
I love everything about you

The fights had been getting worse with every passing second. Pete thought he could endure for the sake of his son. The sad truth was he didn’t want to endure much longer. He lost everything when the band decided to break up on account of his bad behavior, Patrick told him they needed to cool off. That maybe the extra time at home would save his and Ashlee’s relationship, it wasn’t working. His eyes fell to Bronx, sleeping soundly in his crib. Times like these were the only thing that kept him alive.

“Don’t worry buddy, I won’t be going anywhere.” his whispered promise caused the infant to stir slightly. Pete sat down on the floor next to the crib. He spent most nights sleeping on the floor, too afraid to go back to his bedroom.

“You’re sleeping in here again?” Ashlee’s voice sounded from the doorway. “Don’t you want to sleep in your own bed at all anymore.” her voice was tired and she looked worn out.

“I don’t want to do much in my own house anymore Ashlee.” he couldn’t bear to look at her anymore. Looking down he quickly found interest in his shoes.

“Peter why won’t you look me in the eyes anymore? I know what I did was wrong but I thought we got past it?”

Pete stood and walked out of the room, he didn’t want to wake up Bronx and cause a huge commotion.

“Pete aren’t you going to ever look at me anymore?” Ashlee begged grabbing for his arm and catching him. “I thought you forgave me?”

“I never said that, you’re the only one who wants to forget this ever happened. Well reality check Ashlee it did happen. I don’t know how you didn’t think I’d find out but it happened. You reap what you sow.” He jerked his arm from her grasp and walked down the stairs. “I’m going out, don’t bother calling me my phone is off.”

He felt like throwing up, every time she brought up forgiveness he wanted to scream at the top of his lungs. He needed advice on what to do, normal couples had fights right? It was only fair that he didn’t forgive her. However no matter how he tried to convince himself his heart ached with hurt. Ashlee had betrayed him, but she was still his wife. Pete pulled out his phone and dialed a familiar number. When the other end picked up he felt somewhat relieved.

“Hey.” the voice said. “Haven’t heard from you in a while. What’s up?”

“Can we meet? Meet me at the bar ok.” Pete sighed contently when he heard the low chuckle on the other end as a reply. He shut the phone and dashed in the direction of Angels and Kings. A smile spread across his face when he saw a tall figure waiting by the door.

“Why the late meet up Pete?” Pete looked up slightly; Patrick’s glasses caught the light on the corner and cast a glaze over his eyes. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the younger, when had Patrick gotten taller than him? He was dressed lightly in his usual. Pete was glad he hadn’t changed.

“Just because we aren’t in a band anymore doesn’t mean we can’t meet up.” Pete pouted; he didn’t think Patrick would question his actions. He fumbled with the keys in the door to the bar. When he finally got the door open Patrick reached around him and grabbed the handle. Pete flushed, confused as to why he did it. Patrick’s body touched his back sending shivers down his spine.

“I didn’t say we couldn’t hang out, just why so sudden and why so late at night?” Patrick chuckled when he noticed Pete’s reaction to his close proximity. “I know you Pete; you only call out of the blue when something is wrong. “Talk.”

Pete pushed through the bar and turned on the lights, everything looked the same as usual. He was glad for that. He walked behind the bar and grabbed two shot glasses and any liquid he could get his hands on. His only thought was to get as wasted as he possibly could. “Fine I’ll give you that much Trick.” he noticed Patrick sitting on a stool. Pete slid the glass to him full of an array of liquor. He poured himself the same drink.

“Well?” Patrick asked, taking a sip from the glass and making a face.

“Ashlee cheated on me.” Patrick choked on his drink, before he could say anything Pete continued. “It was some guy on one of her photo shoots. The paparazzi have pictures of them kissing and doing other things on the beach at the location of the shoot. When I saw the pictures at first I thought you know they were edited to look like that. I wanted to trust her; she’s my wife after all. Except when I went to pick her up from the airport as a surprise I saw the truth.” Pete downed his drink.

“Oh man. What happened?” Patrick listened sincerely.

“I left. She saw me standing there; I was made a fool of by her. It made me think that if I hadn’t seen with my own eyes would she have lied to me. I thought that maybe just maybe she might tell me the truth, but that thought was quickly thrown from my mind. She knew she could get away with it by blaming it on photo editing or maybe even something else. When she got home we argued. It’s been like this for about a month.”

Patrick leaned forward and wiped a tear from Pete’s cheek. He knew his friend tried to be strong but he was falling apart on the inside. At the moment Patrick felt so drawn to the other standing in front of him. He didn’t know if it was the alcohol coursing through his veins or actual feelings but in that second he brushed his lips to Pete’s in a soft kiss.

Pete’s eyes widened, he felt Patrick lick his bottom lip lightly teasing him. Patrick pulled away and smirked somewhat. “Trick what was that” Patrick’s lips were back on his. Pulling him deeper into the kiss. Pete leaned across the bar to gain better access to the object of desire at that moment. He couldn’t control the beating of his heart, he felt terrible and this act set fire to his rational thoughts.

Patrick pulled away after a minute. “Wow.” he breathed out. He added emphasis on the ‘o’. “Who knew you tasted so sweet.” He leaned forward once more but Pete turned away.

“Patrick I don’t know what you’re doing but just because my wife cheated doesn’t mean I will.” he took another swig of alcohol from a nearby bottle. Patrick chuckled and grabbed the bottle from him.

“That wasn’t on my mind at all.” he smiled slyly and walked around the bar to join Pete. He leaned in and placed his lips on Pete’s neck. “If you don’t want it you can always push me away.” he traced Pete’s jaw line with kisses trailing his hand down Pete’s chest.

“Patrick wait.” Pete stopped him, pushing his hand to Patrick’s chest. “Please understand where I’m coming from.” Pete looked down, his words were slightly slurred. His hand felt warm where it touched on Patrick’s stomach. His cheeks flushed slightly, he blamed the alcohol in his system.

“Oh come on Pete.” Patrick tried to make another move. “This could just be a fling. Don’t you think that’s what he said to her? It doesn’t matter as long as your husband doesn’t find out. It’ll be a fling, one time only.” Patrick whispered in his ear.

Pete swallowed hard, Patrick had a point. He shook his head however right Patrick was it didn’t justify him cheating on Ashlee, even if she cheated on him. “Patrick I can’t.” he sighed.

A frown graced Patrick’s lips. He pulled Pete’s chin up with his fingers and looked him right in the eyes. “How can you fight for something that isn’t worth fighting for?” He watched Pete’s eyes widen and took that as his chance.

In one swift motion Patrick’s hand was up Pete’s shirt and his lips devouring the others in a hungry kiss. Patrick’s other hand wound around to Pete’s back and pulled him closer. Pete responded forcefully back to the kiss, arching his body into Patrick’s.

After a few minutes they pulled apart gasping for air. Patrick lifted Pete onto the bar and teased his stomach with his hand. His mouth suctioned onto one of Pete’s nipples, drawing a moan from his throat. His voice was so seductive it was driving Patrick insane. Above him Pete mumbled under his breath.

“This is only a fling.” he whispered as he grabbed Patrick’s face with his hands and pulled him into another kiss. The kiss was lopsided and sloppy but neither cared because they had long since given up any formalities with sex. They were old enough to know where this was heading and both agreed that the sooner it was done the better. Pete fumbled with Patrick’s shirt. Trying to force it over his head without knocking off his glasses.

Pete had long since been stripped; Patrick had only left him in a pair of boxers that could hardly be called clothing. They clung tightly to Pete’s skin showing off every curve of his hips, leaving nothing to Patrick’s imagination. His hand trailed along a taut stomach to the band of the boxers. Pete’s erection was threatening to come out of the confines of the fabric that entrapped it. Patrick traced over the bulge with his finger drawing moans from the elder.

“Who knew you could look so lustful.” he noted. Patrick leaned against Pete and drew in a deep breath unzipping his own pants. Pete’s musky smell filled his nostrils and a new wave of desire rushed through him. “I never would’ve dreamt of this happening.”

A sound echoed from across the room causing both men to snap their heads in the direction it came from. Patrick brushed it off and continued to tease Pete’s nipples when the ringing stopped it was followed again by another call.

“I should get that.” Pete jumped down and grabbed his phone from his pants. When he saw the caller ID he panicked. He was just about to commit adultery with not only his band mate but best friend and now his wife was calling him. It wasn’t a coincidence it was a sign.

“Are you going to pick up or let it ring? I’m good for either.” Patrick smiled.

Pete flipped open the phone. “Um hello?” his voice was shaky. “Ashlee calm down, what’s wrong?” His eyes widened and he began to shake. Patrick tried to come closer but was stopped when Pete abruptly began yelling in the phone. “What the fuck Ashlee, why didn’t you call sooner.” there was a long pause and screams on the other end. “You can’t blame this on what I said; if it involves Bronx you should know.” another pause. “No I’m not calling your parenting into question.”

“Hey man is everything ok?” Patrick asked when Pete was throwing on his clothes.

“No Patrick everything isn’t all right. Bronx is sick.” Pete was freaking out.

“Look Pete just calm down ok.” Patrick tried to get him to sit. Pete pushed him away and glared.

“It was a mistake to call you Patrick. I almost cheated on my wife for god’s sake. I couldn’t live with myself if I stooped to her level.”

“What do you mean stoop to her level? Obviously you were into it too; you can’t just blame it all on me.” Patrick yelled.

“Whatever Patrick I won’t make the same mistake twice. Put your clothes on and leave when you’re done.” He set a key on the bar. “Lock up when you leave.”

Patrick caught Pete’s arm and pulled him into his chest. “So you’re just going back to her?” he leaned down to plant a kiss on Pete’s lips. A sharp pain suddenly hit him. Pete had slapped him and was now walking towards the door.

“Yes, because she is my wife and that is my duty as her husband. I can’t just drop my life all because of what she did. I have to worry about Bronx.” Pete opened the door and was about to leave when he looked back. “Patrick don’t fight for something that’s not worth it.”

Patrick watched Pete’s retreating back. He fell onto a barstool and took a long swig from a nearby bottle. Indeed this was the perfect night to get wasted.


“Ashlee this is the second time.” Pete yelled across the room. His wife was in tears on the couch holding herself. “Did you honestly think this could continue without me know? Just how many men are you sleeping with? Not once have I ever threatened you with divorce but that doesn’t mean you can fucking justify it.”

“You haven’t threatened divorce but then again you also haven’t looked me in the face since the first time either.” she retorted.

“Well gee I wonder why Ashlee, maybe because I can’t honestly look at my wife after she’s been fucked by another man. Excuse me for being old fashioned and believing in one partner at a time.”

“You haven’t touched me since Bronx was born. In fact you hardly touched me before he was born either. We only got pregnant by mistake, the night you were drunk.”

“What?” Pete asked confused.

“You heard me, did you expect me to not notice the way you look at him Pete. I got you drunk that night and took you the way I wanted. This is my curse for that I suppose.” she sobbed out.

“What the fuck are you talking about Ashlee?” Pete questioned.

“Pete I see the way you look at Patrick. I’m not blind. So I hurt you to see if anything would come of it. All you did was become less of a husband you ever were.”
“Ashlee I never fucking cheated on you if that’s what you’re saying. Not once did I ask anyone else for sex.” He held back a blush remembering a week ago in the bar.

“Pete you may not have cheated on me physically but you were never in love with me were you?”

Pete started at her for a minute. “Is that what this is about? I never loved you? Ashlee I wouldn’t have married you if I didn’t love you, neither would I have stayed after Bronx was born. Of course I love you, but yet this is how you repay my love for you. You go out and fucking cheat on me not once but twice. Did you not expect me to come home tonight? Because if you did then you wouldn’t have brought him here.”

“I’m sorry please Pete don’t overreact.” she pleaded.

“Overreact?” pee screamed. “You don’t want me to overreact? Did you fuck him in our bed?” she winced at his accusation. “Well did you Ashlee. Did he take you in there and fuck you in our bedroom. It’s a simple question. Just answer it.”

“Yes.” she said lowly.

“I didn’t hear you.” Pete said sternly.

“Yes.” she said loudly. “But it’s not like you think Pete.” she grabbed at his shirt desperately.

“How so? Wait, don’t tell me. He had his way with you?” she nodded rapidly. “Bull shit Ashlee; he was the same fucking guy from the beach. I’m not an idiot, and I’m not staying.” He pulled away from her grip and walked towards Bronx’s room. “I’m taking Bronx and we’re going to stay elsewhere.”

Pete was packing clothes and anything else Bronx would need. Ashlee appeared in the doorway and watched solemnly. “I suppose this is goodbye?” she sniffed holding back more tears.

“Not really. I just can’t deal with this right now. Its best if we take a breather.” a sigh escaped past his lips.

“So you aren’t leaving?” she had some hope in her voice.

“Not exactly. Ashlee just give me time to think aright?” He pulled the bag over his shoulder and picked up Bronx.

“Where are you going?”

“Dunno, maybe Andy or Joe’s place.” He walked away from her but stopped when he heard her last remark.

“What about Patrick?” She saw his jaw tense and knew instantly that something must’ve happened. “Nevermind, I can see that’s out of the picture.” She frowned as he left. Ashlee knew the way Pete looked at Patrick, but even better than that she knew the way Patrick looked at Pete. She was thankful her husband wasn’t going to stay with him. The gears in her mind were reeling, she had made a mistake but she wasn’t going to give up Pete that easily.

As she was walking down the hall a picture of Pete and Patrick caught her eye. A frown appeared on her face. “If I can’t have him then neither can you.” she turned the picture face down and walked away.


“Thanks for letting me crash at you pad William. It seems I depend on you more than usual.”

“It’s fine Pete.” William smiled. “What about Andy and Joe though?”

Pete laughed as he set his bags down on the couch. “Joe was smoking a blunt when I called him, and Andy has a roommate. I’d be a bother to them.” William nodded.

“And Patrick?” Pete tensed. “I see, so that’s how it is.” William took Bronx from Pete and sat down next to him. “Take a load off and tell me what’s on your mind.”

It took him a moment to get the right words. “What do I do Bill, I just don’t know anymore. Ashlee cheated on me twice and I’m unhappy in my marriage.”

“Woah, wait. Ashlee cheated on you?”

Pete nodded. “Twice. They fucked in our bedroom. Bill how I face this?”

William only shrugged. “I’m not sure, I’ve dealt with my share of cheaters but it’s really up to you. But if she’s done it twice then you may want to think hard about your answer.”

“That’s just the thing.” Pete sighed. “I don’t know the answer. She told me I didn’t lover her, that’s not true at all.”

“Are you in love with her? Don’t answer right away, think about it.”

Pete thought about what William had said. Ashlee had said the same thing, about him not being in love with her. He did love her didn’t he? “I guess I’m in love with her, but does it really matter?”

“If you have to say ‘I guess’ than you obviously don’t know your own feelings.” William turned his attention to Bronx. “Maybe you don’t love Ashlee.”

Pete cupped his face in his hands. “Maybe.”

William waited a moment before a smirk appeared on his face. “But you’re in love with Patrick aren’t you.”

“Yeah.” Pete replied caught off guard by the question. William chuckled. “Wait-” Pete stood up and waved his arms frantically. William broke into a fit of laughter. “I was caught off guard, that’s not what I meant. I mean I love Patrick yes but he’s my friend. I’m not in love with him.”

“Uh huh.”

“I mean what’s not to love about him, but we’re totally just friends.”

“I’m sure.” William smiled wider. Pete’s reaction was just too cute.

“Not ‘I’m sure’ I’m not in love with Patrick.”

William looked down at Bronx, who was sleeping comfortably in his arms. “Are you convincing me or yourself Pete?” with that he stood up and walked into his room. He returned without Bronx and Pete figured that he let Bronx sleep on his bed.


Pete couldn’t sleep; it wasn’t that he was uncomfortable but that his mind was in overdrive. He had been thinking about what William said about trying to convince himself. He didn’t think he was in love with Patrick, but why did he feel ok with what they did in the bar that night. He also never minded that Patrick got too close to him; it wasn’t the same with other guys.

Pete blushed as he remembered the feel of Patrick’s lips on his own. It was like a fire shot through his body and it heated him from the inside. Pete’s eyes widened, no this wasn’t love it was only lust. Patrick made him feel good while he was down. That was all there was to it.

His phone rang in the dark drawing his attention to it and out of his dangerous thoughts. He picked it up and looked at the screen. He had a txt message from Patrick.

I heard you left Ashlee, come over. We can have a drink and talk.

It was strange he actually wanted to go. Making sure not to Wake William he left quietly. Patrick’s house wasn’t too far from where he was, and if Patrick wanted to talk then maybe he would also apologize for what happened. Pete owed him an apology as well. It didn’t take him long to walk to Patrick’s apartment, he entered the building and made his way up to the floor where Patrick lived.

He knocked twice. When there was no answer he tried the knob, the door opened quietly. Pete figured since Patrick wanted him to come over he left the door open. “Rickster man your door was open so I let myself in. Hope you don’t mind.” Pete was pulling off his coat when he turned the corner to the living room. He dropped his phone to the ground. What he saw completely threw him for a loop; Patrick was looming over his half dressed wife.

The sound from his phone hitting the floor made both look at him. “What the fuck is this?” he said evenly. He knew Ashlee was a cheater but this was going too far. He snatched his phone from the floor and dashed for the doors. Patrick Fled from the couch and ran after him.

“Pete wait, it’s not what it looks like. Please trust me.” Patrick caught him at the door. “You’ve misunderstood completely.”

“Did I? Because it looked like what I thought was happening actually was. God I don’t know why I even try anymore. Ashlee fucking cheats on me and my best friend is also cheating me. I hope you both enjoy each other.” Pete began to cry. Seeing Patrick and Ashlee together made his whole body ache. He was jealous of his wife and it stung.

“Pete please just listen.” Patrick begged. He had Pete’s wrist in his hand. “It’s really not what it looks like.”

“Fine, then explain it to me Patrick. Explain everything, how you did what you did to me and now you’re fucking my wife. Will it never stop? I’m being cheated on everywhere lately. I’m surprised it was you though, and that hurts Patrick. We’re not kids anymore people don’t steal other people’s spouses. Is that what you’re trying to do? Fuck up my marriage? Well congrats because it worked.” Pete was screaming as loud as he could. He was completely betrayed by everyone.

“Chill out Pete.” Ashlee interjected. “It’s not like we intended for this to happen. You know how one thing leads to another don’t you?”

Pete pressed his fingers to his temples. “Ashlee I really don’t want to hear from you right now. I can’t believe you both did this to me. I’ve done everything to be a good husband. What justifies this? Somewhere along the road did I piss someone off? I’m sorry if I did without knowing.” Pete’s heart was breaking in two. He had no one now.

“Pete please understand that’s not the case.” Patrick lifted his chin. “I’m completely in love with you.”

Pete swatted his hand away. “Bull shit. Do you expect me to listen to a word either of you say now? My wife is a whore and my best friend stabbed me in the back. I hate you Patrick you do realize that now. You fucked me over. The both of you did.” he looked at Ashlee and frowned. “I loved you, what did I do to deserve this. What did I ever do?” He fell to floor crying.

“Pete?” Patrick was reaching out for him.

“Oh Peter.” Ashlee ran to his side, pushing Patrick away. She grabbed him and held him like a child. “My love, my sweetheart. Let’s just talk about this.” Pete pushed her away in a swift motion. Standing at the same time.

“I don’t ever want to see either of you again. Don’t call me, don’t even think about me.” he looked at Patrick with a pained expression. “I wish this never happened.” he leaned forward and placed a kiss on his lips. “I thought I loved you, but I guess it was a lie.” Pete collected his belongings and ran out the building. His tears were flowing freely and his heart was shattered. The two people he loved betrayed him.

He realized fully now that he was completely in love with Patrick.


It had been two weeks since he pretty much disappeared from everyone’s lives. Pete had asked his parents to take care of Bronx for a while, at least until he dealt with his problems. What problems did he have? Thinking about them only made his head hurt and his heart ache. To be betrayed by his wife ad best friend was too much to handle. Pete was falling to pieces; he had holed himself up in the bar and just drank to his hearts content. The days began to run together, he hadn’t really known how long he had been in a drunken state. His phone rang and he stared at it angrily, Patrick kept calling, as did Ashlee.

The name on the screen was neither of them. He picked it up and waited for a reply.

“Pete?” the voice asked unsure if he had answered or if the line simply went dead.

“Wha-” Pete answered a little sluggish. “Who is this?” he couldn’t really tell if his words were messed up or not.

“Are you drunk again?” the voice sounded concerned. “Pete if you keep this up you’re going to kill yourself.”

“Shut up William, what do you know anyways?” Pete shouted into the phone. “You haven’t gone through what I’m going through.” he heard a sigh then a click. The line was dead. William had hung up him, probably too pissed off at him to care about his well being anymore. Pete was left to wallow in his own self hatred once again.


“I don’t see why this holds any pertinence to me.” Patrick sighed. He looked William in the eyes and then looked away. He was ashamed of himself, that night Pete had gotten the wrong impression but he was right about one thing he said. Patrick had always wanted to ruin Pete’s marriage with Ashlee. For that he was guilty.

“I don’t understand either of you.” William shook his head, looking down. “You’re madly in love yet you let these petty problems get in the way. Tell me Patrick who did Pete run to first when he couldn’t handle Ashlee cheating on him?”

“Me.” Patrick replied.

“Right, and who did Pete always run to when you were kids?”


“Exactly. Now what makes you think he isn’t waiting for you to come comfort him again?” William asked.

“Maybe the fact that he told me he never wanted to see me again.” Patrick was being sarcastic but a dull pain resounded through his body.

William made an annoyed sound. “Both of you are hopeless, he’s drinking away his sorrows and you’re being an unreasonable prick. Honestly both of you need to get a clue and grow up.” he stood angrily and brushed past Patrick. “I have to go pick up Gabe from the airport.”

“You guys still…you know.” Patrick asked.

“Yes.” William said curtly. “Unlike some people we actually have a mutual relationship. No matter what problems we face.” The door slammed.

“I’m not like you William.” Patrick mumbled to himself.


Pete was passed out on the floor when Patrick found him. Tears were in the corner of his eyes and Patrick couldn’t help but hug his unconscious friend. “Pete? Hey man you gotta wake up.”

Pete groaned and swatted at Patrick with his hands. His eyes opened and he gazed up dazedly at Patrick. Patrick picked him up and carried him to the bar. He noted that Pete had gotten lighter, obviously from lack of eating.

“Pete c’mon you have to help a little.” Patrick struggled to get him in a chair.

“Why should I?” he asked. “My life is useless. Leave me on the floor I’d rather be dead than live.” A loud slap resounded through the room. Pete’s hand touched his cheek.

“How could you say that? We’ve been through too much for you to give up now. You are not the same Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III I knew. Drinking until you pass out only to wake and drink more. Pete can’t you see what you’re doing to yourself?”

Pete’s eyes filled with tears. “How dare you say that to me. You’re the one who ruined my marriage.” he accused.

“I didn’t ruin your marriage, Ashlee did that.” Patrick sighed.

“Then how do you explain that night with Ashlee? How long had you both been seeing each other behind my back?”

“Pete she’s been cheating on you for two years. I’ve known the whole time but never said a word. You seemed happier that way. She and I never slept together, that night she came to my house and asked me to help her bring you back. I argued that I wouldn’t. She got mad and begged. So I gave in and agreed to get you over to my place so you both could talk it out. Whatever you decided though was your choice. She finally settled down and we sat in the living room until you got there. When we heard the door open I got up to greet you but she had grabbed me and pulled me to the couch. She sat down on my lap and started to undress, I pushed her off and you walked in.”

Pete shook his head. “No I don’t believe you. How could you lie like this?”

“Pete I’m not lying.” Patrick snapped. He grabbed Pete’s hands and held them in his own. “I’ve only ever wanted you. Please believe that this is the truth. I’m so in love with you it’s crazy.” He squeezed Pete’s hands lightly. “Please.”

“How can I know you aren’t lying? Ashlee cheated on me more than enough.”

Patrick pulled Pete’s hands to his chest, placing them over his heart. “You feel that Pete? That’s music you embedded in me. My heart is the kick drum to your love. It will only beat like this when I’m with you. People lie but this doesn’t.”

Pete sniffed and looked into Patrick’s eyes. “I’m sorry.” he whispered lightly. “I just can’t.”
“Oh, I see.” Patrick dropped Pete’s hands. He turned his back to face him. “I should go. I’m obviously no help to you anymore.”

“Patrick, don’t take it the wrong way. You need to understand where I’m coming from. I’m getting divorced, how would it look for me to show up out of the blue right after leaving Ashlee and be dating another man? What about Bronx? I need to take care of him too.” Pete looked at the ground. “What I said that night was true you know.”

“Then why?” Patrick spun around his hand flew to his chest it latched onto his jacket and squeezed. “Why can’t you give me a chance if you love me? Quit running away Pete because one of these days if you run too far I may not chase you. I’m tired of this game of cat and mouse. I’m giving you my everything and yet you accept nothing.”

Pete turned to look at Patrick. “Do you remember a certain song I wrote?” Pete asked smiling slightly. “I wrote it specifically for you, I don’t know if you ever noticed but it was G.I.N.A.S.F.S.”

“What about it.” Patrick was confused.

“That song is my feelings. I love everything about you that hurts, but I can’t be with you Patrick. I’m supposed to love you it’s in my soul to do so. However I can’t throw away my life just yet, I have to worry about my son first before myself.”

“So that’s it? You love me but you’re not willing to be with me?” Pete shook his head. “You’ll regret this choice one day Pete; this will be the last you ever see of me.” Patrick turned and left the bar.

He waited for a few seconds hoping Pete would chase after him. A minute later he rounded the corner and missed Pete running out to catch him from leaving. Pete stared at the lit street and wished he was a second faster.