Status: Active...maybe...kinda...sorta

It's Not You. It's Me. And No! He is Not My Boyfriend!

Or You Watch a lot of Porn

“Hey” Mac tapped me lightly on the shoulder.

“HEY!” I jumped and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

“Whoa!” he stepped back shocked. “Excited much?”

“Just happy to see you,” I smiled innocently.

“Do you still wanna come over?” Mac stared intently at his feet as he said this.

“I could never say no,” I chuckled.

“Perfect! Do you wanna follow me there?”

“Sure thing.”

“Where’d you park?”

“Upper lot,” I pointed a finger towards the heavens.

“Cool, me too,” he smiled warmly.

We walked quickly to our cars, the cold November wind circling around us.

“I don’t like this whole cold thing!”

“Me neither!” Mac huffed.

He walked me to my car, giving me a quick peck on the cheek when no one seemed to be around.

“See you soon,” he murmured, his eyelids heavy.

“Can’t wait,” I waved as he headed towards his car.

I pulled my car in behind Mac’s in the driveway. Normally I would’ve left it on the street, but it was too cold do deal with extra and unnecessary walking.

“Hey!” he waved slightly as he stepped out of his car, meeting me at the beginning of his walkway so we could head to front door hand and hand. “This cold weather makes your checks rosy,” he mused as he stared at me while trying to unlock his front door. “It’s cute,” he added when he noticed my confused look.

“Thanks,” I put my hands on my face as if I would be able to feel the rosy in them, and headed inside the door that Mac now held open for me.

We didn’t waste anytime as Mac’s lips were against mine the minute we entered the doorway. I dropped my bag at the door, winding my now free hands around his neck. Mac nibbled my lower lip, pausing from our kissing to smile at my lips. We made quick eye contact. His eyes sparkling with desire, we smiled at each other before he leaned down to devour me. He forced his tongue into my mouth and slid it across my teeth before beckoning my tongue to move with his. I leaned back against the wall and Mac enclosed the space between us his body hard against mine. I slipped my tongue into his mouth letting it explore. He moaned slightly as I returned to closed mouth kissing, letting my lips leave his mouth for a few brief moments to kiss his neck. I trailed back up his neck with a series of light kisses, kissing him until I reached his mouth once more. I squealed as he lifted me from the ground, our lips never breaking contact.

We plopped onto the couch, Mac lying his weight onto me. He stuck his hand under my shirt, this time wasting no time in getting to my bra strapped. He ceased kissing for a moment to unhook my bra like a pro. My breathing increased as Mac began to gently caress and flick my nipples, causing intense vibrations of pleasure to tingle throughout my body. I kissed him hard with a deep wanting desire, commanding his mouth to open for my tongue. Of course, he more than willingly complied, his hands began to crawl down my body as we pressed our lips even closer together. I broke away, almost gasping for breath, feeling the button on my jeans to come undone.

“Are you okay?” Mac nodded his head towards my pants, a slight blush forming in his cheeks. “With this?”

I nodded in reply before grabbing Mac’s head in both of my hands in order to kiss him roughly. Mac slowly slipped his hands down my pants, causing me to quiver slightly. This was the first time any guy would be down there, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. That nervousness quickly dissipated once Mac began to lightly stroke. Sensations of pleasure I had never felt before moved throughout my body. He smirked happily as I gasped as the pleasure increased with each touch from him. The feelings of pleasure went higher and higher to the point that I begin to writhe with the want of release. A moan escaped my lips as the feelings intensified and reached their peak causing a throbbing sensation in my nether regions. I sighed happily and looked up towards Mac. His eyes glowed with satisfaction.

“Was that good?” he questioned, rolling off me onto the floor.

“Amazing,” I panted, still trying to catch my breath.

“Good,” he chuckled grabbing one of my hands. We sat, me on the couch and Mac on the floor next to me, playing with our hands. “That was the first for me too,” he confessed.

I sat up to shoot him a skeptical glare. “No way! You totally knew what you were doing.”

“Beginner’s luck?” he shrugged innocently.

I made a shooing motion so he would move to the side, and rolled off the couch and next to him on the floor.

“Or you watch a lot of porn.”

“Uhm,” Mac got clearly flustered at the mention of porn, which called me to laugh.

“It’s fine!” I draped my arm over his stomach to give him a half hug. “I enjoyed it. A lot! And that’s all that matters.”

“Good,” he nodded a definite nod then turned to me with a bright smile. He took my hand a brought it up to his lips to kiss lightly. “I really like you, you know?”

“I like you a lot too!” I laid my free hand upon his cheek and stroked it with my thumb.


We smiled widely at each other, and laid in the position for what felt like the next several hours. We didn’t talk or kiss or fondle each other. We just were together. Enjoying being together, and it was nice. It was simple. It was one of those moments where everything seemed right.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading and zee comments on the previous chapter. I do so greatly appreciate them.

Please cheek out me new story: Prom? Shoot Me Now. I think it's slightly funny, but I'm not the judge.
Here's the link: