Destiny Discovered


Dawn stares in the window watching the doctors look over her sister. Many thoughts were running through her head and none of them were helping her mood. Joseph looks over at Dawn and tries to grab her hand. She pulls her hand away and watches David walk up.
“You and I need to talk David. You’ve got some answers to fill in. I’m tired of being left out of in the dark. It’s not a fun place to be! I don’t even know these stupid promises and you drag my sister through what pretty much could have been the end of her life. All for something that we don’t even know if it’s for us. Don’t I at least have the right to know the promises that you were trying to figure out by us going through these tests?” David looks shocked at Dawn’s sudden outburst and motions for her to follow him.
He leads her to his office. He holds open the door for Dawn. While walking through the door way, she glares frostily at him. David rolls his eyes and shuts the door behind him. He walks over to his chair and motions for Dawn to sit in front of his desk. She complies and David clears his throat.
“I want no interruptions or outbursts from you when I start. I’m not going to tell you everything. It would be a waste of my time to tell you everything and then tell Joseph, Faji, and your sister. I will tell you about the promises I was trying to figure out through your tests.
“There is a promise out there that two sisters will take over and rule with fair judgment. They’ll rid the world of the ice family. One will rule on the throne and the other will be commander of the armies. There is more to this promise but I don’t think you need me to tell you who you are going to end up with. I believe you already know him very well.
“These tests were made to figure out what we pretty much already knew but had to be sure of. These promises are very delicate and one wrong interpretation and we’re cooked ducks. We had to see which of you was better to be leader of the entire place and who was better for the army. I know you think the answer would be obvious but it really isn’t. Either one of you can do what the promises say.” Dawn looks at David like he was crazy.
“Do you know who M. K. will end up with? I figure if you know who I’m going to end up with you must know who M. K. will end up with.” David shakes his head.
“It’s not my place to tell you. When she figures it out after I talk to her, it will be her decision to tell you. The other person concerning her already knows. I suppose then that it would be up to them.” A knock is heard on the door and Joseph comes into the room.
“The doctors say everything is okay with the two. They’re both extremely tired but awake. The doctor says you can visit if you would like.” Joseph waits for Dawn’s reaction. Dawn jumps out of her chair and tries to run out of the room. Joseph stops her.
"The doctor told me to tell you that Faji took a bad blow for M. K. So before you go and yell at him you might want to consider he actually saved her life. I really hope you give him that credit." Joseph lets Dawn go and looks at David.
"They're both in a lot of pain but everything is okay. The doctor says they only need to rest and mend. He gives them two weeks max before they're on their feet again. The doctor seems to think that they were both put under a lot of stress to get to where their bodies are now. They are capable of wielding fire from inside themselves and not burn. You'll have to explain that to me sometime. It seems interesting." Joseph opens the door and motions for David to come out. David sighs and stands from his chair. He walks into the hallway and begins to walk towards the doctor's office. Joseph lightly chuckles to himself and shuts David's office door. He follows David without hesitation.
They both arrive to see the doctors waiting in the hallway. Joseph looks in the window to see Dawn talking with M. K. Joseph smiled at the sight of the two hugging and sits down to stare into space. After 15 minutes, the doctor walks into the room telling Dawn she had five more minutes.
Dawn looks over at Faji's bed and sighs. She knew inwardly that she should be grateful to have Faji go with her sister but she felt that something had changed between both of them. The glances they gave each other when they thought no one was looking were not something they normally gave each other. It seemed they were very interested in each other. Dawn looks at Faji and walks over to his bed.
She sits on the side and pats his head lightly. He doesn't seem to be affected by the gesture and continues to look like he was asleep. She brushes his hair through her fingers and smiles.
"I know you're not sleeping so I'm going to talk and you keep pretending. I heard what you did for my little sister and I want you to know that you have my gratitude. There is no way I could ever repay you but if there's anything: I'm always open. I'd like to think you trust me enough to open up but I know how hard opening up is.
"You've officially made it into the family circle. I hope you don't mind the extra attention you get now. You've all won us over by your acts, no matter how many acts you had in your past. One good deed doesn't seem to make up for the emptiness of childhood but it's a start. Everyone has to start somewhere." Dawn bends down and kisses the top of Faji's head. The doctor escorts Dawn out and she walks straight over to Joseph. Joseph stands up and hugs her as she clutches to him silently crying.
David clears his throat and motions for everyone else around the two to leave them alone. David walks away himself and leaves the hallway empty for Dawn and Joseph. Dawn looks up at Joseph through watery eyes. She slightly smiles and rests her head on his shoulder. Joseph's only reaction is to hold her tighter.
