Lyrical Lies

Time to Shake the Hands of Fate

I sat in bed, looking down at my hands. The chipping purple nail polish confused me.

Why was I wearing nail polish?


I looked up.

Gerard Way?

I hadn't seen him in years. Why was he here?

"You remember me right?"

His voice sounded almost frantic.

"Yeah, but why are you here? Why am I here?"

"There was an earthquake," Gerard said hesitantly.

I looked down at the bandage on my wrist.

"Where's my mom?"

Before Gerard could answer Mikey came in followed by a doctor.

Gerard pulled the doctor to the side to talk to him. I could only make out bits of their conversation.

"......remember anything," "'s a possibility."

What's a possibility?

Before I could ask, the hazel eyed man spoke first, "What's wrong with her?"

The doctor turned to him, his eyes stopping at me for a moment. He cleared his throat as if preparing himself to speak.

"She most likely has amnesia."
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