes. She brushes her hair and puts it in a ponytail.
She walks out of her room to see Faji and M. K. walking towards them. She smiles and looks at Joseph, who comes over to her side. They wait for a second and Dawn hugs M. K.
“You’ll do fine. These tests are going to make you give your best. Outsmart the test and remember that you don’t always have to fight.” M. K. smiles up at Dawn and looks at Faji.
“She says she understands your concern but don’t worry. She’ll beat these tests. She won’t be alone. I will make sure nothing happens to her.” Faji sighs not liking the idea of being the new translator.
All of the sudden, sirens and lights flare to life. Everyone, except Faji, covers their ears at the noise. Faji pulls on M. K.’s arm and points to Dawn’s room.
“That’s the alarm for intruders. We should probably get in your room. It’ll be a little bit safer to talk in there.” Dawn opens her door and walks in. Joseph follows behind her and Faji lets M. K. walk in before him.
“Why would the alarm go off on a day like this? Should we get her to the starting place even with the alarms going off?” Faji looks at Dawn and then receives a curt shake of Joseph’s head.
“It won’t affect her test at all. If the castle happened to be destroyed, David made sure the portal would go somewhere safe. That’s all taken care of. Now how do we get to where we need to be? The sooner we get these tests started, the sooner we can have them finished.” Every time Faji said ‘we’, he points to M. K. and himself. Dawn laughs and turns her back to everyone. Joseph points to Dawn and signals she doesn’t think she has to take the tests. M. K. and Faji nod. Dawn calls them into her closet where she was.
“This should take you straight to the tunnel. We’ll go with you and makes sure she and you get there safe. Plus, if there is a fight, you won’t waste your energy on fighting out of the test. Now, let’s go.” She pulls an extra layer of carpet up to reveal a hidden path. Faji gets in first and waits for M. K. and helps her down while holding her hands. They both step out of the way to let Joseph and Dawn in. Joseph drops in and waits for Dawn. Dawn drops down, closing the door behind her. Faji lets go of M. K.’s hands and moves out of the way to let Dawn and Joseph lead the way. M. K. stands next to Faji. She grabs his hand and smiles as much as her jaw would allow her to.
‘I promise no one’s going to hurt you for holding my hand.’ Faji shakes his head and starts walking with M. K. following him still holding his hand.
‘How do you even know you can trust me? What makes you so confident I even want to be with you on your tests? Just because I helped you escape doesn’t mean a whole lot in this world anymore.’ M. K. looks at Faji and shakes her head in a silent laugh.
‘I figured if you were going to kill me or have me killed, you would’ve done so last night. I was asleep and it would have been an easy job. Why make it harder on yourself by getting to know me? You live in David’s castle and that obviously means you work for him. If you work for him, that means he chose you to come along with me. And that would mean he trusts you. If he can trust you, I can trust you.’ Faji shrugs and M. K. rolls her eyes. They catch up to Dawn and Joseph at a wall that was split into two tunnels. The tunnel on the left was labeled for M. K. and the tunnel on the right was labeled for Dawn. Dawn blinks at her name and looks at Joseph.
“I didn’t think I had to go through this. I thought my getting us out of the Palace was to count for mine.” Dawn looks at Faji and M. K. who both shrug. She looks back at Joseph.
“I thought that you said David said it would take time off of your tests. You’d still have to take them but they won’t be as long as your sisters.” Dawn blushes and agrees with Joseph. Dawn smiles at her sister and turns towards the tunnel with her name on it. M. K. does the same as Dawn and Joseph disappear down Dawn’s tunnel. M. K. tugs lightly on Faji’s arm.
‘Are you ready to do this thing? Thinking of which, why do you get to come with me?’ Faji smiles and lets M. K. lead the way. She starts walking into her tunnel with Faji by her side.
‘Well you still can’t talk. Everyone thought it would be best for you to have someone go with you. Since I’m the most like you, they voted for me to go with you.’ M. K. nods her head and looks ahead.
They were walking into a section of the castle M. K. had never seen. There were paintings of everything on the walls. Each painting looked real enough; anyone could touch it and feel every emotion going on in the painting. Faji pulls on M, K.’s hand and points to David standing in front of a wall. They walk over to him. He doesn’t seem to notice them for many minutes. M. K. begins to shift from foot to foot. David looks at them and points to the wall.
“It’s called the wall of victory. It’s said that the lines tell everything between the two people. Granted I’ve never looked close enough to see if that was true. But I suppose it could be if you have a strong enough magnifying glass.” He shrugs in an uncaring way.
All three see a faint torch light coming down the hall adjacent to the wall of victory. M. K. let’s go of Faji’s hand and looks down the hall to see who it is. Faji and David lean over M. K. to see also. David smiles and starts to wave. M. K. pushes both of the guys back and points to a tapestry they could hide behind.
“Now M. K. it’s just Meshell and Ana.” David tries to explain as M. K. continues to push David and Faji towards the tapestry. Faji looks at M. K. and gives her a questionable look. She nods.
“M. K. says that those two are not Meshell and Ana. They’re the intruders. She can’t explain how she knows but she does know.” Faji blinks in an odd way feeling odd about talking for M. K. David sighs and slowly gets behind the tapestry. Faji looks behind the tapestry to see enough room for one more person. He motions for M. K. to get in. She shakes her head. He looks around and points to a hiding spot next to the tapestry. She nods and gets behind a female statue. Faji watches her and gets behind the tapestry.
‘Make sure you keep him quiet. I don’t like the feeling I get from those two.’ M. K. puts her head in a position that she can keep an eye out for the fake Meshell and Ana. The torch light is now fully shining down the wall of victory. Now that no one was seen, the disguises of Meshell and Ana were off and M. K. could see guards from the Palace.
‘The fake Meshell and Ana are guards from the Palace. I don’t remember seeing these guards at the Palace. Does David know about the guards? Don’t ask him yet. They’re still looking down here.’ The guards look down the hall once more and start walking away, down a different hall. M. K. allows them walk down the hall about ten yards. M. K. quietly gets out from behind the statue and walks over to the tapestry. She motions for them to come out quietly.
“We need to get to your office and quickly.” Faji whispers as he steps out from behind the tapestry. While stepping back, he trips and M. K. tries to catch him. He regains his balance with M. K.’s help. She rolls her eyes at him and he glares at her. David steps out from behind the tapestry.
“Follow me. I’ll take us to my workroom. No one knows where it is. It changes every time I close the door and walk away. It’s a nifty thing. In fact the bedrooms are like that. Although you will always walk in the same door, you come out a different one. Today was the exception because of Dawn and your test.” David walks to the end of the hallway and pushes open a door that couldn’t be seen by M. K. or Faji. David motions for them to step into the room. M. K. walks in first, followed by Faji and David. David shuts the door and locks it. He walks up to M. K.
“I’m glad you can tell someone’s a fake. It very well might come in handy. I don’t know what’s going to happen in your test but be careful. How long they take is up to you.” M. K. nods and David opens a door in the back of the room. In the doorway, a deep green forest is seen. Faji looks at M. K. and motions for her to go first. She shakes her head and pushes him towards the portal. This process continues until David gets fed up and pushes both of them in at the same time. He shuts the door and sits in his chair watching Dawn and Joseph on one screen and Faji and M. K. on the other screen. He didn’t understand why he felt the urge to put them through the tests, but he knew he had too.