The doctor smiles at the two in the hallway and closes the blinds to the window for their privacy. He looks down at M. K. and Faji. He smiles inwardly and walks out of the room shutting off the main lights.
'This is a horrible time to have to go to bathroom. How am I going to get all the way across the room without help? Are you awake Faji?' Faji groans and sighs looking over at M. K. She smiles weakly at him and starts to move the blankets off of her legs.
"Ew! I didn't think I was this bruised. I must have gotten hit more than I thought. How are you doing Faji? Do your hands and arms still hurt from the fire?" She moves her legs to the side of the bed and manages to stand. She grabs onto the edge of her bed and slowly makes her way to Faji's bed. She sits on the side he was facing. She runs her trembling fingers through his hair and sighs.
"I've really got to go to the bathroom but it's so far away! I'm so tired. Just getting out of bed is effort right now! I'm surprised the monitors aren't going to nuts." She stands up again and walks across the room to the restroom. She closes the door and turns the water on before going to the bathroom.
After finishing her business, she washes her hands and opens the door. Faji had managed to sit up and motioned for M. K. to come over to him. She smiles and slowly makes her way across the room to his bed. She sits on the edge and leans her head against Faji's shoulder. Faji moves over to the opposite side of the bed and lets M. K. slide in under the blankets with him.
M. K. moves herself over to Faji's side and sits with her head leaning on his shoulder. She looks at him and smiles. He stiffly wraps an arm around her shoulders and hugs her. She sighs in comfort and slides down in the bed to let her head fall on the pillow. She turns her back to Faji and closes her eyes. Faji copies M. K., except he faces M. K.’s back and pulls her close to his chest. He wraps one arm over her and closes his eyes and letting sleep claim him.


It took Faji two days to recover in the hospital until he was released. The doctors had come in shortly after they had fallen asleep together and made them separate into two different rooms. M. K. was stuck in the doctor's office for a week waiting for the stab wound to completely heal.
While in the doctor's office, everyone from David to Faji managed to visit her. Faji only came when everyone else was not expected to come for a while. He mostly read to M. K. from one of her favorite books. Sometimes if he could manage it, he'd sit in bed with her and let her fall asleep on his shoulder.
On M. K.'s last day in the doctor's office, Faji had snuck in after the doctor left and sat in bed with M. K. They both ended up falling asleep and were woken up by Dawn and Meshell giggling. Faji was the first to wake up and notice the girls. He never opened his eyes and felt every breath that M. K. took.
After 15 minutes of the girls giggling, Faji hears David coming and decides to pretend to wake up. He rubs his eyes and jumps in fake surprise of the girls and David's company. David shakes his head in attempt not to laugh. Faji blushes against his will and tries to wake M. K. up.
M. K. opens her eyes and almost screams. The scream was cut off by Faji's hand. She glares up at him and he shrugs. He takes his hand away from her mouth and she settles up against his chest. Dawn looks at the two and starts to laugh.
"I was wondering how long it was going to take you two to wake up. We've been here for almost 45 minutes. I thought it was absolutely sweet that you are going through such lengths to hide your relationship. Although I don't think many people will mind you guys having a relationship. Joseph might give you the talk about M. K. being the baby but other than that." Dawn shrugs and grins like a fool. She looks at Meshell and both of them start to giggle again. Faji rolls his eyes and M. K. hides her blushing face in Faji's shirt. He wraps his arms around her and lets her hide her face.
"The doctor said you are free to go M. K. He expects you to take it easy and not stress your abs out yet. The muscle is going to be a little bit weaker than you remembered. He also said that you're going to get tired more easily. That will pass when you get your strength and stamina back." M. K. smiles and sits up. She looks at Faji and smiles. He smiles back and lets go of her. She swings her legs of the side and gets out of bed. Dawn hands her a pile of clothes and M. K. walks into the bathroom to change.
When M. K. walks out of the bathroom, the only person in the room was Dawn. M. K. smiles at her sister and hugs her tightly. Dawn hugs her younger sister back and smiles down at her. Dawn keeps one arm around M. K.'s shoulders and steers her towards the door.
Once in the hallway, everyone group hugs her and she lets the tears fall down freely on her cheeks. Standing off to the side was Faji waiting patiently for his turn. M. K. makes her way secretly out of the hugging pile and walks over to Faji. She smiles up at Faji and he hugs her tightly. He wraps his arms around her almost immediately and kisses the top of her head. He allows his chin to rest on the top of her head as her head rests under his chin.
