Status: Active...maybe...kinda...sorta

It's Not You. It's Me. And No! He is Not My Boyfriend!

I Don't Think This is the Sentimental Relationship

We remained lip locked under the florescent lighting of O’Henry’s Gator Golf. It wasn’t the most romantic spot for our first official couple kiss, but then again, romantic was awkward. And, who likes being awkward anyway?

Carter pulled out of the kiss first, a slight smile on his lips, he breathed onto my face only inches from it.

“Mmmm watermelon!”

“You’re a real mood killer, ya know?”

“Oh deary me! I’m ever so sorry! I didn’t mean to ruin the magical place that is this lovely concrete parking lot!”

I gave Carter a playful shove before walking towards the car.

“Let’s just go eat.”

“OH! OH!” he hopped up and down in a gallop format beside me. “Can we go get Curry!”

“I suppose.”

“HURRAY!” he jumped in place with glee, throwing his hands up to the heavens.

“And, if you’re good maybe I’ll by you a toy.”

“I hope that means a condom and some lube.”

“Why I do declare,” I put on a thick southern accent. “I am a lady not some sort of...of...HUSSY!”

“Get with the times! Sex on the first date is totally the norm. Cosmopolitan says so. And,
technically this is our third date.”

“Oh you and your numbers. And, why were you reading Cosmopolitan?”

“Umm it was my sister’s!”

“You don’t have a sister.”

“Never you mind about that.”


“Good evening,” Carter greeted the host in an imitation Dracuela voice.

We had arrived at Kabob and Curry. A quint family owned restaurant that served the best THE BEST Indian food.

“....Hello?” the host hesitated confused. I think he was trying to figure out whether or not Carter was on some sort of drug or not. “Two?” he asked.

“Indeed!” Carter replied.

“Okay follow me.”

The host led us to a table made for two near the window facing the main street. We had prime people watching real estate.

“Thanks,” I muttered quietly after the host had handed us the menus before he scurried off.

“Is it necessary for you to act like a total Wackadoo whenever you’re talking to people you don’t know?”

“Why does it bother you?” he wiggled his eyebrows and leaned in towards me, resting his elbow upon the table.

“Nope. No, I was just curious.”

“Well ,ya know what they say? Curiosity killed the cat.”

“I still have all nine lives.”

“What are you trying to say here?” Carter’s expression became very serious. “Are you telling me you’re a cat?”

“Shut up and decide what you’re going to eat.”

“Okay, but don’t think that was the end of this cat conversation.”

“Hah! Alliteration!”

“I threw that in for the ladies...or you.”

I searched the menu, forgetting Carter’s stab at my womanhood, and finally decided on the Tandoori Vegetables.

“So what are you getting?” I asked after giving the menu a few more proof reads to make sure I didn’t miss something that I would like to eat more. It’s very hard to decide on what to eat when there was so many scrumptious choices at your hands. The one problem with going out to eat.
“I think the Mango Chicken Curry because Curry and Mangos are quite delicious.”

“Oh and by the way, considering you like me, making jokes about my gender does not work in your favor.”

“Huh.” Carter mulled over the point I made for a minute or so. “I guess you’re right. Well, it seems as if we’re a real couple now. You’d never help me like that before.”

“No. It’s actually that I don’t like being called a man and I finally found a loop hole.”

“You say potato. I say po-ta-to.”

“Hi I’m Puja, and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you off with something to drink?” our waitress popped up beside our table.

“I think we’re ready to order Puja!” Carter stated over enthusiastically. I fought the urge to hide my face in my hands.

“Okay,” she turned to me and waited for my order.

“Tandoori Vegetables and a water please,” I requested.

“I shall eat for dinner tonight,” Carter drum rolled on the table once Puja had turned her attention back to him. “The Mango Chicken Curry!”

I shook my head in pity once Puja had walked off with the promise that she would put our orders right in. It was a shame Carter did not know how dumb he looked to the public eye.

“What?” he demanded noticing me.

“It’s just sad.”

“I know. I was devastated when they stopped giving the pita with the dipping sauces.”

“No. You.”

“I’m actually quite happy.” he put his hands over my hand. “I’m on a date!”

“And, you sink to another level of sadness.”

“So I’m not supposed to be excited for dates? And, when did you become a cat?”

“Why do you have to take everything so literally?” I pulled my hand out from underneath his.

“We can’t hold hands?”

“People will think we’re dating.”

“Well, we’re already at a restaurant eating dinner together. The cat might just be out of the bag.”

We seemed to be making a lot of cat references.

“Fine.” I put my hand back on the table and let Carter’s hand cover my palm. There was a good perk to this holding hands or placing hands thing. Carter had warm hands, which in turn, warmed up my usually cold hand.

“Jeez! Do you stick your hands in ice?”

“No. Bad circulation.”

“Well, get some better circulation.”

“Find me the operation that can do that.”

“I will!” he bobbed his head with determination even though he knew such a procedure didn’t exist.

“Here you go!” Puja returned ten minutes later with our delicious Indian food. A perk to being on a date was getting delicious food and then offering to pay out of politeness because you knew you were getting the meal for free.

“THIS IS DELICIOUS!” Carter stated loudly after a few bites of his food.

“I’m sure the entire restaurant can sleep better now that they know that.”

“Well, I always try to do my good deed for the day. How’s yours?”

“Spicy, but yet so good!” I stuffed the food into my mouth even though it felt like an arson had occurred every time I put more food in.

We continued our meals with minimal discussion. We only stopped our chomping to throw out some clever little insults. The food was too good to waste time with small talk.

“I’m stuffed!” I leaned back on my chair once my plate had been cleaned of everything, but a few rogue vegetables and the beans and rice that I couldn’t stuff into my intestinal track.

“I’ll finish it for you!” Cater grabbed my plate and chowed down on my left overs. He was about ready to eat his own plate. “I love food!” he exclaimed between food filled bites.

“Can I get you anything else?” Puja returned seconds after Carter had licked both plates clean, and was about to start pouring the salt and pepper into his mouth.

“Um just the check,” he requested.

Puja plopped the check on the table and scurried off after letting us know we could take our time paying. It was time for me to pretend to be polite.

“I got this,” I reached around my purse for my wallet. “You paid for miniature golf.”

“Okay,” Carter complied.

“What? No.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re not supposed to let me pay!”

“Why not?” his eyebrows were raised in confusion and suspicion.

“Because I only say that to be polite! The guy always pays!”

“Um I believe that women like enjoying equality in the year two thousand and ten.”

“But, you’re trying to woo me!”

“I’ll pay if it’s really that big of a deal,” Carter reached for his wallet, but I couldn’t let him be nobler than me. Even if it meant that instead of getting a free meal I had to pay for two.

“No, I got it,” I muttered, pulling out the twenty-two ninety-five plus tip.


“Well, it’s been real!” I said as I began to unlock the front door of my house.

“Wait a minute!” Carter pulled me around to face him, and then embraced me in a hug.

“Oh yeah,” I nuzzled my cheek into his chest. It was cold outside and he was somewhat warm.

Carter pulled away and leaned in for our second kiss of the night. This kiss held a little more passion than our first one, and I even allowed Carter to access my inner mouth with his tongue.

“I think we should count that as our first kiss,” Carter suggested after pulling away with his face still inches from mine.

“Why?” I gave him an eskimo kiss just because he face was in close proximity, and I needed to do something with it. Carter let his nose rest upon my nose.

“Well, because our first kisses were all part of some act, and apparently I ruined the mood of our first kiss tonight or whatever.”

“It doesn’t really matter,” I returned to our previous embrace and re-nuzzeled my check into Carter’s chest. “It’s just a kiss.”

“I thought you girls were supposed to be all sentimental about that stuff.”

“I don’t think this is the sentimental relationship.”