Destiny Discovered

M.K.'s Test

M. K. thinks fast as she falls through the sky into a thick and dark forest. As soon as she hits the first tree, she holds onto the braches to stop her fall. Faji does the same as M. K. but he is a couple of yards away. M. K. looks down to see a branch she could stand on. She hangs her body above the branch and lets herself drop. She continues until she was close enough to see the ground but not be seen by someone on the ground.
Just as she settles down, Faji runs under the tree and waits for M. K. M. K. looks around at the ground below her and drops onto the ground in a crouching position behind Faji. Faji turns on his heel and aims his fist at M. K.’s head. She smiles sheepishly at Faji and he rolls his eyes. She stands and looks around. Everywhere her eyes touched were thick trees.
‘So what are we going to do now? I have no idea where we are.’ M. K. looks at Faji waiting patiently for his response. He motions for her to follow to him. He leads them towards a tree in front of them. He points to the sensory on one of trees. M. K. glares hate at the small sensor. Faji shakes his head.
‘Don’t even think about it. We’ve got to give the guards coming the slip. How fast of a runner are you?’ M. K. shrugs. Faji sighs and looks towards the tree in front of them. He picks M. K. up in his arms and starts running like he was in a 400 dash. M. K. grips his shirt and buries her face in his shirt.
‘I’m assuming that we’re going into town. So what is our cover story?’ M. K. keeps her head buried in Faji’s shirt as she asks. Faji comes to a stop and sets M. K. down. She opens her eyes and lets go of Faji’s shirt. He points to the huge oak tree next to them.
M. K. sighs and follows Faji up the tree. Once the ground could no longer be seen, Faji sits down on a branch big and long enough for both of them to sit comfortably in front of each other. Faji’s face shows he’s beginning to think. M. K. leaves him be until he had done all of his thinking.
‘Well I’ve got an idea. You probably won’t like it. We could do the slave market. I’d be the slave seller and you’d be the freshly caught slave.’ M. K. blinks her eyes at him and shakes her head vigorously.
‘I will never be a slave again. Try a plan b. I’ve got an idea. How about if we pulled a Dawn and Joseph? We could act like we’re a couple. Although we’d have to get separate rooms, I don’t think inn keepers are allowed to give us one room unless we’re married. Well, it was worth a try.’ M.K shrugs her shoulders. Faji holds his index finger up as he thinks things over.
‘That’s actually not half of a bad idea. It’d require a lot of acting but I think we could pull it off. I mean how hard is it to act like you’re in love. And I’m sure we can figure something out about the sleeping arrangements. We can rotate who sleeps on the floor and bed. Although, we don’t have any rings or proof that we’ve been married. I’m sure we can take care of that when we get in town. If it’s still the same place as before, I can get us a marriage certificate and rings for free.’ M. K. nods her head in agreement. She starts to feel the ground tremble and holds onto the tree branch while trying to locate the source of the trembling.
Faji hangs upside down and looks around. M. K. stands by his legs and helps him back onto the branch when he was ready. She silently laughs at his hair and grabs her jaw in pain. The trembling gets more violent while M. K. gently massages her jaw. The trembling throws off her balance and she quickly tries to regain it. Faji’s arm shoots out and grabs M. K. She tenses up but lets him help her. As soon as she regains her balance, she moves over and sits in front of Faji.
‘You have the bigger space to sit on. That’s why I lost my balance.’ Faji nods his head, not believing her. She turns her back to him and tries to see the ground. She sighs and sits up straight with her arms crossed in front of her. She glares down at the ground that she couldn’t see. Faji laughs silently and pats her on the shoulder. She turns to face him still aggravated.
‘Well, if we’re going to be fake husband and wife, we might as well practice. If we can help it, I’d rather not do any kissing. It’s nothing against you; it just makes it harder to go back to normal. There’s always that chance you do actually end up liking the other.’ M. K. raises her eyebrows in a not amused way.
‘And I suppose liking the other is just totally preposterous?’ M.K. replies in a dry voice. Faji raises his eyebrow.
‘The trembling is done. I do believe it’s safe to go to the village now.’ Faji shakes his head.
‘I believe we’re better off here until tonight.’
‘How do you know what time of day it is? We can’t see anything! How do I know I can trust you? I don’t know where we are, how can I trust you to know where we are?’ M. K. glares heatedly at Faji. He smiles childishly.
‘You don’t know. But as you said before, if I were going to kill you, I would’ve done it already. Now the sooner you fall asleep, the sooner we’ll be able to get into town.’ Faji grabs M. K. and places her in his lap sideways. She struggles until he tightens his grip on her.
‘Sit back and relax. If I were you, I’d be saving my strength for the test I have to pass. Now sleep. I won’t do anything.’ M. K. sits back tensely and watches Faji carefully. He rolls his eyes and closes them, ready to sleep.
Faji pretends to sleep until M. K. isn’t tense and falls asleep. When her breathing was down to a sleeping rate, he jumps out of the tree. He makes a costume for M. K. and puts it on her. She looked like herself but she was different. He smiles down at her and shakes his head. He sighs and begins to run to the village.
Once in the village, he slows down to a fast walk. He looks around to see how everything was darker than normal. He was in the slums of the village but even the slums had lights and music every night. The wind was the only thing heard that night.
Faji puts a costume on himself and walks into a slum inn. The inn keeper was passed out in his chair and the air smelled a lot like liquor. Faji walks up to the inn keeper and kicks his table. The man jumps and opens his blood shot eyes. He looks at Faji and hands him a key. Faji takes the key, careful to not wake up M. K., and walks to the room number on the key.
He manages to open the door and get M. K. inside without waking her. He walks over to the bed and places M. K. on it as gently as he could manage. He walks back to the door and closes it. He looks at the handle to see a lock that could easily be opened. He rolls his eyes and locks the door. He puts a chair up against the door handle and walks around to check the windows.
M. K. sits up and rubs her eyes. She looks around the room and tries to call out loud for Faji. She felt funny, kind of like she had a veil over her entire body. Faji walks over to the bed and massages her jaw hinges. She closes her eyes from the pain in her mouth. A tear falls down her face from the pain. Faji watches the tear fall but lets her brush it off.
‘Better? You should know by now you can’t open your mouth. Why do you keep trying to?’ Faji looks at her and knows very well that she couldn’t see him.
‘It’s not something I’m used to. I’m used to being able to talk whenever I want. It takes a long time to get used to something like this.’ She laughs in her head to Faji.
‘I can’t wait to see how meager my voice sounds when I am able to talk again. It’ll be quieter than the wind.’ Faji smiles at M. K. and likes her outlook on things.