The hugging pile separates and spots the two hugging. Dawn pokes Meshell and points to the camera in Meshell's hand. Meshell grins and takes a picture of the two together. The flash makes Faji and M. K. look over at the group. M. K. blushes a bright red and Faji chuckles at her color. She glares up at him and he grins more.
Faji grabs her hand and pulls her over to the group. Once in the group, M. K. refuses to let Faji let go of her hand. Dawn smiles as Joseph wraps his arm around her waist. She smiles up to him. Dawn makes direct eye contact with her sister and grins. M. K. reads the sign and nods her head slightly. M. K. lets go of Faji's hand and happens to bump into Meshell and Dawn accidently shoves David into Meshell.
Dawn looks at M. K. and silently claps her hand. Meshell's face turns bright red as she looks up at David. David clears his throat in nervousness. M. K. bites her lip as she places herself in front of Faji. Faji wraps his arms around her and holds her to his chest. M. K. looks up at him and smiles. Faji grins and kisses M. K.'s temple. She closes her eyes and grins madly. Faji rests his chin on top of M. K.'s head and watches David and Meshell.
David sighs and hugs Meshell. Meshell stands stunned for a moment until she finally wraps her arms around David in return. Codey whistles and grins goofily. M. K. giggles while Faji grins at everyone's behavior.
Everyone soon makes their way to the living room and settles down. Dawn looks at Faji and M. K. as they play the card game war. By the looks of it, Faji was killing M. K. Dawn smiles at her sister and looks at David.
"Hey David, do you think we could go out tonight? Just for the sake of celebrating the completion of everyone's tests. I saw we go out to eat and then go dancing. Or we could go to a formal dinner and just have fun on the dance floor there." David thinks over the ideas and nods his head.
"I might be able to make the formal dinner happen but the clubbing might be more fun for you younger people." Meshell and Dawn squeal in delight. They both sprint for their room as M. K., who isn't paying attention tries to win a war against Faji. Dawn stops half way up the stairs and looks back to see M. K. not paying attention. She sighs and walks back down.
She taps M. K. on the shoulder and points towards the stairs. M. K. looks at her oddly not understanding. Dawn sighs and grabs her arms making the cards go everywhere.
"Hey! I'm not finished with the game. Why are you dragging me upstairs? What'd I do now? I just got out of the doctor's office!" M. K. practically yells at her sister. Dawn gives M. K. her best shut up look that silences M. K. immediately.
"Well I know you weren't listening but we're going to celebrate. David is talking about all of us going clubbing. Not sure how we’ll pull it off but we can all change our appearance a little I suppose. I'm sure David will call some guests to make it a little harder to figure out who we are." M. K. follows her sister to Dawn's room and does everything her older sister demands of her.


Dawn pushes M. K. into the bathroom and orders her to get a quick shower. M. K. jumps into the shower and takes a quick shower. She dries off and walks back into her sister's room in a towel. She sits on the bed and waits for her sister to come tell her what to do.
“First off, we have to make you look different. Want anything specific done, M.K.?”
“Well Faji did my hair while in my test and I really liked it then. It was about as long as my shoulders and layered really close to my scalp. I’d say about an inch away or so. Maybe a little more distance. And he gave me side sweep bangs. Then we bleached my hair. I really liked it.” Dawn’s eyes grow a little at the thought of her little sister looking punk. M. K. smiles at her sister reassuringly.
“We could always have him do it again for us. Or put a veil over my head. And have him do it later tonight…unless you think Meshell can cut my hair. It almost looks like hers.” M. K. looks hopefully up at her sister. Dawn sighs and nods her head.
“Let’s go see if Meshell can do it. I’ll see if I can find the dye.” M. K. grins and runs to Meshell’s room. She knocks on the door and Meshell shouts for her to come in. M. K. walks in and smiles to Meshell.
“Do you have an outfit I can borrow for tonight? I’m not sure I have anything appropriate for clubbing. In fact I’m pretty sure this is the only thing


"The girl's limo is going to be late. David let the guys go ahead and leave before us. So the guys get to do some work and help the girls out of the limo." Dawn grins and hands M. K. a tub of light pink lip gloss. M. K. rolls her eyes and puts it on.
All three girls walk out of the bathroom and into the hallway. Once in the hallway, they link arms and walks into the lounge. A girl with tanned skin and blonde hair was waiting along with a few others in the room. The other girls in the room didn't compare to the blonde. She had a shine about her that attracted anyone to her.
All the girls around the room start to stand as a pair of headlights is seen through the windows. M. K. opens the door for everyone to leave and shuts it behind herself. She gets into the limo last and has to sit next to the blonde.