I will Love You Till the End of Time

I will Love You Till the End of Time

I was running through the forest, I didnt know where i was going, I just knew I had to get away before he realized I was gone. I knew my master would be furious when he found out I had killed Madam Sleigh and then ran away from him afterwards. I didnt mean to kill her honestly one minute she was attacking me and the next minute she was dead on the ground. As I kept running for the first time I noticed I was crying, wishing i was in my elder brothers arms safe and warm and protected. I tripped over a rock and hit the ground really hard. I started crying and sobbing louder as the memories started flooding through my thoughts. I was so tired from running and sore from all the cuts and scrathes on my body I just couldnt move any more. I cried myself to sleep on the forest floor and curled up in a ball. When I woke up I was in my masters laps he was running his fingers through my long blonde and pink hair..I soon started crying again as I remembered last nights events. He patted my head gently I knew my master wasnt as cruel as the other slave owners but I thought for sure he'd be angry about Madam Sleighs death. "I am more so angry because you ran away than her death, Kana." he said. I looked up at him and apologized for running away. He silenced my apologies with a kiss on my forehead and said to me " Please do not run away from me again." I promised him I would not.