‘You’re probably feeling the costume I have on you. It’ll feel weird until your body adjusts to it. After a nice sleep tonight, you’ll be used to it. I’m going to go get our props. Do not open that door for anyone. We’re in the slums. I have a chair pushed against the door handle and the door is locked. You should be fine. I won’t be gone that long. Just go back to sleep and don’t fret over things. You won’t realize I’m gone.’ M. K. eyes Faji suspiciously and lies back in the bed. She closes her eyes and lets sleep reclaim its hold on her. Faji watches M. K. until she was asleep. He walks over to the one of the windows and jumps down into the night again.
M. K. turns over in her sleep and faces the opposite direction. She vaguely remembers where she is and tries to fall back to sleep. She hears a door open and sits up in bed ready to be attacked. Faji raises his eyebrows at her. She relaxes and gets comfortable again.
‘Now that you’re awake, we can get you appearance changed. I’ve bought some hair dye and we’ve got some scissors. I hate to do this to you but we need to cut and color your hair.’ Faji watches M. K. as her eyes get big and glossy.
‘But I’ve worked for a long time to get my hair this long. I like the color of my hair too!’ Faji chuckles out loud. She glares at him heatedly.
‘But Alek and Con know you look like that. It may be 15 years into the future but I guarantee they’ll still recognize you. I’d rather not have to break you out of jail. I heard from your sister that you’re a big fan of color so I picked up different colored hair dyes. I’ve got an auburn red, bleach blonde, and midnight black. Which would you prefer?’ M. K. gets out of the bed and walks into what she assumes is the bathroom to see the hair dye. She picks up the red and blonde. She holds them out to Faji.
‘I’m assuming you don’t want me to look like you. So I figure we’ll do a two tone: red on top and blonde on the bottom.’ Faji nods his head and begins to mix the hair dyes.
‘Do you want to cut your hair or would you like me to? I can do it and I won’t make it look hideous either.’ M. K. smiles and nods her head at Faji. He nods his head in understanding. He points to the bedroom.
‘Go sit on the chair in front of the dresser. I’ll bring everything else with me.’ She nods and does as Faji requests.
‘How are you going to cut my hair? I don’t want it short like Dawn’s. That look is good only for her. I want something daring but lovely.’ She shrugs.
‘Just don’t make it looks horrible.’
‘Your hair should look the same as normal when we get back. I made sure I got something from this time so it would go back to normal. I was going to chop your hair while you were sleeping in the tree with me last night but I remembered it would be permanently like that.’ She sighs in relief at his choice. She smiles the best she could without hurting herself. She closes her eyes and puts her back to the mirror.
‘Do your thing Faji.’ He smiles at the back of her hair and begins to cut her hair into layers. The longest part of her hair was down to her shoulders and layered all the way up to about an inch and a half away from her scalp. He gives her side sweep bangs over her right eye. He sets the scissors down and pats M. K.’s hair.
‘What do you think?’ M. K. opens her eyes and turns around to look in the mirror. She touches her hair and smiles with her eyes at Faji. She hugs him tightly and sits back down her eye still smiling.
‘I love it a lot. It’s very nice. I like it, although we can’t really do two tones with it. What color do you think I should have you use on my head?’ He looks at her hair.
‘Your hair would take the blonde better than the red hair dye.’ She smiles with her eyes up at him.
‘I guess I’m going blonde then. I might have you do this to my hair in our real time! I love it!’ He smiles at her and begins to put the hair dye in her hair.
Once the hair dye had set in long enough, Faji takes M. K. into the bathroom and has her kneeling in front of the bathtub. She leans her head over and lets him wash her hair. He gently scrubs the extra dye formula out of her hair. After conditioning, he lets her get up and fix her hair. She puffs up the back and lets the rest air dry. She nods her head at her reflection until she looks at her outfit.
She walks out and looks at Faji. He had a bag of clothes in front of him. He looks up at her and tosses her a pair of black skinny jeans. She nods her head in approval of the pants. He throws her a black form fitting three quarter length shirt. She catches it and raises her eyebrow. He tosses her a white halter vest that laced up like a corset in the back.
She rushes into the bathroom and begins to change. She puts everything on and looks in the mirror. She cocks her head to the side and nods in approval of her new look. She opens the door to see Faji standing there waiting. He hands her a pair of mid calf high black leather boots. The heel wasn’t a stiletto heel but it was close to it. Her eye light up as she sits on the floor and puts them on. She stands up and grabs the makeup Faji was holding out for her.
She turns around and looks in the mirror. She puts on a lot of black eyeliner to make her eyes stand out. She adds a smoky touch to add to the affect. She puts on some clear lip shiner. She turns around to see Faji. He’s holding out a fake wedding band. She takes it and gently slides it onto her wedding finger.
‘I’m ready to go whenever you are. Am I supposed to take my old clothes and stuff with me in the bag?’ Faji nods his head and makes his way to the door. M. K. puts all of her stuff in the bag and follows Faji out. She grabs his hand and winks at him. He smiles and leads her down to the passed out inn keeper. He puts the key on his desk and walks out with M. K. behind him.
Faji leads M. K. out of the slum area to the workers village. He looks all around until he spots a blonde haired girl with a green hair following. The blonde hair looks at M. K. and Faji and smirks. She slightly points her head towards the forest. Faji sees and starts pulling M. K. to the forest. M. K. looks at him weird and sees the forest. She starts looking around until they reach the edge of the forest. Faji puts her up against the tree and stands in front of her acting like they were a couple.
‘Do you realize how weird this is? I mean it’s not weird per say…it’s just weird because it’s like all of the sudden.’ M. K. shrugs at what she had just said and looks at Faji.
‘Why are we here?’
‘Just wait and we’ll find out.’ Faji looks at M. K. with a look that makes her go silent.
‘Your test isn’t easy…’ M. K. switches spots and shoves Faji into the tree.
‘What do you know about my test?’ Faji rolls his eyes at her.
‘I know what you have to do and that you need help to be able to do what you need to. There are two girls coming that are going to get you ready. We have a month. You’ll figure out what your test is by then. There will be more than enough clues.’ M. K. looks questionably at Faji. He looks away from her. M. K. hears footsteps getting closer and puts her head on Faji’s shoulder. Faji hears the footsteps also and wraps his arms around M. K.
M. K. pretends to be happy in Faji’s arms and closes her eyes in a fake bliss. Faji rests his head on hers. He puts his mouth into her hair and pretends to be kissing her head in reassurance. The two females walk in front of them and laugh.
