Status: Active...maybe...kinda...sorta

It's Not You. It's Me. And No! He is Not My Boyfriend!

You Had Me at Dinner

“Please do not tell me you’re still asleep!” Carmen chided into my phone.

“Obviously not, since I’m talking to you and all,” I tried to hide the yawn that escaped.

“You know what I mean! And it’s almost two!”

“You know, I don’t judge your sleeping habits.”

“That’s because my sleeping schedule is on normal people time.”

“Hey, it’s almost college time for us. I’m just practicing. Now did you call me for a particular reason or should I hang up now?”

“One don’t ever remind me of that. And two, yes. Wanna come to the hockey game with me tonight? Brian is finally getting ice time!”

“And, it only took him six years.”

“Must you always see the negatives.”

“It’s a tough job, but some one’s gotta do it. But, yes, I will come tonight. However, only if food is involved.”

“Of course. Of course,” Carmen chuckled, if anyone knew about my love for food, and it’s ability to get me to go to school functions, it was her. “Coffee and Cream without a doubt.”

“Tremendous! Oh, and do you care if I invite Mac?”

“Ohhhh Mac!” Carmen whooped into the phone and then proceeded to making sucking kiss noises. “How was your date last night?”

“Most likely less physical than yours, but it was nice. We kissed!”

“Was it magical?” Carmen giggled in all her school girl delight.

“Sure, why not? It was nice.”

“You are no fun!”

“Whatever. I’m going to call Mac.”

“OHHH! Lover boy! Meet up at six?”

“Sure. See you then!”

I flipped my cell phone shut only to flip it open again to call Mac. He picked it up after one ring. Someone never informed him of the games one must play when entering into relationshiphood. One can never seem too eager. Although, I had to admit it was quite charming on him. Maybe it was because he was two polo shirts away from becoming an Abercrombie & Fitch model, and every girl would agree that the only thing hotter than a hot male is one that doesn’t realize just how attractive he is.

“Hello?” he tried his best to hide the excitement in his voice.

“I know you said you were going to call me, but what can I say? I like to keep the mystery going,” I stretched, fully coming to terms with the fact that there was no way I was going to get anymore sleep.

Mac chuckled lightly before retorting with, “Of course.”

“Anywho, Carmen and I are going to the hockey game tonight and I wanted to see if you would like to join.”

“You go to the hockey games?”

“Well I was bribed with post game Coffee and Cream. Plus, Brian is finally getting ice time. It’s like all his high school dreams are coming to fruition.”

“In that case, then yes I would love to go.”

“We’re meeting a six.”

“Well then how about I take you out to dinner first?”

“You had me at dinner.”

Mac let out a hearty laugh, something I wasn’t quite used to as Carter would rather lose his left nut than admit that I can be funny. I indulged in a light giggle myself. I had to admit, sometimes I could be a little clever even if I was just borrowing from a famous movie quote.

“Pick you up at four forty-five.”

“We’ll be the youngest birds at the early bird special.”

“Definitely,” Mac said in between laughter. “See you soon,” with that he disconnected the call.

There were definite perks to Mac besides the whole gorgeous man thing. Being seen as funny was a great moral booster.


“Two dates in one weekend?” my mother cocked her eyebrows as Mac’s car pulled into the driveway. “This boy must really like you.”

“Surprising, huh?”

“Kind of. Obviously you’re hiding the real you.”

“Thanks mom. You’re really gunning for that ‘Most Supportive Mother of the Year’ award.”
One can definitely figure out where I got my biting wit from.

“Oh, he’s cute Ellis!” my mother sneakily peered out at the figure heading towards the front door.

“Tell me about it. I’m glad you approve.”

“I still like Carter the best.”

I rolled my eyes at this remark. Mother’s always like your previous boyfriend better than your current boyfriend until they actually meet said boyfriend. It was particularly annoying when previous boyfriend was a mondo jerk that you still harbored some sadness over.

However, before the subject could be pressed any further, Mac’s fist tapped lightly on the door.

“Have fun!” my mother waved to Mac, as I headed for the door. “Not too late now.”

“I know the drill,” I called over my shoulder as I shut the door behind me.

“Hey!” I greeted Mac with a slight peck on the cheek as my mother was still able to see us as we headed towards the Mac Mobile.

“Hi there! After you madam!” he pulled the passenger door of his Jetta open with a cordial bow.

“Why thank ya kind sir,” I curtsied while putting on my best Southern Belle accent.

“Where should we eat?”

“Hmmm,” I stroked my chin as I thought of all the restaurants I would be happy to dine at, which was about ninty-nine percent of them. “How about Beef Barn? Cheep, good, and fast.”

“Can’t argue with that logic,” Mac steered his vehicle towards the restaurant that was once a barn, hence the name.

“Do you know this waitstaff by name?”

“No. Thank god!” he smiled at me as we pulled into the Beef Barn parking lot ten minutes after we left my house. Another perk to the place, close proximity to home.

“Good. Now we can slip in and out incognito, except for the whole ordering, eating, and paying thing.”

Mac chuckled before wrapping me into a tight kiss.

“What was that for?” I murmured as he showered my neck with light kisses.

“I couldn’t properly greet you with your mother watching,” he smiled against my lips before going in for another even more passionate kiss.

I returned the kiss with a light nibble to his bottom lip before letting his tongue slip into my mouth. I ended the kiss, after returning the favor.

“I’m not so hungry anymore,” Mac said between catching his breath while going in for another kiss.

“Now, now,” I giggled in between the light kisses Mac planted on my lips. “Dinner is good for the soul.”

“Fine,” he relented, but only after one last hard and wanting kiss.

“Maybe we can pick up where we left off after the hockey game,” I whispered into in his ear as we entered the food establishment.

“You are such a tease.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey all,
Sorry for the humongo delay in updates! My little friend the computer was being fixed. The graphics card failed, and needed to be replace! Thanks for all the patients with this, and enjoy!
Thanks for reading and, as always, please let me know what you think! <3