Status: I'm gonna find out who killed her.

Be Strong Little One

September 7, 2010

Happy birthday bro! I wish I was there to see you, how old are you now? 17? Oh yeah 13. It feels as if I've been gone for years and not just a month. How's things with mom since I left? I hope they aren't too bad. Dad says to tell you hi and he'll see you soon. I don't like the way he says it. I miss you, don't get me wrong, but I don't want you here anytime soon. I don't know what I can tell you but I can tell you I need a favor. I need you to find who killed me. Don't listen to the people and the cops. I didn't kill myself. I promise. I have to go now. I love you Troy.
All my love,

P.S. Be strong little one.

And with that letter my journey began.
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The date chapters will be shorter but it'll lengthen out soon.