“If that’s not grossest thing I’ve ever seen in my life, I don’t know what would be.” The green haired female snorts after saying this. The blonde glares at green haired girl and she stops snorting. The blonde looks at M. K., who was standing in front of Faji.
“That’s their job. They have to act like they like each other to stay alive. Joseph wasn’t kidding when he said you have powers out of this world. I’m Mystik and this is Maeko. There are two more of us but that’s not important right now. We’re a group of female …fighters…that are against Con as queen.” M. K.’s eyes widen in shock at the news of Con being queen.
“You’re the one who we need to train. I’ve got a month to help you harvest your power. That’s not a lot of time to teach you. I’d get away from him. I’m getting ready to attack.” M. K. glares daggers at the female named Mystik. She slowly walks away from Faji. Mystik charges inhumanly fast at M. K. and M. K. jumps into the tree to get away. While in the tree before Mystik’s next attack, M. K. hears the other girl, Maeko, say, “Well if it isn’t my older brother…”
Mystik jumps into the tree and slams M. K. through the branch and into the ground. M. K. stays still for a minute while Mystik jumps down. Mystik walks next to her and stands on M. K.’s legs.
“I hope you don’t expect to kill the queen like that. It won’t do. Her guards could actually beat that. The guards here aren’t like the ones you are used to. Get up; I didn’t hit you hard to enough to knock you out.” M. K. flips her legs and sends Mystik on the ground in a flip. M. K. lunges at Mystik who easily dodges.
Things continue like this for half an hour until Mystik grabs M. K. by the hair. M. K. claws at Mystik’s hand but it does nothing. Mystik brings M. K.’s head up to hers. She back hands M. K. in the face and makes her hinges pop back into place. The pain from the blow sends M. K. to the ground and unconsciousness. Mystik lets her drop to the ground and looks at Maeko and Faji.
“You two didn’t fight, did you?” Mystik growls in her normal voice.
“Why would I fight my own flesh and blood? We’ve nothing against each other. Plus, I’ll be training M. K. first. You’ll be with him. I figure he’ll need all the opportunities he can get to even come close to beating you.” Maeko looks at M. K.
“Did you fix her jaw?” Mystik nods and motions her head towards M. K.
“You might want to grab her. We need to get out of here before someone decides to come and catch her. She is bleeding. I’m sure you wouldn’t want someone to take the love of your life away, now would you Faji?” Faji glares at Mystik.
“Yes, I know all about the promises that pertain to this young one. I had to, to be able to train her. You’re very lucky to have someone who will in time come to accept what and who you are. You might think on telling her while you’re here. She won’t be able to tell anyone but you when you get back.” Faji glares heatedly at Mystik while he gently picks up M. K. He looks down at her worried. Mystik rolls her eyes and starts walking deeper into the forest. Maeko smiles at Faji.
“She’ll be alright. She’s only knocked out because of the shock she received to her jaw. She’ll be able to talk when she’s awake.” Maeko follows Mystik and Faji follows Maeko. Faji looks down at M. K. and wonders about telling her all about himself: including his past.


M. K. opens her eyes to see she’s in a comfortable room. It had a home quality to it. The walls and the carpet matched perfectly. Nothing was too bright and nothing was too dull. Everything had a quality all of its own.
M. K. lazily sits up and yawns allowing her mouth to open fully. She grabs her jaw and notices she could open it without pain. She gets out of bed and rushes to the door. She swings it open and runs down the hallway towards the stairs. She runs down the stairs and finds Faji sitting on a couch with his back to her watching television.
She quietly runs to the couch and flips so her head is in his lap. She smiles up at him while he glares at her. She pretends to pout and sticks out her lower lip. He rolls his eyes at her and causes her smile to get wider.
“I can talk now! My jaw doesn’t hurt.” She sits up and moves to the other side of the couch.
‘I was beginning to get used to the quiet. What happened to my voice is probably going to sound like the wind?’ M. K. sticks her tongue out at Faji and he grins.
‘Do we still have to act like a couple? Or is that only for when we’re in town?’ Faji shakes his head.
‘It would be wise to always act like a couple to prevent accidents from happening. Although, the girls here know we’re not a couple. I suppose we could try to fool them. We’ll work on our acting skills.’ M. K. rolls her eyes and mumbles something about kisses and not liking people.
Mystik walks into the room from the room adjacent to the living room. She looks at M. K. and smirks. M. K. glares and a low growl begins to form in her throat.
“You know, you should actually be thanking me. I made your jaw work again. The doctors that supposedly fixed your jaw moved your jaw more than they should have. I corrected their mistake. Nice bruising too. They fit you well.” The growl in M. K.’s throat gets deeper as hate seeps through her eyes. Mystik laughs and sits on the loveseat adjacent to the couch. M. K. scoots closer to Faji subconsciously and rests her back against his arm.
He looks at M. K. and then to Mystik. Mystik grins widely at M. K.’s reaction and stands up walking past her. M. K. growls lowly again but stops from feeling Faji’s arm wrap around her shoulders.
“Calm down. You shouldn’t hate her that much. She’s only doing what she’s supposed to. She won’t kill you, just come close to it a few times. You’re lucky to have her for a teacher.” M. K. doesn’t look at Faji but hears him sigh.
“Well I’m going to get something to eat. I suggest you take a shower and wash your make up off. Mixed with your blood, it doesn’t look appealing.” Faji moves his arm and stands up from the couch.
“Come on, I’ll show you were the kitchen and showers are. I’ll be in the kitchen when you’re done. I won’t leave until you come down.” He points to the adjacent room.
“That’s the kitchen.” M. K. rolls her eyes.
“I can kind of see that.” Faji rolls his eyes in return.
He walks up the hallway and into the bedroom M. K. came out of. He leads her to the place she thought to be the closet. He opens it to reveal a moderately small bathroom. It had a bathtub, toilet, and sink. He points to the cupboard built under the sink.
“You’ll find everything you need here: towels, soaps, women’s things. It’s all here. Remember I’ll be done in the kitchen. Please try to be courteous and not take a long shower.” M. K. smiles slightly at Faji’s back as he closes the door behind himself.
She opens the cupboard under the sink and grabs two towels, soap, and hair care. She turns the water on to heat up and takes everything off. She turns the water on to the shower head and steps in with her soap and hair care products in hand.
She turns the water off after washing everything and grabs for the towels. She wraps the smaller of the two towels on her head for her hair. The other goes around her body as she steps out of the shower. She steps out and looks at her clothes from yesterday wondering what she was supposed to wear. Someone knocks on the door as she was thinking.
She opens the door a sliver and sees Maeko standing there. M. K. opens the door all the way and smiles at Maeko. Maeko returns the smile and hands M. K. a pair of basketball shorts, an under armor tank top, and undergarments.
“When you get these on, you should come down to the kitchen.” Maeko leaves the room and closes the door behind her. M. K. looks at the clothing and sighs in happiness. She puts them on and finds a pair of used but sturdy tennis shoes with a pair of ankle socks on top of them. She puts the shoes on and walks back into the bathroom.
She brushes her hair and stops looking at the wedding band on her finger. She sighs and shakes the thoughts she was having out of her head. She brushes her hair into a pony tail and walks out of the bathroom. She opens the bedroom door and walks down the hallway and stairs. She enters the kitchen to see Maeko sitting at a table that could fit four people with Faji. M. K. smiles at Maeko who waves to her. Faji turns around to see M. K. and sighs out loud.
“Well, training will be cancelled today because I don’t feel like starting out of the blue with you. I’m going to have you run for a little bit and then you’ll do a couple of strength tests. After that, the day is yours.” M. K. looks at Maeko while she talks. M. K. nods her head in understanding as she turns her back to look for a glass.
‘Where are the drinking glasses?’
‘Try the cupboard above your head. If that’s not it, then it will be the cupboard on the right of that one.’
‘Thanks Faji.’ M. K. opens the cupboard above her head and takes out a small glass. She fills it with water and stands next to the table leaning against the wall next to Maeko. She empties her glass and Maeko smiles at her.
“I suppose I’m ready to go. It’s not like I’ve got anything else to do.” Maeko smiles at M. K.’s comments and leads her to a door that was to the right of the table. Maeko opens the door and allows M. K. to go down first. M. K. goes down first, Faji follows her, and Maeko follows Faji. Maeko closes the door and turns on the light switch. M. K. stops at the foot of the stairs and waits for Maeko to get to the front. Maeko tries to get passed Faji but seems to innocently shove him into M. K. M. K. braces herself against the wall and stares wide eyed at Faji.
Faji quickly moves away from M. K. and motions for her to follow the already moving Maeko. She turns away from Faji and quickly follows Maeko. While following Maeko down a very long hallway, M. K. decides to have a conversation with Faji.
‘You know, I heard something very funny before I got into that fight with Mystik.’
‘And it would pertain to me how?’
‘Well, I honestly thought that I heard Maeko say you and she were brother and sister.’ M. K. glances back at Faji with the corners of her eyes. Faji stops for a second and shakes his head.
‘Yes, we are brother and sister. We don’t see each other often because of things that have happened to us. I suppose I’ll have to tell you sometime, seeing as how you know we’re brother and sister.’ M. K. nods her head.
‘Wow…this is a really long hallway.’
‘What do you have hidden that needs to be kept secret?’ M. K. looks back at Faji quizzically. Faji avoids her gaze.
‘Why are you being so short with your answers? Have I done something horribly wrong?’ M. K. stops and stares at Faji. Faji looks her in the eye. He makes no response but instead walks ahead of her. M. K. blinks at what had happened. She sighs and follows slowly behind Faji, making sure to keep her distance.
Maeko looks behind her to see, the two had switched spots. She inwardly sighs and slaps her forehead. ‘Well that’s definitely not going to go well.’ She thinks as she opens the door to the workout room.
“Here is our lovely workout room. M. K. if you’ll follow me, I’ll get you started on your running test.” M. K. walks past Faji without looking at him. Faji avoids watching M. K. walk off with his sister. Mystik clicks her tongue.
“Aw poor little Faji is afraid M. K. is going to reject him. The choices you have to make in life are heart breaking, aren’t they?” Mystik shoves past Faji and follows Maeko into the running room. Faji glares at Mystik’s back and walks towards the running room as well.
As soon as Faji walked in, Mystik shoved him towards a treadmill. Mystik starts the treadmill at a normal pace. She grins up at Faji. Faji widens his eyes and shakes his head while running. Mystik walks over to Maeko and they both walk out.
M. K. watches as the two leave and shrugs her shoulders while continuing at a steady pace for her five mile run. M. K. glances over at Faji through the corner of her eye. Faji watches her and looks away when she looks at him.
‘I need to tell you something. It’s fairly important and it would make it a lot easier if you’d not make any comments. Mystik is right when she says now is the time to tell you, you can’t go and talk about it to your sister. You can only talk about this experience with me.
‘What I’m about to tell you is something I’ve never really told anyone. You should feel very privileged to hear this.’ M. K. looks at Faji with questionable eyes.
‘Can you just get to the point? It’s hard to watch you and the speed dial. It keeps moving the speed up. It’s very hard to concentrate on two things at once. Although if you feel like running to catch me from the speed, keep talking. I do want to hear what you have to say but I’m not so sure now is the time.’ Faji glares at M. K. She sighs and shakes her head.
‘Please continue. But I’m serious when I say it’s hard to do two things at once.’ Faji rolls his eyes and stays quiet for a minute. The speeding up stops for M. K. which leaves her panting from the sprint she was maintaining. Faji watches as she keeps the pace and nods his head in approval.
‘Well you see my childhood is fairly bleak. I didn’t have anyone to support me and I had to support myself. My parents had twins: Maeko and I. They loved Maeko and kept her. They looked at me and decided they could only keep one. Since Maeko was the girl and much cuter, they kept her and put me in the care of an orphanage.
‘The orphanage was like no other. I’m sure you’ve heard horror stories over life in an orphanage: this is one I can guarantee you’ve never heard of before. The orphanage was actually a group of bandits. They only took males with good blood. They didn’t care about the circumstance or the fragileness of new baby boys. They trained me to look after myself, watch my twin grow up never knowing I was alive, and obviously they taught me how to steal and survive.’ M. K.’s eye brow lifts after Faji told of his sister never knowing he was alive.
‘My parents thought it would be best if she never knew. They made up the story of my death in birth. They told her that she’d come out first and forced me to stay behind. She ultimately led to my death. It was a lovely gift they gave her. She ran away and was found by Mystik only half alive. Mystik took her in and now she stays and works along side of Mystik.’ M. K. gives Faji a look of sympathy and weakly smiles.
‘And what about you, what happened after Mystik found your sister? Obviously you’re still alive. You had to do something. Why do you trust me enough to tell me all of this? I’m flattered but I don’t really understand. Everyone has a past or something in their past that they’re ashamed off. It’s part of life.’ M. K. looks questionably at Faji. Faji avoids her gaze and asks a simple question.
‘What do bandits do?’ M. K. looks at him oddly.
‘Well they take loot that isn’t theirs. They imprison the men and use the women in horrible ways. Normally they end up killing the entire family. It’s their nature. It is how they’ve adapted. What’s this have to do with you?’ M. K. looks at Faji’s guilty face.
‘Oh Faji! Did you turn away from everything you did then? Are you different now? Have you forged a new path?’ Faji looks at M. K. and shakes his head. After shaking his head, he drops his head to focus on his running.
‘Then, what does it matter? You’ve accepted your wrong and changed. We’ve all got something we don’t like that we did. We can only work to make sure others don’t do the same thing we did. I’m not going to hang this above your head Faji. You are still the Faji I have as a partner in my test and the Faji that helped me escape my prison. We’ve all got something in our pasts; we just have to move on.’ Faji doesn’t respond but starts to run faster. M. K. sighs and looks at how far she’s run. She had half a mile to go.
At the last bit of her five mile run, Maeko and Mystik appear. M. K. growls lightly as Mystik walks past. Mystik flashes M. K. a taunting smile and walks over to Faji. Maeko stops M. K.’s treadmill. M. K. gets down and stretches her legs out.
“I’ll let you stretch out there. If you’ll follow me, I’ll get you started on your other physical tests.” M. K. stands up and follows Maeko out of the room. They walk into the room before the cardio room. Maeko points to a water fountain.
“Please help yourself. I’m sure you are very thirsty after running five miles.” M. K. nods and takes a couple of long drinks from the fountain. Maeko looks through the window into the cardio room to see Mystik talking to Faji while he stretched his legs. Maeko frowns at Mystik’s actions and returns her attention to M. K. Her frown turns into a smile and she leads M. K. through a number of upper body exercises to see where her strength was.
Mystik looks at Faji. He rolls his eyes at her and refuses to meet her gaze. Mystik clicks her tongue and looks out the window. She smirks at Maeko taking notes over M. K.’s strength.
“Did you tell her everything? Or did you chicken out?” Faji looks up at Mystik and growls.
“What I tell her is none of your business. I would appreciate if you would remember that.” Mystik growls at Faji.
“Watch your tone. You are nowhere near my level of fighting. Don’t forget that.” Faji stands up and walks away from Mystik. Mystik grabs his shoulder and shoves him back in front of her. Faji grips her hand and throws her over his head onto the ground. He places his foot on her stomach and glares down at her.
Mystik grabs his ankle and twists it out from under him. He does a hand spring and goes to punch her only to find that she wasn’t there. He stands up and looks behind him. She hits him right in the jaw causing a small line of blood to fall from his mouth. He wipes it away and attacks her again. They trade blow for blow and take a few hits each.
Maeko runs into the room and grabs Mystik. M. K., who was following Maeko, puts her hands on Faji’s shoulders and makes him back up. Faji looks at M. K. and sighs. She looks at him oddly and turns around standing in front of him. Maeko motions with her head for M. K. to get Faji out. M. K. grabs Faji’s hand and walks out with Faji behind her.
M. K. takes Faji up the stairs and into the kitchen. She sighs and ponders something. Faji sits down on a chair with M. K. still holding his hand. She pulls his hand and shakes her head. She points to the door they had come out of and Faji hears Mystik and Maeko coming up the stairs.
M. K. pulls Faji out of the chair and walks into the living room. She turns and walks up the stairs. She walks down the hallway to her door and opens it. She makes Faji go in first and she closes the door behind herself.
“What were you thinking? She could have seriously hurt you. I need you here! You can’t get yourself hurt! Not from something stupid like that!” She walks into her bathroom and gets a dark colored wash cloth. She gets it wet with lukewarm water and motions for Faji to sit on the bed. He sighs but does as she motioned. She kneels down in front of him and very lightly dabs the cloth to his numerous cuts. She cleans them off the best she could and sighs.
She stands up to walk away but Faji grabs her and hugs her. M. K. stands there stunned for a minute until she slowly pats the top of his head in comfort. He turns his head to the side and allows her to softly smooth down his hair. He closes his eyes in happiness. M. K. looks down at him and thinks about how odd his behavior is. In the end, she smiles and allows him to be happy for a while.
He holds her like this for 15 minutes until someone knocks on the door. M. K. looks down at Faji as he lets go. She smiles slightly and opens the door to reveal Maeko. M. K. allows Maeko to come into her room and closes the door behind her. Maeko lets out a sigh of relief. She walks over to Faji and hugs him. He pats her on the back a few times and M. K. walks into the bathroom. She closes the door and takes a second shower using the same things as before.
She walks out of the bathroom in a towel to see Faji sleeping peacefully in her bed. She rolls her eyes and looks around for some clothes. She looks at the sleeping Faji. She really didn’t want to wake him but she needed clothes. She pokes his side and makes him move a bit. He doesn’t wake up. She sighs and pokes him harder. He swats at her hand and rolls over with his back facing M. K. She glares at him when an idea pops into her head. She sits on the edge of the bed as far away from Faji as possible and talks to him through her mind.
‘Faji, you need to wake up. I need help finding clothes to wear. I’m surely not going to let anyone see me in nothing but a towel.’ Faji stirs and sits up looking at M. K. angry.
“What!?” M. K. fake pouts.
“I can’t find any clothes. I figured you might know where some were. Can you help a girl out? I’m freezing!” Faji rubs his eyes and quickly looks away from M. K. He walks into a closet and points inside of it.
“Here are all of the clothes you’ll need. Is there anything else? I’m going to go back to bed.” He lies back down on M. K.’s bed and instantly falls asleep. M. K. laughs lightly and walks into the closet picking out a pair of light blue jeans and a skin tight white long sleeved shirt. She pulls out a deep red corset and walks out into hallway. She walks into the living room to see a light purple haired girl. M. K. clears her throat and the girl looks at M. K. The girl smiles and walks over to M. K.
“My name is Genevieve. What’s yours?” M. K. smiles at the girl.
“My name is Mishima Keiko but everyone calls me M. K. for short. Do you think you could help me get this on?” She holds out the corset. The girl nods and M. K. slips it on. The girl laces the back for her, making the corset a comfortable tight. M. K. smiles to the girl.
“Thank you so much. Do you how much time we have until we eat? I want to lie down for a bit but I don’t want to miss a meal.” The girl laughs lightly and smiles.
“We’ll be going out to eat tonight. We won’t leave until about 5:30. It’s only going on 2 o’clock now.” M. K. smiles and excuses herself. She walks back up to her room and crawls into the bed on the opposite side of Faji. She smiles contently into the pillow and falls into a dreamless sleep.
M. K. wakes up to a light knocking on her door. She slowly opens her eyes to see Faji get up and answer the door. Maeko walks into the room as M. K. sits up all the way. Maeko smiles at M. K. and M. K. smiles back. M. K. yawns and looks down at her legs as she stretches. She looks at her position in the bed and blushes. Maeko notices and laughs hard. Faji looks at M. K. and smirks.


After eating, the four had half an hour before the club part of the bar opened. M. K. was sitting in between Mystik and Faji. Mystik was on M. K.'s left and Faji was on her right. In front of her was Maeko. M. K. looks at Faji and smiles. Faji smiles in return but the smile disappears as a group of guys walks past the table staring at all three of the girls. Faji glares at the guys and scoots Maeko and M. K.'s chairs closer to his.
Maeko glares at him. Mystik fake pouts at the lack of protectiveness towards her. M. K. looks at Faji and rolls her eyes. She grabs his hand and squeezes. He looks at her and smiles gratefully. She smiles back and nods towards his sister's chair.
'You might want to let her go back to her original spot. I don't think she likes the brotherly love.' Faji looks at Maeko who is glaring heatedly at him. Faji nods and lets go of Maeko's chair. She scoots back to her original spot and waves to the guys. The lights turn down and the different colored lights come on. M. K. grins and tugs on Faji's hand. Faji points towards the clock and shakes his head. M. K. sighs and lets go of his hand.
Faji sighs and looks at M. K. exhaustedly. He looks over to his sister but she refuses to meet his eye. The music starts to play as the disc jockey sets up the sound system. He turns the bass up and the floor begins to shake. Faji watches the disc jockey with interest and doesn't pay attention to anything else.
The group of guys walks up to the girls and tries to smooth talk them into walking away with them. One guy in the group was brave enough to talk to M. K. M. K. glares at him and looks away. He forces her to look at him. She grabs onto his wrist and squeezes in between the bones at the base of his wrist. He instantly lets go with a howl of fury. Faji snaps back into reality and looks at M. K.
M. K. smiles slightly to show that she was alright. Faji turns her face towards him to see the man's fingerprints indented in her cheek. Faji shakes his head and pushes the guy out the doors. M. K. starts to get up to walk out and see how Faji was doing but one of the bigger guys steps in her path. Maeko comes up behind M. K. and stares at the guy.
"I honestly don't think he'll even last a punch after you're done with him. Although, he could surprise us and survive two punches. If that doesn't get him, you're hitting too soft." Maeko grins and gives M. K. a slight push forward.
M. K. looks at the ceiling to see the vent system. She jumps up and grabs a hold on one and kicks the guy on both of his shoulders. He tumbles back and falls through the wall. M. K. tries to jump down but one of the guys grabs her legs. She twists and elbows the guy on the bridge of his nose, causing him to drop her. She drops down on one foot and spreads her other leg out. She pivots on her foot and rams her out stretched leg into the guy who caught her calves. He falls face down and is knocked out cold.
The guy, that stopped M. K., earlier staggers to his feet. He lunges sloppily towards M. K. as she brings her knees up and knocks the wind out of him. He clutches his chest trying to catch his breath while on his knees. M. K. slams her elbow into the guys back and makes him fall to the ground knocked out with his friend.
The other guys run away. M. K. turns towards the door to see Faji walking in casually. She smiles and beckons him over with her index finger. He walks right up to her and wraps her in his arms and kisses her forehead. She smiles and closes her eyes enjoying the moment. Both M. K. and Faji stop kissing and look at each other. Faji runs his fingers lightly over the light bruise from the guy. He lightly kisses the bruise which causes M. K. to giggle. He looks at her and stands up straight. He looks at the guys on the ground with his eyebrow raised. M. K. wraps her arms around his neck with a childish grin on her face.
"They tried to stop me from going outside and cheering you on. I think it would've been better for their egos if they'd have let me go." Faji shakes his head while grinning. Mystik clears her throat from behind M. K. and the two look at her.
"It's time to party!" The music blasts through the speakers and Faji leads M. K. onto the dance floor. They all dance the night away. Faji never leaves M. K. alone by herself the entire night. Every song they were with each other.

M. K. leans her head on Faji's back on the way to the house. When they all arrive at the house, M. K. was asleep leaning against Faji's back. Faji turns his head to look at M. K. after parking. He motions for his sister to hold M. K. up while he got off the motorcycle. He takes off M. K.'s helmet and sets it on the motorcycle. He picks M. K. up bridal style and walks into the house. He starts heading towards the stairs but Mystik stops him.
"Normally, I make guys and girls sleep in separate rooms. I'm willing to make an exception for you two. I trust you won't do the wrong thing. Plus I have a feeling she wouldn't want to wake up without you in the room. I suggest you take her to your room. You've got the bigger bed." Mystik walks off without another word. Faji shakes his head and heads upstairs.
Instead of stopping at M. K.'s room, he continues and takes her to his room. He opens the door and turns the light on with his elbow. He grins down at M. K.'s sleeping form. He walks slowly over to the bed and throws M. K. onto the bed. The bounce wakes her up and causes her to yawn. She looks at Faji.
"Where am I? I know this isn't my room. My room looked less blue." Faji smiles at M. K.
"This would be my room. Mystik figured you wouldn't sleep on your own. And she thought you might freak out if you woke up in different clothes in your own room." M. K. smiles and yawns again.
"Do you have an extra pair of sleeping pants or shorts? I'll need a shirt too." Faji walks over to the dresser and pulls out a pair of boxers for him and a pair of dark blue sleeping pants. He throws the pants with the boxers at M. K. She grabs the boxers and runs into the bathroom before he could react. She comes out with his boxers and her pants in her hand. She grins and catches the shirt he throws at her. She walks back into the bathroom and changes into the shirt.
She walks out to see Faji already in bed. He sinks into the covers and the way he looked innocent made M. K. smile sweetly. She walks over to the light switch and turns it off. She puts her stuff by the door and walks cautiously towards the bed. She climbs in careful not to disturb Faji. Once she was comfortable, she feels Faji turn towards her.
'I had a lot of fun tonight. I'm not sorry I told you about my past. I never want you to leave me alone again.' M. K. turns over and looks at Faji through the dark. She couldn't see features very well but she saw the sincerity in his face. She reaches her hand out and brushes her finger tips across his cheek facing the ceiling. He pulls her closer to him and she scoots close enough to lay her forehead against his chest. He puts his arm around M. K. and they both fall asleep.


Maeko burst into Faji's room to see M. K. cuddled in Faji's arms. Both were sleeping peacefully. Maeko inwardly sighs and shakes her head of the conflict she was going through. She had to wake them up and get them down to the training room. But they were so cute together and she didn't want to embarrass them.
'I bet Mystik is watching me stand here like a fool.' Maeko sighs and lightly jumps on the bed. She looks down at the sleeping couple and the alarms for the house start to go off causing everyone in the bed to jump up in fright. M. K. clings to Faji in alarm and Faji has his arms protectively around M. K. Maeko goes to the other side of the bed and clings onto M. K.'s arm. M. K. looks at Maeko.
"What is this going off for? What time is it? Why are in the bed with us? What's going on?" M. K. emphasizes each sentence but quietly says them.
"Well you see the alarm only goes off when someone is poking around the woods. I'll explain more but we need to get to the training room. That's the only place that cannot be detected. I don't know how Mystik arranged it like that but it's undetectable even by missiles. Now we need to go. Don't bother to grab anything. Mystik will more than likely make you fight in what you're wearing." Maeko gets off the bed while Faji raises his eyebrow in an amused way to M. K. M. K. blushes slightly and moves Faji's arm from around her. She climbs off the bed and follows Maeko. Faji sighs and gets out of the bed and follows his sister and M. K.
Maeko leads them into the kitchen but takes them past the door they went through for the tests. Maeko leads them to the laundry room. She opens the laundry shoot and steps into it. She motions for the two to be quiet.
'You both need to come down one at a time like this after it comes back up. I'll wait at the bottom for you. You just push this little flashing button and you'll go down. Don't make a sound until I tell you to.' Maeko pushes the button and the shoot silently closes and starts going down. M. K. turns around and buries her face in Faji's chest. Faji wraps his arms around M. K. and rests his head on hers.
'You'll go after the shoot gets back up. I want you down there before me. I can hold off anyone that comes at me. I need you safe. That's why I'm here for you.' M. K. nods her head as the shoot opens up to reveal it empty. M. K. turns around and walks over to the shoot. She gets in with Faji's help and she kisses his cheek. He lightly kisses M. K.'s forehead and steps back. M. K. pushes the button and as the shoot closes, she sees a figure behind Faji appear. Her eyes widen and she tries to stop the shoot with no luck.
The shoot comes to a stop and opens. Maeko looks at M. K. and calms her fears down.
'Mystik is upstairs with Faji. I believe she's going to take him with her to get rid of our intruder. Come on, we have to start your training. I'm going to warn you, this is going to be the hardest training you've ever gone through. Your test is 28 days away. If you're not ready, the world is in trouble. You're fighting the queen. And I'll tell you, it's not Dru.' M. K. nods her head but her eyes are wide in shock.
'Does this have to do with the promises for Dawn and me? Is this to find out who runs the army and who runs the throne? I don't want to rule the throne. I like the army. It's rough and tough but at the end of the day it's worth it.' Maeko smiles and nods her head for M. K. to follow her. M. K. follows her and shakes her head with all the thoughts she had.
Maeko leads her down a dark hallway. They enter a cold room with no lights on. Maeko grabs M. K.'s hand and leads her to the center of the room. Maeko lets go of M. K.'s hand and walks away.
'Don't follow me. We're going to see how your skills are. I hope you're not afraid of the dark. You'll be training in it most of the time. We're nocturnal here. You're going to be training for the next 20 hours. Don't expect anything to be easy. And don't rely on someone to help you. You're training starts now.' A door closes and the room temperature increases until sweat starts to form on M. K.'s face just standing.
A low humming noise fills the area and a clicking sound is heard. The clicking sound stops and the sound of things coming fast are heard from every direction. M. K. crouches to the ground and readies herself for something. She jumps in the air as something crashes into the spot she was crouching. Numerous things come at her. She dodges every heavy object that comes at her.
After ten of the objects finally manage to hit her, she falls to the ground. The objects stop and footsteps are heard. The lights come on to reveal Maeko. Maeko picks M. K. up by the hair and shakes her head.
"You did better than I thought you would. You lasted ten hours dodging 50 pounds of sand in a bag. I hope you're warmed up. It's time for the sparring now. After sparring we go to intense running. After the running, you might get a break. It depends on the time. After you get used to this pattern, it will step up a notch. Welcome to training M. K. Now get up or I will make you get up and it won't be nicely." Maeko lets M. K.'s head drop and walks over to a wall. She grabs something off of it and throws it in front of M. K.
M. K. slowly picks herself off the floor and picks up the sword Maeko threw at her. She readies herself for an attack until the lights go off. M. K. glares at a random spot until her purple fire fills the room and she can see again. M. K.'s face changes from her normal care free look to a look of exhaustion and dislike.
Maeko attacks and M. K. defends. Then it switches to M. K. attacking and Maeko defending. This process lasts for five hours. Maeko was pinned to the ground with M. K.'s sword pushed to her throat.
"I would like a break. I believe you're going to give me one. I've been at this for 15 hours. I believe we've got four and a half hours to finish training. I'm taking my break." M. K. removes her sword and throws it into the ground. She starts to walk off but ends up flat on her back with Maeko standing over her.
"Never turn your back on anyone you're fighting. It's the last thing you can do. No one will think twice to kill you. It's not dishonorable anymore. Con orders it for most of her killings. You're up against something much bigger than you are. Get up. You'll get your break when I say you get it. Not until then." Purple fire rushes over Maeko and surrounds her arms and feet like chains. M. K. stands up and glares at Maeko.
"I don't think I gave you the right to tell me what I'm going and not going to do. I'll turn my back whenever I want. I've got ways of stopping my death. You've just touched the ice berg. I'm not pretty when I'm pushed over the limits I've set." M. K. turns and walks away but is stopped by a hand.
"Well, I guess you've been over your limits the entire time you've been here. You haven't been pretty since I've met you." Mystik mocks as M. K. throws her into the wall. Purple fire blazes around M. K. and flows around her hands. Mystik smirks and walks back to M. K. with black sparks racing around her hands.
"Let's see who's got more control. I guarantee it's me." Mystik throws the sparks at M. K. who barely dodges. Where M. K. was standing was a big crater made from Mystik's sparks. M. K. looks at the hole too long and gets hit in the leg. She cries out in pain but moves out of the way of another hit. Mystik smirks until M. K. stabs her with a purple energy dagger in her right arm. Mystik glares at M. K. and intensifies her training.
M. K. looks at Mystik breathing hard. Her focus was going in and out and Mystik looks like she had just had a rough day at the gym. M. K. weakly punches Mystik in her right arm. Mystik grits her teeth and knocks M. K. in the head sending her straight for the floor. The last thing seen by M. K. is Mystik standing over her breathing hard.
Mystik nods towards Maeko. Maeko comes over and helps Mystik over to a chair. Mystik nods towards M. K.
"She's a lot better than I was told she was. She's got more power than she looks like she does. It's going to be a long 27 days. Don't let her sleep too long without stretching and taking a shower. We don't need her to continue being stiff and grumpy. We've got enough of a taste of what she's like when she's grumpy. I don't want to have to step in again." Maeko nods and carries M. K. to her room.


The days seem to fly by one by one. Each day seemed longer than the one before. M. K. trained with Maeko for two weeks before she knocked her out cold from the power inside of herself. Each time she trained, she could feel things changing on the outside. The last time she had gone outside and it wasn’t for training, was when they went to the club and had fun. M. K.’s thoughts are cut short as someone enters her pitch black room.
‘Are you ready yet? We need to get outside with the battle. I don’t know how long your sister and brother in law can last without us.’ M. K. doesn’t respond but instead straps her favorite sword to her hips. She sighs inwardly and turns around facing Mystik.
‘I’m ready. I’m not going to let my sister have all the fun. I didn’t work my butt off for nothing.’ Mystik grins and motions for M. K. to walk out first. M. K. walks out of the room and leaves Mystik there by herself. Mystik barely audibly talks to herself.
“You better make it through this M. K. I didn’t train this hard for you to fail. Someone has to beat her.” Mystik walks out of the room and shuts the door quietly. She walks into the living room to see everyone in the house waiting in groups or by themselves: M. K. was by herself, Faji was standing with Maeko, Trinity and Genevieve was standing next to each other.
“Well M. K., this is your show. Why not lead us out? You’re the one the promises speak of the most anyway.” M. K. grins and nods her head walking towards Mystik. They grasp each other’s right arm right under the elbow.
“I hope you know that I still hate you and always will.” Mystik grins at M. K.’s blunt way of talking. M. K. grins herself and lets go of Mystik’s arm.
“Oh good, I was afraid you actually might like me. Glad we got that out of the way. Now lead us or I will.” M. K. smirks and opens the door for everyone to follow. Everyone walks out of the door and waits for M. K. to close the door. She slams the door shut and smiles at the jumpiness of everyone. She turns around and eyes everyone.
“Go show them who deserves to win.” Everyone’s jaw drops but they recover and begin to leave. M. K. grabs Faji’s hand and pulls him towards her. He faces her and watches her closely. She sighs out loud and pats his cheek.
“Are we going to be able to go back to normal when we get back? I don’t know if I can. I’ve learned to like you a lot and I don’t mean like you as a friend. I can honestly say you’re my best friend. If anything happens to you, I will never forgive you!” Faji smiles and leans down to kiss M. K. She closes her eyes and allows the kiss to happen. Faji holds onto M. K.’s waist and M. K. wraps her arms around his neck. They stop kissing and Faji rest his forehead on M. K.’s.
“I promise that nothing is going to happen to you or me. We’ll come out of this with more than enough scratches but we will come out fine. As far as us going back to normal, I would like to call this normal. I don’t know how well everyone else would accept that but I’m willing to try.” M. K. smiles in happiness and gives him a peck on the lips.
“I think we need to go. I’ve got a queen to get rid of. I have to make sure my sister doesn’t have all of the fun.” Faji lets go of M. K. as she steps away. Maeko comes out of the shadows and takes Faji’s hand. They both sprint off towards the battle as M. K. focuses on the trees. Her purple fire spreads over her entire body as she pushes it out to burn the entire forest down.
“No more sneak attacks Con. It’s just one on one: your side versus mine.” M. K. runs off towards the battle and rushes into it. With the trees down, everyone could see who to attack and who not to attack. M. K. stops in the middle of the battle field and looks around. To the south of the fighting, Con and Alek were leading new soldiers into the battle. M. K. glares and gets out her sword. Two guards come at her head on and lose their heads in the process. M. K. starts running towards Alek and Con.
On her way, the new recruits start to attack her in groups of people. M. K. struggles at first until Mystik jumps in to help her. M. K. and Mystik stand back to back and attack everything within reach. They had the new recruits down for the count in a matter of five minutes. M. K. begins running towards Con. M. K. allows the disguise kept on her to disappear when she is five yards from Con.
Con’s eyes widen as she sees M. K. coming at her. She grabs a sword from a dead body and readies herself. M. K. lunges in for the first attack. Covering her blade was her purple fire. Con takes the attack and is thrown into the ground five feet under. She jumps out of the hole and attacks M. K. with her own fire. M. K. throws up a barrier of her own fire and allows the fire balls to hit it. She hand form into fists of fire and she throws them out at Con. Con blocks M. K.’s attempts with her fists but doesn’t catch the fire ball coming from under her. M. K. throws down her barrier and uses her sword to deflect the fire pulses coming from Con out of rage.
“Aw, is little Con mad at little old me? You knew this day would come and I hate to tell you but I will win! You are not fit to be queen.” All around them the war stops as everyone watches their fight closely. Faji watches Alek trying to sneak up on M. K. with his sword out. Faji runs as fast as he could to get in front of Alek. Faji and Alek start their fight and everyone drops their weapons and starts to run.
Con glares at Faji and sends fire toward him. Faji pushes Alek into the way of the fire and Alek burns and falls to the ground as ashes. M. K.’s sword finds its way through Con’s right shoulder and down an inch away from her heart. M. K. pulls out as Con hits M. K. in the stomach, leaving a huge gash. M. K. holds her stomach as she swings her sword down on Con’s neck. She falls to the ground motionless and M. K. starts to sway on her feet. M. K. drops her sword as Faji grabs her from falling on the ground.
“M. K. you need to hold on. We’re getting ready to go home, just hold on.” The portal opens under his feet as he falls into David’s office.
“Help! I need help. It’s M. K.” The door bursts open and David walks through with Dawn at his heels. Dawn gasps at M. K.’s condition and takes her away from Faji. Faji falls to the floor on his knees and falling face first to the floor in a faint. David heaves Faji over his shoulder and opens the door for Dawn.
“Come on, we need to get them to the doctors now!” Dawn walks out of the room and David starts sprinting down the hallway. Dawn follows him running as fast as she could with her sister in her hands.